Both Joseph and Lindsey meet Joseph's long lost siblings. They visit a restaurant at 1729 Plot Street and they go home to watch Love Birds.
Joseph, Lindsey, Gabrielle, Abigail and T.Q. watch the love birds show, but their relatives and their teachers appear on - TV - Claude watched the show in Joseph's room.
A skeleton named Donny visits Joseph's house and something goes wrong, lemme just say Donny knows how to fight.
T.Q. has just been arrested for speeding, and he wants to get outta prison. He finds a way out.
Joseph meets a dinosaur named Jeremy and he has the ability to disappear and reappear.
Someone named William loses his house because he hasn't paid his house payments. His lawyer named Justin evicts him out of his house.
Joseph meets Hermine, the girl who was kicking his seat at the Plotagon City Movie Theater. Hermine keeps mimicking him, and it was getting on his nerves.
Both Joseph and Lindsey meet the Anderson family, someone makes friends with Joseph.
Lindsey and Joseph both plan to stay the night at the Caillou family's house.
Joseph meets Caillou's siblings for the first time, and they introduce theirselves.
Joseph and the rest of the gang including Jeremy watch the Love Birds show, again.
Joseph and Lindsey find an astronaut that doesn't talk, also finding a big mess in the living room.
Jeremy finds two robots that used to be a couple. Randall the robot and Wanda the female android are fighting and Jeremy tries to get them back together.
The robots from last episode are using the house computer to test if a virus can be deleted.
Joseph, Claude, Lindsey and more are dealing with a computer virus called the RAIVirus, and now starts to spread through computers.
Caillou, Joseph, and Lindsey meet a superhero named Basher, who doesn't talk much. They start introducing themselves to him. But things are getting a little bit awkward.
Joseph and Lindsey visit a rundown hideout called 'The Secret Hideout' and explore the hideout. But they are starting to dislike it because of the smell and how it's rundown.
Joseph and Lindsey encounters Joseph's ex-girlfriend Beryl and a guy named Jayson, but doesn't want to talk to her because of what she did two years ago.
Lindsey's mom and dad Connie and Jonathan receives a million dollars from the show Love Birds because they appeared on the show.
Joseph and Lindsey's relationship money literally disappears out of nowhere. Avery realizes that a loaf of bread in a grocery store costs $100.
Joseph and Lindsey watch the Love Birds show for the third time, but by their selves this time.
Another android robot named Arthur keeps leaving Wanda the Android without her knowing and wants to become a better and a perfect brother. Joseph then helps Arthur become the perfect brother.
People are forgetting things they're supposed to do today. You won't believe what Abigail 'forgot' to do!
Because Basher is a serious superhero, he has serious things to do, but this time, saving the day isn't one of them.
Joseph and Lindsey has to take care of a spoiled child named Oliver and they do not like him because he is too spoiled.
Joseph has something to tell Beryl, and Beryl wasn't happy when she got the news because she ended up going to jail.
TQ has a girlfriend named Eleanor and she is planning to visit him since he hasn't seen her in a while.
The astronaut has something to tell Joseph and it's very surprising and also confusing..
Joseph and Abigail spill some tea involving Abigail's ex-boyfriend named Jeffrey and someone named George, the person Jeffrey went out with.
At the Plotagon Café, Joseph encounters a child following him everywhere and he hates that the kid is doing it.
In part 2, Joseph is trying to look for the kid's parents because he is tired of him following him. After, the kid is sent somewhere accidentally, or probably on purpose.
Two girls have asked Joseph to be their boyfriend, but Joseph himself is dating Lindsey and cannot accept their date request.
The two girls that asked Joseph out to go on a date are now following him everywhere he goes and he dislikes that they are doing this!
Joseph and Lindsey are ready to visit Beryl, who was sent to jail a week ago after not following the restraining order Joseph filed against her.
Joseph meets a girl named Jasmine who wants to be his best friend, knowing he doesn't know her.
Because people are resurrecting from the dead, Plotagon City is under a zombie apocalypse and Joseph and Lindsey are trying to defeat the zombies.
Joseph and Lindsey meet a talking mannequin named Angélique and she feels like she is welcome because everyone's nice to her.
Joseph encounters Ulysses, the person who has killed nine people yesterday, and he was not even surprised to see him.
Lindsey meets a someone pretending to be her while she is shopping for some new shoes at a fashion boutique.
A random girl wants to be Joseph's girlfriend, but Joseph refuses because he's with Lindsey. The girl claims that she can be Joseph's girlfriend and Lindsey can be too, while Joseph says that that's not how it goes.
Because Lindsey kicked Hanna out of Joseph's house, Hanna is refrained from seeing him. But she thinks that Lindsey won't stop her from visiting Joseph!
Beryl has created havoc in Plot County Jail by escaping from it, and is trying to confess her love to Joseph, leaving her to know it's not working.
Joseph & Lindsey meet goths named Noah and Rebekah, an emo couple that were on the Love Birds show.
Joseph is angry because Beryl has been bailed out of jail, and she won't stop texting him, bragging about her getting out of jail.
After Joseph ignored Beryl while she was texting her, she went over to Joseph's and started telling lies about Lindsey.
Joseph becomes a contestant at a game show, but is getting really angry because the correct answers turn out to be the wrong answers.
Joseph, Lindsey & Claude meet Jeremy's girlfriend named Mandy, who is also a dinosaur and they are planning to go on a date on Valentine's Day tomorrow.
Waiters, waitresses and managers are hiring people in a restaurant called Green Curry Plotagon. A woman working there forces Joseph & Lindsey to get a job as a waiter and waitress, knowing they didn't apply for a job.
Joseph, Lindsey, Basher, Claude, and the rest of the crew are getting ready to go to the moon.
Joseph, Lindsey, and the crew arrived at the moon, and most of the crew are unsure about it.
Joseph catches Wayne's girlfriend named Sabrina cheating on Wayne with his brother named B.J. and Joseph and Wayne are upset.
Because of his exquisite and excellent cooking, Joseph has been hired to become a chef at a diner called DaDa's diner.
Lindsey and Beryl are fighting over who is Joseph's girlfriend, but Joseph starts getting agitated and tries to break up the fight.
William is asking Joseph, Lindsey, and T.Q. for money, leaving him to know that they're not lending him any money.
While working, Wayne encounters a Karen at a local grocery store, who is being kind of a drama queen.
The Karen in the last episode is placed in prison and is sentenced to 5 years after lying to Officer Smith about Wayne hitting and throwing an object at her.
Beryl is tired of being lonely, and tries to get back with Joseph with some help.
Michelle the police officer is accusing Arthur for a crime he didn't commit and he is furious about it.
Realizing that she arrested the wrong person, officer Michelle Way releases, or bails Arthur out of jail, leaving him excited to go home.
Joseph tells a short story on how Claude went from being his long lost brother to just his brother.
Beryl is being annoying to Joseph and he hates that she is doing this to him.
Wanda makes an unexpected move on Jeremy and it could lead to an end of Jeremy & Randall's friendship, Wanda & Randall's relationship, and Jeremy & Mandy's relationship.
After doing the unthinkable to Jeremy, Wanda is worried because Jeremy told Randall what she did and it led to the unfortunate end of Wanda and Randall's relationship.
It is cold in Plotagon City, and it starts to get more colder because of the wind, causing it to feel like the temperature's below freezing.
Beryl keeps begging for Joseph to give her a second chance, knowing he isn't giving her one.
Joseph is tired of Beryl knocking on the door, trying her hardest to break Joseph and Lindsey up, saying that he loves her more than Lindsey.
Lyndon and Hannah both go on a date together at the Green Curry Plotagon Restaurant, but people are turning out to be weird.
People are thinking Lyndon and Hannah are going to kill them. Without causing a massacre, both Hannah and Lyndon tell them they aren't trying to.
Mostly everyone in Joseph's crew is showing favoritism to Beryl. She is possibly referred to as a mad woman to people.
Randall and Joseph encounter a channel on TV called Channel 19, and rumor has it that something bad will happen.
Randall realizes the channel he and Joseph watched was actually supposed to be a false alarm, meaning the channel was accidentally released on TV.
Beryl is trying her hardest once again to break Joseph and Lindsey up, making excuses and telling more lies about Lindsey.
Beryl thinks she knows everything about Joseph, only to realize that she is wrong.
Basher, now a popular superhero, has a team full of his relatives and his girlfriend.
After being away for a week, Wanda decides to move from Plot Benning to Plotagon City.
Jeremy thinks that Beryl is being such a stalker stalking Joseph and refers to her as an oddball.
Joseph and Jeremy wants to protect the house from Beryl because they are tired of her visiting Joseph, trying to win him back.
After agreeing that he and Jeremy are going to be bodyguards, Joseph gets everything ready for guarding the house.
Joseph & Lindsey both decide it's time to kill Beryl. But considering being bodyguards, Joseph and Jeremy might do the job on their own.
While Jeremy is arguing with Beryl, Joseph brings an explosive outside and kills Beryl, kinda.
After Joseph attempted to kill Beryl, she gets out of the hospital, with Lindsey, Joseph, and Jeremy saying she looks more ugly.
Wayne's girlfriend named Wendy leaves him because she thought he was cheating on him with another woman, who is said to be Wayne's sister.
After four months of searching for Beryl, police have finally caught her after she escaped, and Joseph and Lindsey are proud.
William lays eyes on a woman named Penelope, who happens to be Joseph’s step-sister, and tries to ask her out on a date.
Wayne gets a new job as a worker at the Plotagon tech store, but something goes wrong when he encounters his first customer.
Beryl has escaped from jail once again. She visits Joseph at the Plotagon Restaurant to try to get back with him, but she encounters Carrie and Lindsey and things obviously don't go well.
Lindsey and Beryl fight once again, but this time, instead of fighting at Joseph's home, they fight at the Plotagon Café.
Wayne encounters another Karen, but this time, the Karen asks him for a phone that doesn't exist, which gets him very angry.
While outside, Gabrielle meets a friendly ghost who goes by the name of Kate, being one of the only two ghosts in Plotagon City.
Randall, Jeremy, and T.Q. meet Kate the ghost, one of the ghost in Plotagon City, and they get spooked at first when they first meet her.
Keith, Kate's ghost brother, visits Joseph's house and is a big fan of him and his girlfriend Lindsey, also being excited to see them.
Claude is getting slapped by Kate the ghost and he thinks it's someone else hitting him and he gets irritated.
Claude meets Kate after he claims to Joseph that ghosts don't exist in Plotagon City, little did he know, he was proved wrong.
After meeting Keith the ghost, Gabrielle and Basher both realize that there are now two ghosts in town.
Beryl is attempting to try her relationship again with Joseph, and people feel it was her fault that Joseph left her two years ago, which is true, but Beryl argues otherwise, stating she never intended to cheat on him, with others saying it's her problem.
After a conflict arose between Boris and Doris in the Anderson family, the family excluding Boris was forced to leave, with them requesting Joseph to remain at his home for a while.
Boris and Doris are still in the same predicament, but things start to become intense when they give Joseph and Lindsey their side of the story.
Rosie is startled because the two ghosts, Kate and Keith, have appeared in Joseph's room, which Rosie was in at the time.
After their unfortunate predicament, Joseph tells Boris and Doris that they can't communicate to each other for the time being until they've both 'gotten over it.'
Boris and Doris have officially separated after both signing the divorce papers, also putting an unfortunate end to their 17-year marriage.
Lindsey wants to know when Boris and Doris will resume their relationship following their scenario, and she decides to question them tomorrow, despite Joseph's warning.
Boris is interrogated for a crime he didn't commit, nearly resulting in his arrest due to Doris.
As a result of Doris going too far by almost getting Boris jailed, he wants to go even farther by threatening to hit her.
To determine who gets custody of Boris and Doris' children and who receives the rest of their assets, there is a divorce agreement.
Wayne and Jeremy work on their own to assist Boris with his continuing issue with Doris.
Boris' house has been broken into, and the majority of the house has been destroyed. Boris believes Doris is to blame for the shambles because of her hate for him.
Officer Tariq Pierce claims that other policemen allowed him to let Doris go with a warning after she committed arson by attempting to burn down Boris' house. Boris felt enraged when he received the news.
Doris ultimately decides to apologize to Boris for her disorderly conduct, but she is uncertain about how to express it.
Doris expresses her heartfelt apology to Boris and hopes that they will be able to reconcile after their situation.
Boris and Doris get back together after they have both gotten over the situation they have had.
Erika, a girl who knows both Joseph and Lindsey, has a thing for Joseph, which annoys Lindsey mildly.
Erika reveals to Joseph that she has a crush on him, despite the fact that he is much older than she is.
Randall is confused as to why, despite Doris' wrongdoings, Boris accepted Doris' apologies.
Richard has been involved in a car crash, and an entitled Karen is claimed to have caused the accident by deliberately ramming into his car.
Officer Tariq Pierce interrogates Karen, the woman who crashed Richard's car. She makes falsehoods and is arrested as a consequence.
In a hidden room in Joseph's house, Joseph and Lindsey both find a time machine.
Because Joseph feels the time machine is lacking a functionality, he and Lindsey work to enhance it.
Cindy, a woman who happens to know Joseph, likes him and wants to date him, despite the fact that he is already dating Lindsey.
Joseph doesn't want anybody to know about his time machine from high school, save for Claude, Jeremy, Basher, and Lindsey, so he tells them to keep it a secret.
William seeks to discover Joseph's secret by persuading him to reveal it to him, but Joseph refuses.
Joseph allows Jeremy to travel to the future, only for Jeremy to realize that everything from the future appears precisely like everything in the past, which puzzles and frustrates Jeremy.
Lyndon finds out that Joseph has a time machine and uses it to travel to the future.
Lyndon uses Joseph's time machine to travel to the future, only to face the same issue as Jeremy.
Oliver is back and he is once again spoilt; this time, he wants to know what Joseph's secret is, but Joseph refuses to disclose it.
Gabrielle inadvertently presses a button on Joseph's time machine system, causing it to show an error.
Joseph's computer toolbox for his time machine has mysteriously vanished, and he suspects it was misplaced. He and Jeremy search for it.
Carrie had assured Lindsey that she will not reveal Joseph's secret to anybody.
Jeremy travels across time to discover what it was like to ask Mandy out on a date.
Kelsey, Joseph's biggest supporter, approaches him and requests for his signature.
Avery's mother is in debt, and she insists that Avery find employment so that he can make her pay off her debt. Avery starts searching for a job.
Avery wants to work at Plotant after being fired from Joe's for no explicable reason, so he can help his mother pay off her debt.
William accuses Kristen of stealing his money from his wallet, which leads to an altercation. Kristen wants to get away from him and stay with Joseph and his crew.
William and Kristen both show their animosity for one other as a result of their nonsensical quarrels.
Following their dispute, William threatens to file a restraining order against his sister Kristen.
After their argument, William is compelled to apologize to Kristen. Kristen refuses to accept it once he does since she no longer trusts him.
Kristen is advised by Joseph and Claude not to speak to William until they have resolved their differences, which is the same strategy Joseph used to resolve Boris and Doris' problem.
Lindsey believes William will threaten Kristen with harm or perhaps murder. With Joseph's aid, William has lost his desire to do so.
When Joseph goes to Green Curry Plotagon, he is not provided what he has requested and so does not receive decent restaurant service.
Lindsey wakes Joseph up at 2 a.m., informing him about William's request for unnecessary assistance, which irritates Joseph.
Although William chooses to apologize to Kristen, Joseph, Lindsey, and Claude believe it is pointless since he is already focused on not interacting with her.
Kristen begins to consider accepting William's apologies after Joseph discloses it to her and after William had spoken some hurtful things about her.
Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the gang are getting in the Halloween spirit early, and they've all been invited to a Halloween birthday celebration.
Gabrielle and Abigail go trick-or-treating early on, only for things to go awry when something frightening happens.
Two more mysterious killings have occurred on Plotagon Road, and the search for the murderer is still on.
Officers are still on the lookout for the assassin who killed yet another individual.
Eddie, a boy abducted by the Halloween murderer, is being searched by police, along with the murderer.
The hunt for the killer, dubbed "The Halloween Killer," and the abducted Eddie Jr. is continuing.
The Halloween Killer has slain a greater number of victims than normal, and the authorities are still hunting for him.
The Halloween Killer is abducting an absurd number of children, and authorities are still on the lookout for him.
The Halloween Killer is alleged to have summoned a clone of himself known as The Halloween Killer #2, and authorities are searching for the both of them.
The Halloween Killer has been apprehended and arrested by authorities. Plotagon City has returned to normal since he was apprehended and his clone was murdered.
The exact name of The Halloween Killer was just recently revealed to the public by authorities after he was captured.
Claude has discovered that The Halloween Killer was his middle school closest friend, and he wants to pay him a visit.
Claude is still The Halloween Killer's friend, despite the fact that The Halloween Killer has committed several mistakes.
When Jeremy's dinosaur siblings come to town, they become friends with Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the gang.
Joseph has consented to let Jeremy's siblings stay at his house after Lindsey asked him to.
Jerald, one of Jeremy's siblings, arrives to Joseph's residence. T.Q. does not expect him to pay him a visit.
Someone has stolen all of Joseph's money and he wants to find out who stole it.
Joseph discovers the individual who has taken all of Joseph's $1500 from his suitcase, which is currently being secured.
Victoria is unsure where she will sleep now that his brother Johnny has taken her usual sleeping spot.
Heaven suspects her brother Johnny has stolen her phone, which she had left in the same room as him.
Heaven realizes her phone is shattered after discovering it. Victoria has shattered it, but she refuses to admit it to her.
Heaven takes the wheel for the first time with Jeremy, but things don't go as planned.
Heaven accidentally wrecks Claude's vehicle while testing it. Claude was unsurprised when he learned of the news concerning his car.
Hannah believes Lyndon is cheating on her with his cousin, and Hannah and Lyndon have stopped their relationship as a result of her suspicions.
Lyndon seeks guidance from Claude and Joseph in order to rekindle his relationship with Hannah.
Melissa, a young woman, has a crush on Lyndon, but she is too young for him.
Claude, Joseph, and Lindsey are attempting to assist Lyndon in moving on from Hannah and finding a new date that is his type in order to cheer him up.
Claude and Joseph are looking for a date for Lyndon to help him move on from Hannah, but all of the ladies they come across are either too young or already taken.
Lyndon eventually meets a lady he likes after hours and days of hunting for a date to help him overcome his depression.
It's Gabrielle and Abigail's 17th birthday today, but they can't think of anything to do with it, and it's beginning to become dull.
Hannah wants to make amends with Lyndon and rekindle her relationship with him.
Hannah must complete the rest of A.J.'s job at Green Curry Plotagon, which is straightforward, in order for A.J. to return Lyndon to Hannah.
Today is Hannah's first day at Green Curry Plotagon since A.J. assigned her to the position for the rest of the day.
After Hannah completed her one-day work at Green Curry Plotagon flawlessly, A.J. has chosen to return Lyndon to her.
According to the news, all of Plotagon City's Thanksgiving and other food has been poisoned. It is strongly encouraged that no one eats the poisoned food.
The non-poisoned pumpkin pie is now being advertised on social media at Joseph's residence, and people are lining up to have a piece.
When T.Q. notices that the pumpkin pie Lindsey brought is missing, he asks Joseph what happened to it, as T.Q. has no idea.
Because of the poison on the meals, eateries that serve them have been compelled to close due to the risk of tainted food.
Wayne will now be jobless for a time since Plotant, his workplace, is closed because of the recent problem with the toxin in foods.
All of the poison in the meals in Plotagon City and Plot Benning has been removed.
Everything is back to normal now that the poison has been eradicated from all meals in Plotagon City and Plot Benning.
Joseph and Lindsey are preparing for the holidays and intend to do Christmas shopping.
The Christmas tree is revealed to be old, and it may be replaced with something much newer, but Joseph says that the one he and Lindsey have is fine.
Lindsey has Joseph volunteer to be Santa in order to make the kids happy, but it doesn't go well on his first try.
Joseph and Lindsey are out to the store once more, this time to get some Christmas cookies.
The Christmas cookies Joseph and Lindsey brought have already been devoured. Joseph has purchased a third bag of Christmas cookies in secret, hidden it, and Van promised him that he will not tell anybody where the bag is.
Cameron and Isaias, two of Van's childhood best friends, pay him a surprise visit.
Someone broke into Joseph's house while he was sleeping. He then proceeds to investigate the incident.
By threatening to murder the burglar who tried to steal stuff from his house overnight, Joseph was able to quickly get rid of him.
Judith, a waitress at Joe's, has a crush on Van, but she continues to flirt with him after he declines her date request, which bothers him.
Caillou, Rosie, Emily, and Cody had to remain at Joseph's apartment for three days when their mother, father, and siblings traveled to Plotington to see their grandparents.
Caillou tells Van and T.Q. about his parents and siblings' journey to Plotington to see his grandparents.
William keeps bugging Joseph by banging on his door at almost one a.m. for no apparent reason.
Tariq's ex-girlfriend accused him of infidelity, resulting in the breakup of their relationship. He has, however, found a new girlfriend since then.
Winter is approaching, according to Joseph, but it feels like it has already begun because it is so cold in Plotagon City.
Illtyd's girlfriend, Marjorie, is far too pampered and haughty, and when Marjorie decides that her relationship with Illtyd should stop, Illtyd has consented to terminate it as well.
Marjorie, Illtyd's now ex-girlfriend, wishes to apologize to him for her conduct, but Claude believes that Marjorie's apology will not fix any of their problems.
Illtyd informs Marjorie that apologizing won't solve any of their problems, which is exactly what Claude warned her.
A young woman named Julia treats Jayson and Joseph properly and with kindness, but she does not do the same for Frederick and Lindsey, whom Julia somehow detest.
Because Illanipey is spotted texting, calling, and meeting up with other women friends, his insecure girlfriend Mariah believes he is cheating on her.
Jeremy, Van, and the rest of the gang, including Joseph and Lindsey, meet Robert, a young teenage elf who is thought to have ran away from his home.
Claude has noticed that Avery and Lyndale look like they are the same person because they closely resemble each other.
People expected excellent gifts and positive reactions from others this Christmas, but however, things did not turn out as expected.
Lyndale alters his appearance by dyeing his hair green in order to distinguish himself from Avery, who is confirmed to be Lyndale's elder brother.
Because dangerous items have been discovered in Christmas trees and Christmas sweaters, they have been recalled.
Today is William's 20th birthday, and he expects gifts from everyone he knows. However, some people do not give him what he wants because of their disdain for him.
The same robber who attempted to rob Joseph a few weeks previously attempted to rob Claude's car but was caught by Joseph.
Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the team are making New Year's resolutions to complete what they haven't done or to improve on what they have done.
Lindsey was ready to start cooking when Joseph's oven caught fire, which both Lindsey and Van noticed.
Tomorrow is the year 2022, and Joseph and Lindsey are deciding whether to watch the ball drop or organize a great party to commemorate the occasion.
Today is both New Year's Day and Cameron's 31st birthday, so his friends, including Joseph and Lindsey, surprise him with gifts to celebrate.
Since William isn't handing them the money, Joseph commits a robbery and steals the money William owes him and Lindsey.
When William discovers that Joseph robbed him since he did not give him his money, he confronts him and accuses him of stealing, but Joseph denies it.
Following Joseph's robbery, William is now threatening to rob him in order to settle the score, however most people would think William robbing Joseph is needless.
William tries to rob Joseph but is caught by Claude, Jeremy, and Van before he can do so.
After William had gotten beat up by Claude, Jeremy and Van for attempting to rob Joseph's house, Kristen pokes fun at him and tells him he shouldn't have tried robbing Joseph.
Carrie has chosen to leave the Plotagon Café since she is being treated unfairly by everyone there.
Carrie left her work at The Plotagon Café, and everyone was shocked to learn of her decision, claiming that she shouldn't have quit because she is the only employee in the café.
Because she realized her job at The Plotagon Café was her highest-paying job, Carrie is now back to working at that place.
Joseph and the rest of the gang noticed that The Plotagon Café is getting less good ratings than bad ratings, and they do not know why.
Carrie encounters J.P., a young boy who is flirting with her, which makes her uneasy.
Carrie encounters a young Karen who claims there is spicy sauce in her drink, which Carrie denies, but she does not trust her.
Carrie is reconsidering her decision to leave The Plotagon Café, citing the increasing number of negative reviews as well as the nasty clients.
Carrie encounters Karen Number 6, the twin sister of Karen Number 5, the Karen she met the day before, and she turns out to be somewhat worse than Karen Number 5, which annoys Carrie.
The ratings in The Plotagon Café have improved, as Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the crew have noted.
Carrie informs Joseph that The Plotagon Café is receiving more positive ratings like it was last time.
Cameron's brother, Percy, is paying a visit to Cameron and his buddies in town.
Perry, Percy's elder twin brother, will be paying him, Cameron, and his friends a visit.
The Plotagon Café is nearing five stars, according to Joseph, Lindsey, and the team, and they believe it will be five stars by the end of this week.
As Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the employees, including Carrie, have noted, The Plotagon Café has now attained five stars.
Arthur returned to Plotagon City two days after his sister Wanda did, after spending some time in Plot Benning.
Joseph meets Madeline, Lyndon's sister, who is eager to see her brother as they haven't seen each other in a long time.
Joseph meets Aubrey, another of Lyndon's brothers who is excited to see his big brother. However, some people mistakenly refer to him as Audrey.
Joseph meets another of Lyndon's brothers, Ezequiel, nicknamed Zeke, who is also ready to see his brother Lyndon and his other siblings.
Rene, another of Lyndon's siblings, traveled to Plotagon City from Plot Benning to see Joseph, Lindsey, and the crew, including Lyndon and his siblings.
Audrey, Aubrey's twin sister, visit her siblings in Plotagon City. However, due to their uncanny likeness, some people may mistake her for Aubrey.
Lyndon's sister, Brittney, pays a visit to Plotagon City to meet Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the crew, including Lyndon and his siblings, and she is the last of Lyndon's siblings.
Lyndon's long-lost brother, William Jr., pays him a visit after nearly two years of not seeing him.
After it was discovered that Lyndon had not seen his long-lost brother William Jr. since he moved in, he sees him.
Claude encounters Lucille, a girl who claims to be Lyndon's sister, but others suspect she's lying; nonetheless, it turns out she's Lyndon's adopted sister.
Lyndon's second adoptive human sister, Gianna, pays a visit to Lyndon, Lucille, and her alien siblings, and everything is well.
Wayne confesses to Avery that he has a hidden crush on Marie, his best friend, but encourages him and the rest of the team to keep it a secret.
Most people aren't surprised when Joseph, Claude and the team find that Wayne and Marie are dating.
After it was revealed that Wayne and Marie had a thing for one other, it has now been verified that they are dating.
Joseph and Lindsey are getting set to meet Wayne and Marie for a double date.
When William learns that Wayne and Marie are dating, he is enraged and envious of their relationship because he liked Marie.
William attempts all he can to ruin Wayne and Marie's relationship by lying to Marie about Wayne, but Joseph, Isaias, and Cameron think it's an awful plan.
William attempts again again to split Marie and Wayne apart by telling Wayne additional falsehoods about Marie, but he is unsuccessful.
William tries for the third time after failing the previous two times to break Wayne and Marie up, only to fail yet again.
Someone has stolen Marie's necklace, and she believes Wayne took it since he believes he has admitted it, but he denies it.
Marie's necklace has been located after much searching, and Claude has discovered the person who stole it in secret.
Wayne feels uneasy because a woman named Anna is flirting with him, despite the fact that he has a girlfriend and is too old for her.
Marie runs into Anna, the lady who had been flirting with Wayne and is still infatuated with him. Things start to get a bit heated when they meet.
William is devastated when Anna rejects him after he declares his love for her despite her preference for Wayne.
Today is Valentine's Day, and some people, like William, are looking for Valentines. Despite Anna's rejection, he continues to fall in love with her, which irritates her.
William continues to flirt with Anna despite the fact that she likes Wayne, which according to her, he fails to understand, and he continues to flirt with her, which irritates her immensely.
William is clueless about Anna's whereabouts and inquires of everyone. Even though everyone knows she's in Joseph's house, no one tells William.
When William continues to flirt with Anna and this time starts talking about committing physical intercourse, Anna is disgusted and furious.
After Anna needed a bodyguard to get away from William, Cameron hired Jarrett to be her bodyguard.
After being beaten up by Jarrett after telling him he wants to fight him, William admits he was joking when he realizes Jarrett can force choke him.
William feels Anna wants him and that she is concealing her affections for him while she is not.
Anna decides to pull a prank on William by confessing her emotions for him and her desire to date him.
William has tried all he can to make Anna like him, but so far he has been unsuccessful.
Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the team, including Anna, resolve to halt William's bizarre and flirty conduct towards Anna, but they don't sure how to do it since telling William will make him not understand, but it may help him understand more.
Carmen, Claude's high school friend, has a crush on him, despite the fact that Claude has a girlfriend.
William meets Carmen and starts flirting with her, which makes Carmen uncomfortable and frustrates Cameron, Wayne, Richard, and pretty much everyone else.
Despite the fact that Carmen has rejected him, William continues to flirt with her, which irritates her.
William promises that he will go to any length to have Carmen as his girlfriend, but Carmen is unconvinced.
T.Q. and Van are celebrating their 34th birthdays today or tomorrow, so they're planning a party at Joseph's house with everyone except William invited.
Miranda, Claude's girlfriend, is traveling to Plotagon City from Plot Benning to see her boyfriend Claude, his siblings and his best friends.
When Miranda and Carmen meet, things quickly escalate once Miranda discovers Carmen has a crush on Claude.
William is falling in love with Miranda and is still in love with Carmen, which makes them both uncomfortable.
Miranda informs William that she is already in love with Claude, making William envious and resentful because he likes Miranda.
Claude has decided to have two girlfriends, thus he will accept Carmen's date request while maintaining his relationship with Miranda.
Most people consider Claude is lucky since he now has two girlfriends, and he has later admitted that he is lucky himself.
William has confided to Joseph and Richard that he is jealous of Claude since he is dating Carmen and Miranda, the two girls he loved.
William develops a scheme to get Claude to split up with Carmen and Miranda by alerting him of false information about them, but Claude is unconvinced.
As Miranda has requested, Claude must pick between Carmen and Miranda as the better girlfriend.
William tries to convince Carmen and Miranda that Kristen is his girlfriend, but Miranda recognizes her as William's sister.
After failing to get Carmen to become his girlfriend, William attempts unsuccessfully to persuade Miranda to become his girlfriend.
Claude beats up William after he refused to listen to Claude's request that he not talk to or approach Carmen or Miranda.
William urges Miranda to break up with Claude so that he can have her as his girlfriend, but it doesn't work out.
According to Joseph and some others, telling William to quit flirting with Miranda won't work because he doesn't listen.
Miranda is advised by Joseph to ignore William so she won't have to deal with him, and when William discovers, he becomes enraged.
William ultimately admits that he can't convince Miranda or Carmen to be his girlfriends and decides to give up.
Today is Avery's 34th birthday, and he has big preparations for the celebration.
One of Avery's long-time friends, Courtney, reveals to him her affections for him.
Avery, Courtney, and the rest of the crew, including Lindsey, are advised by Joseph not to tell William that Avery and Courtney are dating since William will become envious.
Avery and Courtney are getting ready for their date at The Plotagon Café, and the gang wishes them luck.
When William arrives at Joseph's residence, Avery and the team ensure Miranda keeps away from him.
When William meets Courtney, he begins to flirt with her, which makes her uncomfortable.
Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the crew don't believe William when he claims that Courtney has broken up with Avery for him, so they pretend to believe him so he can stop bothering them.
William continues to upset Courtney by flirting with her. He doesn't stop when she orders him to, much to her astonishment.
Avery, Joseph, and virtually everyone beats up William to urge him to quit flirting with Courtney, and he may have been gravely hurt as a result of the fight.
After being beaten up by Avery, Joseph, and almost the entire crew, William is unable to convince Courtney to be his girlfriend.
Courtney tried to kiss Avery's brother Lyndale, meaning that she was cheating on him, which enraged Avery and the rest of the team.
The entire team believes Avery did the right thing by breaking up with Courtney after she tried to hook up with his brother Lyndale.
Courtney requests a second chance from Avery, which Joseph and the rest of the team believe is a poor idea.
Courtney is seeking for a boyfriend, but the rest of the team believes she doesn't deserve one after what she did to Avery.
Courtney wants to return to Joseph's, but after what she did to Avery, neither Joseph nor the rest of the crew would allow her.
William believes he has a chance to date Courtney now that she is single, but she tells him he still can't have her.
Courtney believes she and Peyton are in a relationship when, in reality, they are not.
Courtney isn't permitted to have a boyfriend, so she doesn't want anybody to know she's dating Avery's cousin Leonardo.
Richard's 34th birthday is today, and most of his friends are planned on getting him something special.
Leonardo finds himself a new girlfriend named Lia not long after breaking up with Courtney.
Chickens appear in Plotagon City, much to Joseph's and the rest of the crew's amazement.
Astro, a red chicken, comes to Plotagon City to be with his brothers and friends.
Jayda the chicken becomes a teenage mother after laying an abnormally medium-sized egg.
Jayda's egg has gone missing, and most people believe William took it because he appeared suspicious when questioned about it.
Since William falsely says he did not steal Jayda's egg, Richard shows him video footage of William taking the egg.
Jayda becomes depressed after Lyndale informs her that her soon-to-be child has died.
After William murdered her unborn child, Jayda expresses her contempt for him.
D.J., a multicolored chicken, visits Plotagon City to see his chicken pals.
Avery, Lyndale, Jayda, and Veronica had all been in a bad car accident, but everyone is okay except Veronica, who Lyndale, Avery, and Jayda, as well as the rest of the crew, are hoping will survive.
Veronica died in the car accident she was in yesterday, and the entire team is devastated. They have informed those who are unaware of her death.
Today is Easter, and Joseph and Lindsey are shopping for Easter items as well as Veronica's funeral arrangements.
Jerrod chooses to seek a job at DaDa's diner after being denied for a job at The Plotagon Café because he is a chicken.
Richard is irritated by a Karen who follows him with her dog, and she subsequently does the same to Cameron.
Karen returns with a new dog named Charlie and attempts to enter restaurants and businesses, only to discover that she is obliged to let Charlie go.
Karen's dogs, Milo and Charlie, have transformed into humans and fled from her home, causing Karen distress.
Karen develops a crush on Frederick, and they begin dating soon after, making Frederick Karen's first boyfriend.
Today is Claude's 28th birthday, and the entire crew is arranging a buffet with 30 people at Green Curry Plotagon.
Milo and Charlie appear to Karen in their human forms after a two-day absence, but she doesn't recognize them.
Milo and Charlie, who were formerly dogs but have now developed into people and are older than Karen, are no longer her property, although she believes differently.
Karen's dog, Sophia, has ran away from Karen after drinking a juice that changed her into a person, and she subsequently becomes Milo's girlfriend since she finds him attractive.
Officer Smith begs Tariq to become a substitute teacher since he has taken a week off from being a police officer.
Tariq gets hired as a substitute teacher for a small high school class, which includes Officer Smith's sister, who is a great admirer of his.
Tariq reconnects with his mother, Andrea, who pays a visit to Plotagon City to see him after a long time.
Blake is beginning to develop feelings for Tariq, but she is far too young for him.
Tariq is 36 today, and he wants to consider about quitting his work as a substitute teacher for his birthday.
Tariq meets a young man named Adam, who is constantly accusing people of doing things they didn't do for no reason.
Tariq quits his position as a substitute teacher after only a week on the job, which saddens the students.
Minelli and Peyton both have birthdays today, and Peyton surprises Minelli with a birthday gift.
The watermark in the upper right of the screen prevents access to most scenes, which perplexes the team.
Trevor, a nerdy kid, is getting on everyone's nerves and causing them headaches.
Chase is obnoxious by listening in on people's discussions and being too inquisitive.
Serena, a girl in school, is always getting into mischief and bullying others.
Josh, a child, believes he's popular by acting cool, but in truth, everyone thinks he's pathetic.
Blake develops feelings for John and the two begin dating, but the rest of the team is skeptical about how long their relationship will endure.
While his parents are on vacation, Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the team will babysit a young boy named Tucker.
T.Q. meets Delilah, a little brat who happens to be Tucker's younger sister, and things don't go well despite her brattish demeanor.
Joseph meets a rude kid named Shaun, who is the brother of Tucker and Delilah.
Because of their chaotic behavior, one of Delilah and Shaun must leave Joseph's home.
Delilah has received five strikes for smashing Joseph's property and cursing at him, and as a result, Joseph kicks her out of his home.
Delilah tries to apologize to Joseph for being disrespectful, but he refuses because she has ruined his belongings.
Today is Joseph and Lindsey's birthday, and Joseph intends to celebrate with a huge buffet at DaDa's restaurant.
T.Q. has a flat tire and is concerned because he has no idea what caused his tire to pop.
TQ's tire was punctured, and Joseph, Lindsey, and the rest of the crew are attempting to figure out who did it.
Delilah has admitted to bursting TQ's tire and has been disciplined as a result.
DaDa, the guy who created DaDa's diner, is coming to town, and because he's had a rough past, everyone wants to hear about it.
DaDa is telling the crew his story because it hasn't been revealed to the public yet.
Damaris, DaDa's sister, arrives to town to see her brother and he brings a surprise.
DaDa meets a fan who is one of his most ardent admirers and is also looking forward to seeing Joseph.
DaDa meets a hater who despises him and his diner and is secretly envious of his success.
Addison, DaDa's girlfriend, visits from Plot Benning to see her boyfriend.
DaDa discovers that Addison, his girlfriend, is Tariq's sister. He is first concerned that Tariq will harm him, but he allows DaDa to date her.
Tiana wants to date both Joseph and Van, but they are only allowed to date women who are 'half their age plus seven,' which means they must date women who are older than Tiana.
Tiana can't get enough of Joseph or Van, and her actions give the impression that she is unduly enamored with them.
Tiana feels envious of Van's long-term girlfriend Chloe, who is going on a date with him.
Tiana enlists the help of her friend Gene to ruin Van and Chloe's date at DaDa's diner.
Some people are unaware of what occurred at DaDa's diner yesterday, and those who are aware inform them.
When Redman, a man with red skin, arrives in town and introduces himself, the locals are perplexed as to why his skin is red.
Redwoman, Redman's girlfriend, arrives in Plotagon City to visit her boyfriend before introducing herself.
Redman explains how he and his girlfriend, Redwoman, came up with their respective identities.
Today is Jeremy's birthday, and Joseph and Cameron have planned a buffet at Green Curry Plotagon to celebrate.
Redman and Redwoman have finally grown some hair after nearly 10 months without it.
Redman runs into Blueman, his long-time rival, and has a battle with him.
Blueman meets his girlfriend who, hence her skin, has the name Bluewoman, which is ironic since Redman has a girlfriend named Redwoman.
Redman believes it is past time for him and Blueman to reconcile.
Blueman makes a choice regarding how to settle their disputes with Redman.
Karen arrives in town and dislikes waiting, earning her the label "Impatient Karen," despite the fact that she does not have to wait for extended periods of time.
Redwoman has to return to Plotington due to family concerns, and she wants to spend a little time with her boyfriend Redman before she leaves.
After nearly a year in jail, Joseph's ex-girlfriend Beryl has been released, and she is still trying to break up Joseph and Lindsey.
Beryl had forgotten where Joseph lived after being released on bond, and no one would tell her.
Beryl's brother gave her Joseph's address, but she doesn't know the way and is still seeking for him, so anytime Beryl walks in Joseph's area while looking for him, he knows not to be spotted by her.
Claude meets Beryl's brother named Sylvester and scolds him for bailing Beryl out of jail.
Someone has stolen all of the iPhones in Plotant, and police are looking for the perpetrator.
Officer Davidson, a rookie officer, interrogates Gene, whom she suspects of stealing all of the iPhones in Plotant.
Tariq brings Beryl to the police station's interrogation room, where she is seen to be suspicious when Tariq asks her questions.
Beryl has been put back behind bars, this time she is in jail for life, and everyone, including Joseph, are proud.
Another zombie apocalypse is on the road, and Joseph prepares for it with weaponry to protect himself from the undead.
Jaime and Johnny, the zombies, have changed from hostile to friendly because they do not appear to attack humans.
Jaime applies for a job at Joe's, but because she's a zombie, people believe she'll frighten people away, but they think she'll have wonderful experience.
Jaime goes to Joe's for a job interview, and everything seems to go well since she is employed, and when everyone finds out, they are all surprised.
Beryl, Joseph's ex-girlfriend, goes crazy when Johnny visits her in Plot County Jail and begs him to free her.
Things become heated when William and Sylvester run into one other in the Plotagon Lobby since William is aware of what Sylvester did.
Since William has been shown to be the stronger of the two, everyone is betting on William to win in the battle between him and Sylvester.
Due to the Impatient Karen, her harsh supervisor, and the poor compensation, Jaime has left her position as a bartender at Joe's.
Leonardo is upset when his girlfriend Lia starts seeing Johnny since she has a crush on him.
Leonardo finds out Johnny and Lia aren't really dating, but he also finds out Johnny has been setting Lia up.
Lia wants to apologize to Leonardo for cheating but doesn't beg for a second chance after being caught.
Isaias's sister named Jalissa comes to town and introduces herself to Joseph and the crew.
Jalissa is looking for a boyfriend, and Isaias intends to help by finding Jalissa a boyfriend.
Jalissa is uneasy and uncomfortable with a man named Eric's flirtatious behavior toward her.
Lyndale discovers the ideal guy for Jalissa, and the two have already scheduled a date.
Isaias and Lyndale are both informed that Robert and Jalissa must end their relationship as a result of Robert's parents.
A ninth Karen, who recently arrived in town, encounters Jalissa and Illtyd and causes difficulty for the two of them by getting into an argument with Jalissa and acting inappropriately towards Illtyd.
Leonardo confronts Karen #9 when Cameron discovers that she lied about her age just to get with Illtyd.
The majority of the team are surprised when Karen #9 finds herself a boyfriend, as T.Q., Joseph, and Leonardo had observed.
Oliver the spoiled kid is introduced to Jalissa, and Joseph and the entire team are once again required to watch him.
Since Karen #9 has been exploiting him for financial gain, Chris has broken up with her.
Jalissa begins seeing Chris since she has been smitten with him ever since she first met him.
Chris refuses Karen's repeated requests for him to accept her apologies so they may get back together.
Lyndale finally finds a new girlfriend called Vanessa after spending a considerable amount of time alone.
Vanessa was seen flirting with Kirk, and Joseph and Lindsey witnessed it and after, the team informed Lyndale of the situation.
Lyndale breaks up with Vanessa after discovering her infidelity, but she insists they are still together.
In an effort to cheat on Vanessa and leave her, Lyndale asks A.J. out on a date, and when A.J. agrees, Lyndale expects that Vanessa would leave him since she won't leave him.
Lyndale attempts to ignore Vanessa because he believes that doing so will cause her to leave him, however it's also possible that she may stay.
Lyndale makes his final effort to get Vanessa to ultimately leave him by shouting at her.
Lyndale has decided to quit after basically doing everything to persuade Vanessa to leave him, merely for those to be ineffective.
Lyndale wants Vanessa to leave him, so the crew looks for someone else who satisfies her requirements and appears interested in dating her.
Vanessa has made the decision to break up with Lyndale after realizing that she is too fixated on him.
The crew sees that A.J. and Vanessa are not getting along as they were arguing over who stays with Lyndale.
As a result of Joseph's trustworthiness, Boris allows him to open the letter he received from his job.
Boris has gotten fired from his job as an anchor for Plot News 10, and he does not know why and he wants to find out.
Since he was suddenly let go from his position as anchor of Plot News 10, Boris wants to learn the cause for his dismissal.
Boris has learned that he has been replaced at Plot News 10 by a clumsy news anchor who consistently forgets her lines.
Boris must either train as a journalist for Plot News on Channel 6 or as a meteorologist for Plot News 10.
The crew believes Boris can apply for either Plot News 10 or Channel 6 Plot News, but it is his decision. Plot News 10 needs a meteorologist, while Channel 6 Plot News needs a journalist.
The group considers whether Boris may work as a journalist for Channel 6 Plot News as well as a weatherman for Plot News 10.
Despite her mistakes, M. Russell receives a promotion, leaving the crew—including the two cameramen, Phil and Cornelius—confused and displeased.
After agreeing to work as a weatherman for Plot News 10, Boris realizes it is not going well and he wants to leave his work just to wait for M. Russell to get fired from her job.
M. Russell is fired from Plot News 10 as a result of her subpar performance, which enables Boris to reclaim his position as an anchor. The team reacted to the news.
After M. Russell was let go, Boris was able to reclaim his position, making Joseph and the team pleased.
When someone poses as Lyndale's elder brother Avery and Lyndale discovers that they are unaware of him, he becomes suspicious.
Joseph becomes irate when he finds his impersonator, who is dressed like him.
The Lindsey lookalike confronts Lindsey after returning to Plotagon City and encountering her.
On his birthday, Lyndale is irritated to watch a recording from Jerrod that depicts a fake version of himself.
Minelli sees someone pretending to be him by dressing and trying to act like him at DaDa's diner.
Van is being impersonated by two different people, and they are fighting about who is the actual Van.
Illtyd, who is annoyed, stumbles into a pair who are trying to pass for him by dressed like him. He is aware that they are both making a poor job of it.
When Joseph comes across someone who is impersonating T.Q., he gives him the nickname "Quincy Theodore," naming him after T.Q.
Isaias becomes irate when he sees his impostor posing as him at Joseph's front door.
Joseph's lookalike informs him of the facts regarding each of the lookalikes and spills the unexpected beans on one of them.
When Tariq finds upon Alex, the lookalike of Lindsey, he confronts her and demands to know why she's been making others, including her adoptive brother, act like Joseph and some of his friends.
After learning the truth about their lookalikes, Minelli and mostly the whole crew become friends with them.
The gang wants to assist Cameron in finding a girlfriend because he is single and seeking.
Despite the fact that the woman Minelli has found for Cameron resembles Joseph, Cameron was still able to win her over.
To look more like Joseph, who nearly everyone mistakenly thought Josephine was, Josephine purchased a fake beard.
People mistakenly believe Josephine and Joseph are related due of their similar appearances, but Joseph clarifies the situation.
When Cameron is notified that Josephine has been taken by two masked men and is being held at a hideout, he leaves to rescue her.
Cameron is the first man Josephine has ever had sexual contact with as they are now having their first sexual encounter.
Cameron is in the dark about Josephine's 11-year-old child, so Claude advises that she let him in on the secret.
Forrest, a nerdy teenage boy, is making advances toward Abigail, who finds it offensive given that she hardly knows him.
For a surprise encounter with Joseph and the team, Josephine takes her adoptive son Jazz to Plotagon City.
Jenna, Tiana's younger sister, has to be looked after by Joseph and the team for the duration of her family's three-day trip.
After fleeing Joseph's house, Jenna is taken hostage by a guy in a mask.
After learning of Jenna's disappearance, Tiana and Jordan inform their parents that they need to postpone their trip.
As soon as Joseph learns that William made Jenna run from Joseph's house, become lost, and eventually become abducted, he becomes enraged.
Jenna is curious as to why "The Kid Snatcher," the person who abducted her, chose to do so.
The team is puzzled at how The Kid Snatcher obtained their numbers, which he has managed to do with almost everyone.
The team, including Tiana, is happy that Jenna has been saved because Tariq has successfully located her and captured The Kid Snatcher.
William was imprisoned for complicity, which means that he caused Jenna to go lost and ultimately be kidnapped, therefore aiding The Kid Snatcher in committing a crime.
Despite her objections, Kristen is begged by William to free him from custody.
Gavin, William's cousin, is introduced to Joseph, and some people question if, despite what he done, Gavin might try to get William out of jail.
Claude reminds William that he is serving a six-month sentence and that no one is posting bail to get him out of custody.
William is still behind bars, and Tariq urged him not to invite any visitors to post a bond.
Gavin made a promise to Joseph that he would not release William on bond, and the team was hopeful that Gavin would keep that commitment.
Andrea, Tariq's mother, gives Tariq another visit, and while there, she runs into William in prison.
Due to her extended absence from Plotagon City, Anna for some reason is unaware of what happened to William.
William asks Anna to free him when she visits him at the Plot County Jail, but Anna declines.
William attempts to escape from jail using a spoon that he mistakenly believed to be made of metal, but he is unsuccessful and is caught doing the act.
Despite not being eligible for bond, William and Beryl were recently released from custody.
Jameson, a new employee at Joe's, is attempting to con Joseph by withholding the extra cash that Joseph provided him.
William must make one phone call, which Tariq must permit him to do, but instead of making the call to a relative, he makes it to Joseph.
As one of Joseph's biggest admirers, Darnell, Van's brother, invites him to meet Joseph when he visits Van from Plotville.
When Arianna, Van's adopted sister, visits Plotagon City, she decides to settle into Joseph's home.
Brianna, Arianna's identical twin sister, arrives in Plotagon City as Joseph, Lindsey, and the majority of the crew prepare to attend a celebration.
When Brianna and Arianna's youngest triplet, Abrianna, visits Plotagon City, Richard decides to let her remain at Joseph's home.
Johansen's friend Dorian is debating whether to go out to dinner with his ex-girlfriend Gwen or with him and his pals.
Johansen informs Dorian that it is a poor idea for him to travel with Gwen rather than him and his friends.
Unjustly suspended for allegedly using a vape and carrying a firearm, Brianna informs Joseph and the team of the terrible news.
The issue behind Brianna's school suspension is fully disclosed by LaJuan to Principal Hernandez.
When Abrianna begins dating Daemon, she wants their union to endure for a long time.
Henry, a teenager, is acting strangely around Evelyn and attempts to scare Camille, but it doesn't succeed.
The relationship between Dalontae and his girlfriend Katie is in jeopardy since she is being too possessive and insecure.
When Dalontae broke up with his girlfriend, he started seeking for a new one. As soon as Brianna sees him, she instantly falls in love with him.
When Jahmireon arrives to Plotagon High School, all the girls start to flirt with him and remark on how cute he is.
Jahmireon and Tiffany started dating until a significant discovery put a stop to their relationship.
The reality television program "Who Wants to Be a Thousandaire!" abruptly fell off the air when Lindsey was a contestant on it, and even though most people don't care, they still want to know what happened.
Garrett has nearly completely lost all of his money since his game show was cancelled, and he is looking for work similar to his last one.
Garrett wants to use Joseph's credit card to make a jewelry purchase, but Joseph forbids it.
When Garrett is caught using Joseph's credit card without permission to purchase jewelry, Joseph will punish him.
Garrett is arrested by Tariq as a result of using Joseph's credit card without authorization.
The team reacts when someone who is thought to be Garrett's cousin gets him out of jail on bail.
The crew finds out that the game program Who Wants to Be a Millionaire has been renewed.
The renewal of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire featured a new host, who viewers could see as being worse than Garrett, after Garrett was sacked.
Garrett wants to fight Floyd for the position as the game show host.
When Floyd and Garrett run into one other outside of Joseph's home, things turn heated.
The fight between Garrett and Floyd has been cancelled as a result of Garrett's recent arrest.
Garrett's ex-girlfriend Tessa, who is visiting Plotagon City, learns that Garrett was detained and is curious as to why.
Tessa visits Garrett after finding out he's in jail, and Garrett is still hoping his cousin would post bail for him.
The episode "Floyd vs. Garrett" will be split into three parts, Joseph informs the audience.
Even though Joseph and Wayne are significantly older than her, a young girl named Amelia is making flirtatious overtures to them.
Amelia is constantly being told by Joseph that he has a girlfriend.
Despite the fact that they have just recently met, Amelia expresses her affections to Jahmireon.
Before dating Jahmireon, Amelia may have been setting up individuals, the crew speculates.
The majority of the crew is willing to assist Amelia's sister, Scarlet, who has arrived in Plotagon City and is seeking for a boyfriend.
Since the moment he awoke, Joseph has been having a rough day, and he is agitated.
Despite the fact that Joseph is much older than Scarlet and already has a girlfriend, Scarlet confesses to Amelia that she has a crush on him.
Scarlet meets J.P., and the two of them desire to date one other, but they are unable to do so because of J.P.'s parents.
After looking around for a time, Scarlet has found herself a boyfriend.
Scarlet is dating Maurice, but Beau, a teenage boy, continues to make advances at her.
Leona, who is Maurice's sister, ruins his date with Scarlet, causing Scarlet to break up with Maurice, who is then enraged.
After breaking up with Maurice, Scarlet retracts her accusation that he was cheating on her with his sister Leona.
The Anderson family is getting set to celebrate Halloween early and to buy Rosie and Cody's costumes.
Rosie is having a hard time deciding what to dress for Halloween.
Watching Plot News 10 together, Tariq and Joseph learn about the eerie location on Plotagon Road.
Joseph encounters a friendly-looking clown while exploring the eerie spot on Plotagon Road.
Whether someone committed suicide or was murdered, Tariq and his trainees are investigating the situation.
It was determined that the incident from yesterday was a murder rather than a suicide, and the clown—whose true name is Wesley—has handed himself in.
The day prior, a junior student named August was murdered at school, and authorities are looking into it.
When failing a lie detector test to reveal his guilt, Landis was arrested by the police after they discovered he had killed August.
T.Q. encounters Jensen, an adolescent who is already celebrating Christmas.
Joseph notices that Lindsey has already hung the Christmas decorations at their home.
Illtyd witnesses a quarrel between Karens #7 and #9 about who should be Joseph's lover, although they are unaware that he is dating Lindsey.
Two robbers have attempted to rob Joseph, however they were unsuccessful, which irritates Joseph.
Since the previous two thieves were unsuccessful in robbing Joseph's house, the third thief makes an effort, but it doesn't go so well either.
The fourth robber tries to break into Joseph's home after the other three were unsuccessful, but Jeremy stops him and detects something odd about him.
The fifth thief visits Joseph's home, but he is reluctant to enter and apologizes when he is apprehended outside.
When the sixth and last burglar arrives at Joseph's home, he sees T.Q. and remembers that he is a close buddy.
The crew is informed by Cadence that she may not be ready for her connection with Isaias and that it could take some time for her to return to being with him.
Isaias's love is being contested by Cadence and another girl named Aurora, who is a huge fan of Isaias.
The crew learns that Aurora was already dating Rodney's brother Tyreese, and Rodney and the majority of the crew find it frustrating that she sought to argue with Cadence over Isaias.
Isaias learns from Cadence that she is willing to give their relationship another go.
Since they are now back together, Isaias and Cadence spend some time together.
Cadence's littler sister Cathy tells a very bad lie about Isaias that costed Isaias and Cadence's relationship.
Joseph cautions Cathy that the deception she told Cadence about Isaias will not hold up for much longer, and the truth will ultimately come out.
Isaias is driving to Cadence's house to persuade her to believe him and that Cathy is lying.
Tariq administers a lie detector test to Isaias and Cathy, and the findings will be read.
Isaias and Cathy's results from the lie detector are read out by Tariq when he and Isaias arrive to Cadence's home.
When Cadence discovers that Cathy had been fabricating information about Isaias, she hopes that he would accept her apologies and allow them to try again a third time.
Isaias is debating whether to take Cadence's apologies or move on and look for another lady.
Isaias is still debating whether to pursue a relationship with Cadence or leave her alone to find a different sort of woman.
Levi, William's nephew, visits William while he is imprisoned before going to see Joseph and the crew.
When Levi meets Penelope, Joseph's step-sister, he begs her to be his girlfriend but continues to claim that they are dating even after she rejects him.
Joseph and the crew have to "watch over" Levi while his parents are gone to Plotington.
Levi is expelled from the house after Joseph discovers him doing the unimaginable.
Levi is trying to find a girlfriend, but he's having difficulties since he can't seem to find the proper one.
Levi finally finds the right kind of woman after searching for several hours.
Levi misled Aurora into believing he was enjoying a luxurious lifestyle when in fact he wasn't, leading to her growing mistrust of him.
As a result of discovering that Levi made up his claim to be wealthy, Aurora has blocked him.
Even if it's true, Levi doesn't think Aurora blocked him because he lied to her; yet, Aurora allows him to figure it out.
Even though Aurora told Levi that she cannot be with a liar since he lied, Levi still wants Aurora to stay with him.
The moment Levi sees Carrie while hunting for a girlfriend, he falls in love with her. However, he worries that she could not be the one because he doesn't know her age.
When Levi learns that Tabitha, his girlfriend, is racist, Joseph and the team become angry.
When the enraged Joseph runs into the prejudiced Tabitha, he reprimands her.
Levi has made the decision to part ways with Tabitha due to her racism.
Tabitha is the one hunting for love instead of Levi, and since she is bigoted, there is a chance she won't find a boyfriend.
Mike encounters Stella, Tabitha's sister, who has the same bigotry as Tabitha in DaDa's diner.
When Stella witnesses Van and Chloe kissing, she assumes that Van is in charge of Chloe when he isn't.
When Tabitha first encounters Jahmireon at school, she starts to dislike him, and Jahmireon develops a dislike for her also.
Sawyer, Tabitha and Stella's bigoted younger brother, approaches Joseph and lets him know that his family is leaving Plotagon City.
Aaron, to whom Joseph is related, is found by Joseph, and Aaron is just as spoilt as Oliver.
Aaron runs across Tabitha, who is supposed to have relocated from Plotagon City, and he has issues with her.
Given Aaron's spoiled nature, Joseph and the team are shocked that he is dating Crystal.
After Aaron accused Crystal of cheating and did the unspeakable to her, the two parted ways.
Infuriated Joseph confronts Aaron after his father Trey informs him that Aaron hit his ex-girlfriend Crystal when they were both at school.
Because Lindsey hasn't seen Aaron in a while, Joseph is surprised, and the two of them head over to Trey's house to visit him.
When Terra first meets Aaron, Aaron develops an instant infatuation with her. However, as soon as Terra learns what Aaron did to Crystal, she rejects him.
Aaron's birthday is today, so he anticipates receiving gifts, but he is disappointed to learn that he won't.
Today is the beginning of Aaron's Christmas break, and his family may decide to remain at Joseph's home.
When Trey discovers that Aaron has been using his credit card, he warns him that he will now face the consequences.
Aaron requests Julian's PS5 to play with, but Julian reminds him that he would need to pay him if he damages it.
Aaron destroys Julian's PS5, therefore he must pay Julian so that Julian can receive a new one for Christmas.
Against his desires, Lindsey wants Joseph to volunteer to be Santa yet again like last year.
Aaron wants to get anything for Christmas on Christmas Eve, but Trey informs him that owing to his misbehavior, he will not.
Aaron expected presents today because it is Christmas, but Trey tells him he didn't get any because he was awful all year.
Given that they are both cousins of Joseph, Aaron learns that Julian and he are related.
The incarcerated William turns 21 and reaches the legal drinking age; he expects to be released from jail, but he isn't.
In spite of Joseph's opposition, the crew must watch for a young boy named Al until his parents return from Plotington.
Al's older sister, Juniper, is discovered by Joseph; Joseph and the crew must care for her until her parents return from Plotington.
Al and Juniper's older brother Stanley, who is at his residence to fetch them both up from Joseph's, introduces himself to Joseph.
On New Year's Eve, Joseph, Lindsey and the crew attend a party to ring in the new year.
On this New Year's Day in 2023, which also happens to be Cameron's birthday, Joseph intends to give him a gift.
Minelli wants to find a partner for the New Year. Tessa, a girl he likes, sparks his interest, and he wonders how old she is, hoping that she is of legal age to date.
When Tessa learns that Minelli has a crush on her, she tells Minelli she's not ready for a relationship just yet.
Tessa chooses to go on a date with Minelli after feeling somewhat guilty about turning him down.
When Tessa doesn't show up for their date at Green Curry Plotagon, Minelli learns that she forgot about it.
When Minelli learns that Tessa is the mother of a child named Kelsie, he becomes Kelsie's stepfather.
Despite traveling to Tessa's house, where Kelsie was, Minelli didn't see Kelsie there.
Rosie gets punished by Boris after he learns that she swiped his credit card to purchase a PS5 at a greater cost.
Boris demands that Rosie return his credit card and his money to her buddy Drew after learning that she used his credit card to purchase a PS5.
A buddy of Joseph, T.Q., and Claude named Lawrence Giles extends an invitation to the cast and crew to produce, direct, and star in a motion picture.
In order to see if they are playing, producing, directing, and/or writing in Lawrence Giles' film "Family Ties," Joseph and the crew are assigned cinematic roles.
Today is Wayne’s birthday, and with Lawrence Giles, Joseph and the crew begin filming "Family Ties."
The movie "Family Ties," which Joseph and his crew co-wrote and directed with Lawrence Giles, is currently playing in theaters.
Everyone now refers to Joseph as Otis because he portrayed the part of a man named Otis in the movie "Family Ties."
Lindsey disapproves of the fact that Josie, a female who is madly in love with Joseph, is following him.
When Lindsey notices that Josie and Joseph had kissed, she assumes that Joseph is having an affair with Josie. Joseph attempts to justify himself and worries that his relationship with Lindsey may end.
After Lindsey misunderstood Joseph, Joseph clarifies to her that Josie coerced him into kissing her. As a result, Joseph and Lindsey reconcile.
When Joseph visits a street market, a guy irritates him after finding that he is charging an excessively high price for vases.
When Boris gets outside, he discovers that his automobile has been taken. He informs Tariq about the theft.
After being taken for a joyride, Boris's automobile was involved in a significant accident, necessitating the purchase of a new vehicle.
After Boris purchased a new vehicle, it was already taken and he did not get it.
After having his automobile stolen, Boris acquires a new vehicle. Following Karen's intentional collision with Joseph's automobile, Karen accuses Joseph of doing the same to her car.
Rina is the Karen who hit Joseph's car, and Paisley, Rina's older sister, arrives in town.
When Rina collides with Jahmireon's bumper, she assumes he would cover the cost of the damage to her car when in fact she is responsible for paying for it.
Following the development of her crush on him, Paisley and Camille started dating.
Rina is smitten on Camille and would want for him to leave Paisley so she can begin to pursue a relationship with him.
Paisley hears Rina say something unexpected, ruining Camille and Paisley's date.
Camille refers to Rina as a "pain in the ass" because she won't go away nagging him and insisting that he leave Paisley to be with her.
In order to discover someone who could be interested in dating Rina, Camille wants Rina to fall in love with someone else instead of him.
Since Rina caused Travis' automobile to collide with his, Travis won't compensate her for the damages to her vehicle. Isaias experiences the same feeling when she hits his car.
Whitney, a cousin of Joseph's, visits him at home so that he may "look over" her.
After not seeing Whitney for three weeks and Joseph for two months, Whitney's cousin Florence, who is related to Whitney, Joseph, T.Q., and Claude, comes to visit Joseph's house solely to spend out with Whitney.
Whitney lied to Marlin about her age, nearly leading to the arrest of Marlin by Tariq.
Joseph, who is furious, stumbles across a man who was making advances toward his cousin Florence, who is much younger than the man.
Joseph starts hosting a sibling therapy session after recommending that Wanda and Arthur attend it.
The two-year relationship between Wanda and Randall comes to an end as a result of Wanda's infidelity.
When Whitney stumbles across Kendra trying to intimidate her, Whitney ends up embarrassing her, which makes Kendra angry.
At 5:00 PM, it has begun to snow in Plotagon City, and Whitney is deciding whether or not she will attend to school the next day.
In contrast to how she acts toward Tobias, Travis, and Florence, a young woman by the name of Jolene is kind to Devin, Trevor, and Whitney.
When Whitney is meant to fight Kendra but is unable to do so since Kendra keeps postponing the battle, Claude runs into Kendra and wonders why Kendra continues doing this and not fighting Whitney.
Wanda is attempting to reconcile with Randall following their breakup due to Wanda's infidelity.
People in Plotagon City must spend the night inside their homes because there is a serial killer on the prowl who only kills at night.
People in Plotagon City are still being advised to stay indoors as the killer known as Abraham "Abe" Wilkins strikes once more and has claimed the life of another person.
Melanie, Abe's girlfriend, ended their relationship because she didn't appreciate the fact that he was murdering innocent people.
Abe approaches Christine, a newbie to the city, and asks her to be his Valentine on this Valentine's Day.
Abe is apprehended by Tariq after he has been killing several innocent people.
Abe's best friend Delaney visits Abe in jail.
Abe's younger brother Remy visits him in jail.
Abe's mother Harmony comes to town and finds out about his imprisonment.
Harmony finds Leonardo attractive and asks to be his girlfriend.
Joseph and the crew meet Dora.
Dora gains a new friend at school.
Dora comes across her bully who is flirting with her.
Dora's dad Cole comes to town.
Dora's mom Elena comes to Plotagon City.
Caillou comes across Dora and they become good friends.
Caillou confronts Dora's flirty bully Walter.
Dora comes across Bessie, a girl who think she is popular.
Dora has been granted ISS after fighting Bessie.
Dora finds the person who had snitched on her.
Dora meets a clone of herself.
Dora gets arrested for something she didn't do.
Tariq tells Officer Smith he arrested the wrong Dora and wants him to go bail the real Dora and arrest the fake Dora, who committed the robbery crime.
The fake Dora gets caught by Officer Smith.
Lucius's friend Fernand reveals a secret to him.
Joseph comes across Fernand, who has a crush on Dora.
Fernand is advised that he not talk to Dora.
Fernand continued to talk to Dora despite the warnings.
Dora's father Cole fights Fernand due to his crush on her.
Cole beat up Fernand, resulting in his broken bones.
Fernand had tried to kiss Dora, who then tells Joseph he tried to kiss her.
Tariq has arrested Fernand for his crimes.
Spring break has officially started.
Richard gets himself a girlfriend.
Richard's girlfriend Louise is flirting with other guys.
Richard finds out that Louise was flriting with other men.
Richard confronts Louise about her wicked cheating.
Richard ends up getting two girlfriends instead of one.
Cynthia's ex-boyfriend Todd comes to town.
Richard meets his girlfriend Cynthia's older brother Kendrick.
Richard becomes good friends with Kendrick.
Zoe's sister Trinity is crushing on Richard, and is jealous that Zoe is dating Richard.
People want to know why Trinity has a crush on Richard, since she is a lot younger than him.
Cynthia's ex-boyfriend Todd returns back to Plotagon City, and he is trying to restart his relationship with Cynthia.
Kendrick advises Todd that he leave Cynthia alone.
Todd's friend Jayden comes to town and tells Todd to get over Cynthia, as she doesn't want him.
Jayden is denouncing his friendship with Todd since Todd can't get over Cynthia.
Todd is looking for a girlfriend.
Todd was able to find himself a girlfriend.
Todd and his girlfriend Stephanie are already having problems with each other.
Todd pulls a prank on Stephanie, which leads to their breakup.
Leonardo's younger sister Didra comes to town.
Todd's date with Didra is going alright, with no problems.
Leonardo suggests that Todd not hurt his sister Didra in any way.
Todd's younger brother Will comes to town.
Todd thinks that Didra is cheating on him, when she isn't.
Todd wants to apologize to Didra for accusing her of cheating.
After finding out Todd hit Didra, Leonardo wants to fight Todd.
Todd gets beaten up by Leonardo, and he gets mocked.
Todd wishes to get a girlfriend.
Lucius falls in love with Didra and finds her cute.
Lucius goes on a date with Didra.
Todd doesn't like that Lucius and Didra are dating, and tells Didra he can change.
Todd wants Lucius to help him get a girlfriend.
There is something wrong with the macaroni and cheese.
There is a virus going around that is contracted by eating the toxic macaroni and cheese.
The virus has been given a name.
The Lathi virus is spreading in Plotagon City.
Establishments are closing due to the Lathi virus.
There is a Karen that is going around Plotagon City telling everyone that the Lathi virus is not real.
The crazy Karen who claims the Lathi virus isn't real gets the virus.
The crazy Karen's sister comes to town.
Today, Claude celebrates his birthday!
A girl named Maria tells Joseph she knows the cure for the Lathi virus.
There is a vaccine to the Lathi virus, but no one knows if the vaccine is approved.
People want to know if the vaccine is approved.
Something dangerous was found in the Lathi vaccine, which was deemed unapproved.
People are receiving the vaccine, causing them to get bluish green skin.
The crazy Karen's sister name has been revealed as Genevieve.
Tariq's birthday is May 1, and he is celebrating his birthday early.
Naomi's ex-boyfriend comes to town.
Naomi's ex-boyfriend's name is Topher, and it's pronounced in different ways.
Abigail's wallet was stolen in Green Curry Plotagon.
Tariq was able to locate Abigail's wallet, but her credit card is missing.
Abigail goes to confront Brock, the person who stole Abigail's wallet and credit card.
Genevieve wants people to sign a petition for Tariq to get fired because he arrested her older brother Brock for credit card fraud and deceit.
Joseph's friend Cornelius stays at Joseph's house to get away from his girlfriend and clear his mind.
Cornelius's girlfriend Sharon comes to town looking for him.
Van is applying for a job.
A woman is giving Van a hard time at DaDa's diner.
Van comes across the DaDa's diner woman who was giving him a hard time.
Van's girlfriend Chloe confronts Harper, the DaDa's diner woman, because Harper likes Van.
Joseph goes back to the "Secret Hideout" place to see if it improved.
Chloe wants Harper to back away from Van.
Van is thinking about quitting his job at DaDa's diner.
Van's boss is giving him, Mike, and Jerald a hard time, and he gets replaced.
Joseph and Lindsey is celebrating their birthdays!
Joseph and T.Q. come across a Karen who thinks Joseph is kidnapping his cousin Whitney, when he isn't.
Lyndale ends up getting a flat tire.
Someone slashed Lyndale's tire and he tries to figure out who.
Lyndale's restraining order against Vanessa was ripped.
Lyndale finds out Vanessa ripped up his restraining order, and he wants to know why.
A man is flirting with Alice, the new boss of DaDa's diner, and is making her uncomfortable.
Cornelius has made the decision to break up with Sharon.
Cornelius tells everyone he will start looking for a new girlfriend.
Cornelius gets a girlfriend named Arielle.
Everyone feels Arielle is way better than Sharon.
Leonardo, Avery and Lyndale are to leave Plotagon City due to the recent hospitalization of Leonardo's mother Audrey, who is the cousin of Avery and Lyndale.
Avery, Leonardo and Lyndale visit Audrey in the hospital.
Joseph confronts a very disrespectful and confusing woman named Sue.
A doctor plays a cruel prank on Leonardo.
The doctor who played a cruel prank on Leonardo got fired, and has been replaced with a new doctor.
Now that Audrey, the aunt of Avery and Lyndale, and mother of Leonardo, is no longer in the hospital, Avery, Leonardo, and Lyndale return to Plotagon City. Audrey travels to Plotagon City with them as well.
A big fan of Claude is flirting with him!
Everett, Stephanie's boyfriend, was told that Stephanie was flirting with other men.
Jeremy is celebrating his birthday today.
Joseph's cousin Siobhan thinks her boyfriend has been acting suspicious and wants to see if he is loyal.
Gabrielle pretends to flirt with Kevin to see if he flirts back.
Siobhan sees that Kevin is not loyal and she confronts him about his cheating acts.
Kevin's little brother Andy wants Siobhan to get back with Kevin.
A love letter was anonymously sent to Siobhan.
Lucius's friend Gordon has a crush on Siobhan. He may have the one who sent the love letter to Siobhan.
Siobhan is aware of Gordon's crush on Siobhan, and is thinking about getting with him.
Siobhan makes up her decision to either get with Gordon or not.
Donny tells Gordon that Siobhan is not ready for a relationship, meaning she can't get with him.
Illtyd's ex-girlfriend Marjorie falls in love with Gordon.
Marjorie's boyfriend Jordan tells Wayne she has been using him.
Jordan breaks up with Marjorie as a result of using him.
Because of her acts, Marjorie is deemed not girlfriend material.
Siobhan and Gordon are going on a date, and Jordan is also going on a date, but with a different woman.
A lie has costed the relationship between Jordan and his girlfriend Celine.
A robbery in Green Curry Plotagon has failed since the robber came unprepared.
Lyndale wants to leave Vanessa after her past actions.
After months of not seeing William, Joseph goes to the Plot County Jail to see him.
Celine apologizes to Jordan after accusing him of cheating and they get back together.
Emmanuel and Kennedy hate each other, but are sexually involved with each other.
LaMichael and Mindy are friends, but they engage in intimate activities without dating.
The crew is curious about Naomi, the mad Karen, and some have even speculated that she may have died from the Lathi virus.
Kevin is cheating once again!
Kevin wants to apologize to Chanel.
Chanel and Joann become good friends, despite their first encounter.
Chanel has hidden feelings for Avery.
Chanel gets a boyfriend.
Kevin is going around Plotagon City looking for a girlfriend.
Avery confronts Kevin about cheating on Chanel.
Arthur has lost his voice while at a football game.
Joseph meets a pale half-naked woman named Melanie.
Joseph, Lindsey, and the crew watch Love Birds again.
Joseph wonders if Avery is interested in dating two women.
Zoe tells Richard some bad news.
Something is wrong with Joseph's cable.
Joseph meets Melanie's brother Melvin, who is also a pale half-naked person.
Melvin wants to confess his love to Lindsey, but she is dating Joseph.
Earnest gets a girlfriend.
Harper ends up getting a job.
Harper is cheating on Earnest, who plans to do the same thing.
There is a new cop in town, and she has an interesting name...
Officer Kelly wants Illtyd to keep a secret.
Officer Kelly finally speaks the truth about what happened between her and Illtyd.
Officer Kelly wants to link up with Illtyd.
Avery is about to start having two girlfriends.
Avery starts dating Joann, and is now involved in a polyamorous relationship.
A man named Tyler comes to town.
Tyler turns out to be a weird guy.
Joseph comes across his hater.
Joseph's cousin Julian visits him.
Eric the creepy dude has returned.
Eric the creepy dude has been arrested again.
There is a nerdy kid at school.
Eric the creepy dude's mother Natasha comes to town.
A kid is trying to bully other students, but mostly his bullying attempts don't affect most students.
A kid is claiming he is the best at everything.
Josie, the woman who kissed Joseph, has returned to Plotagon City.
Josie wants to get with Joseph, but he doesn't want to get with her, since he is dating Lindsey.
Vanessa wants for Lyndale to talk to her again.
A man named Zachary has a history of cheating.
Zachary now has nine ex-girlfriends and wants to try to get with at least one of them.
Joseph's time machine computer has exploded.
Joseph attempts to fix the time machine computer after it had exploded.
Jessie is laying eyes on someone.
Zachary is begging for Jessie for her to be his girlfriend.
Avante's adoptive mother is being cruel to him and his adoptive brother Jason.
Brenda the cruel mother has been arrested for child abuse.
Joseph's cousin Avante's parents come to town.
The crew tells Illanipey Jessie has a crush on him.
Joseph and the crew meet Marcus, the biological father of Jason, whose mother Brenda is incarcerated.
The time machine computer has exploded once again.
Illtyd becomes the boyfriend of officer Kelly.
Brenda wants to get out of jail.
Marcus gets a new girlfriend.
Avante comes across a young teenage Karen who wants to get with him.
Mariah is back and wants to get Illanipey back.
Illanipey files a restraining order against Mariah.
The crew imagines Mariah having a boyfriend.
Brenda has broken out of jail.
Brenda wants to get back with Marcus.
Brenda gets arrested and goes back to jail.
Mariah is jealous that Illanipey is dating Jessie.
Joseph comes across a Karen who's not so bright.
Tessa's high school ex-boyfriend Dallas comes to town.
A fan of Joseph named Wilson has an insecure girlfriend and Joseph explains to him how he should deal with his insecure girlfriend.
Dallas ends up getting a girlfriend.
The dumb Karen has cheated on Dallas.
Wilson's insecure girlfriend Yvonne is caught cheating.
Lydia's insecure boyfriend Joshua is cheating, without her knowledge.
Lydia finds out Joshua is cheating and decides to leave him.
Joseph's cousin Ivy gets a girlfriend.
Ivy's girlfriend Janice was caught flirting with other guys.
Anthony's girlfriend Candice was caught cheating on him.
Claude's friend Elaine Faye turns out to be a fake friend of his.
Deangelo sets up a loyalty test on his girlfriend Journey to see if she is loyal or not. Will she be loyal to Deangelo or will she cheat?
Elaine Faye apologizes to Claude for being a fake friend to him.
Joseph is having another bad day.
Lindsey confronts Lillian, the woman who kissed Joseph against his will.
A man named Samuel is trying to get a girl named Gianna to go to her place.
Tariq and his team are looking for Samuel, Gianna, and Ron, a boy Samuel has abducted.
Samuel is placed in jail.
Lillian wants to get with Joseph.
Lindsey advises that Lillian stop flirting with Joseph.
Chanel was previously the girlfriend of Samuel, and he wants to get with her.
Tariq goes to interrogate Samuel for his crimes.
Samuel's lie detector test results have been revealed.
Lucius's friend Sophia has an abusive boyfriend.
Joseph confronts Albert, Sophia's abusive boyfriend, about his acts.
Albert wants to see Sophia again.
Anna comes back to Plotagon City once again.
Anna has fallen in love!
Isaias gets himself a second girlfriend, being involved in a polyamorous relationship.
Anna is still madly in love with Lucius.
Anna's good friend named Beth comes to town.
A woman named Bethany has a crush on Tariq.
Bridget, the niece of the dumb Karen comes to town.
Bridget's little sister Jocelyn is coming to town.
A boy named Darren Jameson, who is the ex-boyfriend of Jocelyn, comes to town.
Third case of double standards.
Joseph provides a therapy to a failing couple so their relationship can improve.
Lauren has a crazy ex-girlfriend who wants to get back with her.
Joseph and the crew watch Love Birds for the fifth time.
One of Joseph's ex-girlfriends Diamond comes to town.
Dante feels Lilith, his girlfriend of two years, is cheating on her.
Lucius was accused of sleeping with a girl named Talia Dunlap, according to her herself. He thinks that the girl is lying since he has not heard of the girl.
Lucius has agreed to take a lie detector test to clear his name.
J.R. is dating a woman named Julia, who is inattentive to him, and fears she is losing interest in him.
Fourth case of double standards.
Joseph and the crew go back to the street market.
Jayson, who was also dating Beryl, is exposing the ugly truth about her when she cheated on Joseph.
Jayson gets a new girlfriend.
Jane is jealous of the woman who is dating Jayson, since Jane has a crush on him.
Joseph visits Beryl in jail to see if she's changed.
Tariq is having one of the worst days of his life.
Joseph has reunited with his distant cousin Shannon, who he hasn't seen in a while.
Shannon has a crazy girlfriend.
Tariq's younger sister Ariel comes to town.
Joseph and Lindsey return to the spooky place on Plotagon Road for this upcoming Halloween.
Joseph's cousin DeMarcus and his girlfriend Samantha come back to Plotagon City.
DeMarcus's ex-girlfriend Presley comes to Plotagon City.
Noah and Rebekah, the emo couple, both plan on coming back to Plotagon City after being away for a while.
The emo couple Noah and Rebekah come to Plotagon City from Plotville.
Joseph and the crew encounter a rude woman.
Cassidy, the older sister of Hazel, the rude woman, comes to Plotagon City.
Hazel has dated three men named Durrell, Terrell and Jarrell, who are triplets.
Durrell gets a girlfriend and is dating Lynne, the younger sister of Lindsey.
Terrell is dating Pamela, who is the step-sister of Cornelius and the cousin of Minelli.
Jarrell is having problems with his girlfriend Katrina.
Due to Katrina's infidelity, Jarrell has left her.
Katrina wants to get back with Jarrell, but he doesn't want to get with her.
The crew feels that Joseph's cousin Manasseh is getting used by his girlfriend for money.
Manasseh finds out he is getting used for money by Valerie, his girlfriend.
Manasseh's younger brother Montrell tells Valerie he will not become friends with her since she used Manasseh.
Julian has beef with someone over the internet!
Micah's brother Terrence wants to fight Julian.
Joseph comes across Micah, who Julian has beef with.
Damien wonders if Genesis is faking her pregnancy.
Genesis's pregnancy test results have been revealed.
A woman in an oversized robe had barged into Joseph's house, according to Tariq.
Becky, Lindsey's younger sister, is getting really flirty with other men.
Becky is in the mood to flirt with other men, especially the men in Joseph's crew.
Becky begins to flirt with the men in the crew.
Lindsey's aunt Georgina is coming to town, and just like Becky, Georgina is also flirtatious.
Kayden's house has suddenly exploded.
Kayden tries to figured out who blew up his house.
Kaitlin's best friend Trina comes to town and she is mad that Kaitlin was sent to jail for blowing up Kayden's house.
Rocky is trying to claim his title as a bully, but no one is sacred of him.
Joseph comes across Rocky, who was trying to bully Julian.
A woman does not like Richard, simply because of his zodiac sign being an Aries. Another woman likes Cameron because he is a Capricorn.
Leonard is having beef with Rocky.
Joseph hosts a "Couples Day" for the crew, where people in the crew spend time with their significant others.
"Couples Day" is still continuing for the crew
One of Cornelius's ex-girlfriend, Rhonda, who is the cousin of Joseph, comes to town. Rhonda has a tendency of lying.
Van has beef with Rhonda.
Another one of Cornelius's ex-girlfriends, Cheyenne, who is also the cousin of Joseph, comes to town. Unlike Rhonda, Cheyenne is honest.
Rhonda has a big crush on Van, despite their beef.
Hermine comes back to Plotagon City.
Treasure, who previously dated Leonardo, Avery, Lyndale, Illtyd, Lucius and Richard, comes to Plotagon City.
Joseph is having problems with people on the road.
Claude's high school ex-girlfriend Brooke comes back to town five years after moving to Plotville.
Tariq and Joseph have been involved in separate car crashes.
Hermine's half sister named Heather comes to town, and it just so happens to be her birthday.
Teagan's girlfriend Faith promised him that she would not cheat on him. Will she break the promise or stay loyal to Teagan?
Joseph, Lindsey, and the crew meet a white eyed woman named Myrtle, who was flirting with Joseph, Claude, T.Q. and Wayne at a Christmas party.
Becky is still flirting with other men.
Claude catches a woman's eye, making it to the point where she stalks him.
Teagan was made aware that his new girlfriend Clarissa was flirting with other guys.
Clarissa starts seeking for a boyfriend.
Joseph and Richard were involved in a car crash.
Joseph, Lindsey, and the crew has to babysit a girl named Danielle, who is the younger sister of Anna.
Joseph comes across an entitled Karen around Christmas time.
T.Q., Joseph, Jeremy, Mandy, Mike and Basher get mad at people for making dumb decisions on the road.
Joseph hosts another Couples Day for the crew, this time it is Christmas-themed.
The Christmas-themed Couples Day is still continuing.
A teenage boy is on the loose for murdering an elderly woman on Plotting Road.
Tariq is investigating the death of Wayne's aunt Mrs. Eloise Chambers, whose body was found in Plotting Road.
The police are looking for Franklin, the boy who is responsible for the stabbing death of Eloise Chambers.
Tariq has arrested Franklin and charged him for the murder of Eloise.
Leonardo's ex-girlfriend named Teagan Beck comes to town, and is flirtatious.
Mario, Rocky's cousin, comes to the school.
Wayne is going back to his job at The Plotagon Tech Store.
Today is Wayne's last day working at The Plotagon Tech Store before he goes back to his job at Plotant.
Lewis gets a girlfriend.
George, Tallulah's envious ex-boyfriend comes to town.
George wants to date Tallulah, but she is dating Lewis.
George is still trying his best to get with Tallulah and wants her to dump Lewis.
It is supposed to start snowing in Plotagon City.
There is a half-naked guy in the cold streets of Plotagon City.
Joseph advises that Carlos, the half-naked guy, put some clothes on before he gets sick from the cold.
Tariq's younger sister Lori is being flirted with by a man much older than her.
Tariq's other younger sister Adelaide and his younger brother Baron come to town.
Lori is being flirted on again with another man much older than her.
Tariq arrests Mason, the man who was trying to sleep with Lori.
Franklin is still in jail for his crimes.
Franklin makes an attempt to escape jail.
It is intensely hot in Plotagon City.
A couple is having trouble getting along.
Joseph has been having an angry day!
Joseph's friend Jack has came across a big problem the day after Valentine's Day.
Illtyd and Illanipey's step-sister named Charity comes to town.
Tariq's obsessed ex-girlfriend named Barbara comes back to Plotagon City.
Joseph gets his ears pierced!
There is a mysterious murder case in Plotagon City!
Gabrielle gets a boyfriend!
Leonardo has gotten himself stuck in the Plotagon Lobby's elevator.
There is a clone of Lyndale in Plotagon City!
Josephine's sisters Theodora and Claudette come to town!
The characters explain what is changing in the show Joseph & Lindsey.
Minelli and Joseph meet a homeless woman!
Renata gets a new house!
Chelsey gets herself a boyfriend, kinda.
Penny has an ex-boyfriend in town!
Johnny and Jaime the zombies come back to Plotagon City.
Joseph, Lindsey, and the crew get together to watch Love Birds again.
A stranger shows up at Joseph’s house!
Joseph tells Lindsey that he has long lost siblings and Lindsey and Joseph were wanting to see them.
March 22, 2021 marks the first anniversary of Joseph & Lindsey, the show, and March 23 marks the first anniversary of the pilot!
Joseph explains why the show 'Joseph & Lindsey' went on an almost 2-week hiatus, now making two hiatuses.
So, we're not going to talk about how there was no Joseph & Lindsey episode released in the month of August? Here's Joseph's reaction.
Joseph changes his new appearance for Joseph & Lindsey 10 to spice things up a little. He has stated that he would return to his red outfit at the start of Season 11, thus his new clothing will not be permanent.
Since it is now Valentine's Day, Joseph and Lindsey are making plans for what they will do.
On March 23, the show Joseph & Lindsey will celebrate its second anniversary, having premiered on that date in 2020.
It has been three years since Joseph & Lindsey was released.
Today is the 4-year anniversary of Joseph & Lindsey.