Die Einheit um Itami kehrt zusammen mit den Gästen auf die andere Seite des Tors zurück. Um das Camp der SDF wird derzeit eine neue Stadt errichtet.
Five months since the Gate's opening, the Alnus refugee camp develops into a town while Piña introduces Kouji Sugawara from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Lord Cicero, one of the most important nobles from the Empire, and obtains his cooperation with the peace talks in exchange for the release of his nephew, who is currently in Japan's custody as a prisoner. Back in Alnus, Tuka keeps wandering the city looking for his father and refusing to accept the fact that he is already dead. As Itami and his friends discuss about it in a tavern, Mari claims that they must make her face the truth, but Itami objects, certain that they can not be responsible for her as they don't know when they will be called back to Japan, much to Mari's dismay. Left alone with Rory, Itami keeps drinking with her until a Dark Elf woman appears and mistaking Rory as a child, reprimands Itami for having a drink with her. With her plans to spend the night with Itami ruined, Rory mischievously plays along with the Dark Elf's misunderstanding, forcing Itami to flee, with the elf unaware Itami was one of the "Men in Green", the JSDF soldiers, she was looking for. The Dark Elf introduces herself as Yao Haa Dusi and offers a huge Adamantium stone as a reward for helping her village that is being attacked by the Fire Dragon, which is why she has come to Alnus to seek the JSDF's aid. Having no success, Yao looks for a place to rest outside the town when she watches two F4 fighter jets maneuvering in some exercises and a helicopter taking off with Itami with some goods from the base heading towards the Imperial capital, renewing her hopes that the Japanese forces will help save her people from the dragon.
Cinq mois après le début de la guerre, le camp de réfugiés d'Alnus est devenu une ville commerçante. Piña engage les négociations de paix avec les nobles de l'Empire.
Alnus, que comenzó como un pequeño economato militar, ahora se consolida como una ciudad emergente que atrae a visitantes por doquier. Los soldados más jóvenes se divierten bebiendo en los bares y restaurantes en los que atienden atractivas mucamas. Por supuesto que Itami también participa de estos eventos. Pero la llegada de una inusual visitante agitará un poco la tranquilidad el lugar.
Vicino alla base delle Forze di Autodifesa nella Regione Speciale è sorta una piccola città. Un giorno in città arriva una misteriosa dark elf che sta cercando il "popolo verde".