Tim McManus ruft einen vorläufigen Waffenstillstand zwischen den Häftlingsstreithähnen Burr Redding und Enrique Morales in Emerald City aus. Cyrils aktueller Wutausbruch ist der Beweis dafür, dass der Gipfel der Gewalt erreicht ist. Doch was geschieht mit ihm?
McManus returns from the hospital with an ultimatum for Redding and Morales. Redding tells Hill that he's finished with him after Hill tipped a guard off. Supreme meets with Pancamo and offers to set Hill up to kill Redding. Redding and his new cellmate "The Colonel" develop an delicate alliance. McManus still commits to helping White change, even after White stabbed him. Clayton Hughes, on an emotional rampage, kills Basil. Glynn's secretary discovers him drinking heavily and she decides to drive him home. Sister Pete arranges a phone call between Beecher and Keller after she sees Beecher saddened by Keller's absence. Schillinger meets his new granddaughter but then runs into a new inmate who makes Schillinger question whether or not the baby is really his granddaughter. Said goes to Cloutier and asks him to coerce a confession from Jenkins about Robson's part in the plan to have Tidd murdered. Although it works, Cloutier gets visited by Schillinger and the Aryans and told to stay out of their business.
McManus palaa sairaalasta Oziin. Supreme Allah yrittää saada Hillin tappamaan Reddingin. Hughes muuttuu yhä häiriintyneemmäksi.
McManus ordonne à Reding et Morales de faire une trêve. Basil reçoit la visite de sa femme. Soeur Pete organise un entretien téléphonique entre Beecher et Keller. Schillinger rencontre sa petite fille. Said demande à Cloutier de parler à l'homme qui a tué Tidd. Jenkins lui confesse que Robson l'a engagé pour tuer Said...
מקמנוס מכריח את רדינג ומוראלס להכריז על הפסקת אש, טרוריסט אירי מגיע לאוז וסיריל שוב הולך מכות ופוגע באסיר.
McManus regressa do hospital com um ultimato para Redding e Morales. Redding diz a Hill que está farto dele depois de Hill ter avisado um guarda. Supreme encontra-se com Pancamo e oferece-se para pôr Hill a matar Redding. Redding e o seu novo colega de cela, "O Coronel", desenvolvem uma aliança delicada. McManus continua apostado em ajudar White a mudar, mesmo depois de White o ter esfaqueado. Clayton Hughes, num tumulto emocional, mata Basil. Sair vai ter com Cloutier e pede-lhe que force uma confissão de Jenkins sobre a parte de Robson no plano para assassinar Tidd.
Сестра Пит устраивает телефонный звонок между Бичером и Келлером после того, как она видит Бичера, опечаленного отсутствием Келлера.
McManus pide una tregua entre Redding y Morales y reta a Jackson Vahue a un partido de baloncesto. McManus y Brass juegan contra Vahue y Busmalis. Kathy McClain continúa trabajando en la vista para la libertad condicional de Beecher.
McManus vill ha vapenvila mellan Redding och Morales och experimenterar med stämningen på avdelningen genom att utmana Jackson Vahue till en basketturnering med McManus och Brass mot Vahue och Busmalis. Kathy McClain går vidare med Beechers frigivning.