Oz-Häftling Ryan O’Reily bekommt es mit einer besonderen Überraschung zu tun: Ein Besucher entlarvt pikante Details über seine Vergangenheit. Sein Bruder Cyril ahnt Schlimmes und sieht Ärger aufziehen.
Wick's family sues Oz for his death which was caused by the experimental drugs he took. This also means, Dr. Nathan's under investigation and could lose her job. Ryan gets a surprise visit... from his real mother. Howell tells Ryan their trysts are over and she threatens to move on to Cyril. Busmalis confesses to Rebadow that he's a virgin. Schillinger tells Carrie about Hank's death and she immediately goes into labor, delivering the baby in Oz's hospital. Beecher meets a lawyer who tells him his parole chances are decent as long as he stays out of trouble. So what does Beecher do'? He gets thrown in the hole for fighting with his new podmate. After a session with Sister Pete, Vahue decides he doesn't need her help, even though he really does. Hill questions Redding's decision to start eliminating prisoners and takes action. Deyell decides to donate his organs after he's executed. Tidd pays a heavy price for his new allegiance to Said.
O'Reily saa yllättävän vieraan. Mukadan ja Cloutierin välit kiristyvät. Schillinger joutuu kertomaan Carrielle ikävän uutisen Hankista.
La famille de Wick porte plainte contre la prison suite au décès de ce dernier. Le Dr Nathan fait donc l'objet d'une enquête... O'Reilly reçoit la visite surprise de sa mère. Schillinger annonce à Carrie la mort de Hank. Choquée, Carrie a des contractions et accouche à la prison...
יום חתונתו של בוסמאליס קרב, על ג'יילס לבחור את שיטת הוצאתו להורג ורובסון לא מוכן להמשיך לחכות לטיד שירצח את סעיד.
A família de Wick processa Oz pela sua morte, que foi provocada pelos medicamentos experimentais que tomou. Isso significa também que a Dra. Nathan está sob investigação e pode perder o emprego. Ryan tem uma visita surpresa... da sua mãe biológica. Howell diz a Ryan que os encontros amorosos entre eles acabaram e ameaça avançar para Cyril. Busmalis confessa a Rebadow que é virgem. Schillinger conta a Carrie a morte de Hank e esta entra imediatamente em trabalho de parto, dando à luz no hospital de Oz. Hill questiona a decisão de Redding de começar a eliminar prisioneiros e age. Tidd paga um pesado preço pela sua nova fidelidade a Said.
Бичер встречает адвоката. Раян получает неожиданное посещение... от его настоящей матери.
La familia de Wick pone una denuncia tras su muerte y la doctora Nathan es investigada por negligencia. Ryan O'Reily recibe la visita de una mujer que le da una noticia alarmante. La boda de Busmalis no sale como esperaba.
Wicks familj stämmer fängelset för hans död under medverkandet i de medicinska försöken, och dr Nathan utreds. Ryan O'Reily får ett besök av en kvinna som har skrämmande nyheter. Busmalis bröllopsdag går inte enligt planerna.