Die Reisegruppe kommt endlich in Mismedes Hauptstadt an und wird beim König vorstellig. Dieser fordert gleich Toya zum Duell, da er gehört hat, dass dieser stark sei und einen Drachen getötet habe.
Touya's party arrives at Mismede's capital and attend an audience with the king. During the audience the king asks Touya to duel with him. During the duel, the king reveals his own Null magic, "Accel", that gives him enhanced speed, which Touya learns to use and by combining both "Accel" and "Boost", defeats him. Later at night, Touya opens a portal to Bellfast, allowing both kings to have their reunion, and has an encounter with Leen, a fairy more than 600 years old that teaches Touya the "Program" spell, that infuses objects with pre-determined magical properties. Impressed by Touya's skill, she offers to teach him more magic, but he declines. The next day, Touya, accompained by Linze and Yumina, buys some materials to create a pistol sword, using "Program" to infuse it with auto-reload and blade-extending features. Both girls ask him to create firearms for them, which he does. On their way back, Touya realizes that he is been followed and briefly separates from Linze and Yumina to confront their stalkers, who are revealed to be spies sent by the king to watch over Yumina. They are also the ones who secretly helped them against the dragon. At their request, Touya promises to keep it a secret from the others, while Leen decides that she is not giving up on Touya so easily.
Arrivé à Mismede, Tôya est présenté au roi qui se met en tête de lui lancer un défi. Il rencontre également Lean, grâce à laquelle il apprend un nouveau sort très utile.
再びミスミドに向け出発する冬夜一行。そしてたどり着いたミスミドの王都ベルジュ。王宮に赴いた一行は国王ジャムカに謁見する。そしてなぜか国王と冬夜は闘技場で対戦をすることになり!?その夜、宮殿でパーティーが開かれ、会場を抜け出した冬夜の目の前に一匹?の動くクマのぬいぐるみが! クマについていくと、自称612歳の妖精族の長リーンが待っていたーーー。そして冬夜は、新たに手に入れた無属性魔法「プログラム」で、新装備「ブリュンヒルド」を作り出し、バージョンアップ!
Toya e sua trupe voltam para Mismede mais uma vez. Eles finalmente chegam à capital real de Mismede, Berge. Ao se dirigirem ao palácio, ganham uma audiência com o Rei Jamukha. De forma totalmente inesperada, Toya e o Rei acabam batalhando em uma arena de luta. Naquela noite, uma festa é realizada no palácio real, mas um urso de pelúcia em movimento aparece diante de Toya quando ele sai da recepção. O urso o leva até a autoproclamada líder de fadas de 612 anos, Leen. Toya usa sua recém obtida magia não-elemental, "Program", para criar uma arma de mão chamada Brunhild que pode crescer, tornando-a ainda mais poderosa.
La llegada de la delegación de Belfast a la capital de Mismede supone un gran revuelo hasta el punto de que el mismo rey Jamukha Blau Mismede pide enfrentarse a "quien derrotó al dragón" en combate singular. Pero no todo son juegos, pues Touya conoce a la maestra de Charlotte (la maga de la Casa Real de Belfast), que es Leem, un hada que toma un interés muy fuerte por Touya y sus capacidades mágicas, que no dejan de crecer.
용을 물리친 토야 일행은 다시 미스미드를 향해 출발한다. 드디어 도착한 미스미드의 왕도 베르쥬. 왕궁으로 향한 일행은 국왕인 자무카를 알현하고 벨파스트 국왕의 친서를 전한다. 한편, 흑룡을 무찔렀다는 얘기를 들은 자무카 국왕은 강한 자와 대결해 보고 싶다며 갑자기 토야에게 결투를 신청한다.