Zahlreiche Feinde aus mehreren Ländern jagen die Besucher der anderen Welt. Die SDF wurde abgezogen und Itami’s Team muss die Gäste alleine in Sicherheit bringen.
Rory's attempts to seduce Itami is interrupted by a phone call by Tarou. The US Black Ops team arrives at the Inn, only to encounter the Chinese and Russia Black Ops team, leading to a fight between the three sides which Rory later joins which ends with everyone killed except Rory. After packing their things and taking a van from the Russians, Itami's group heads back to Ginza but worried that the foreign agents will attack again, Risa posts a message on the internet that the Special Region girls will be attending the Ginza memorial. As a result, a large crowd gathers at Ginza to meet the girls, foiling the foreign agents kidnapping plans. Due to the large crowd, Public Security arresting several foreign agents and Shino revealing to her news reporter sister Nanami about the attempts on them, the US, Chinese and Russian leaders call it quits and orders their men to stand down.
Lorsque des agents américains, russes et chinois attaquent simultanément leur retraite, Rory révèle d'extraordinaires talents au cours d'un affrontement meurtrier.
Nemici di varie nazionalità hanno pianificato un assalto alla locanda dove alloggiano Itami e gli altri. Ma il Primo Ministro giapponese dà ordine di ritirare la squadra di difesa, quindi a Itami toccherà cavarsela da solo.
その前に立ちはだかるのはハルバートを構えたロゥリィ。 人ならざる戦闘力を誇るロゥリィは、三陣営を相手に大立ち回りを見せる。
Los enemigos de las Fuerzas de Autodefensa cada vez se están dejando ver con más asiduidad e intentan lanzar un nuevo ataque, pero Itami y compañía son previsores y consiguen evitar una nueva confrontación. Una vez terminadas sus labores en Ginza, todo el mundo se prepara para regresar a la Región Especial.