Die Bewohner der anderen Welt betreten erstmalig Japan und erleben einen kulturellen Schock. Zudem werden sie auf offener Straße attackiert.
Itami and his group arrives in Tokyo where Lelei, Piña and the others are amazed with the city and its people. After meeting a Public Security agent, who reveals Itami's past on how a slacker like him became a member of the Special Forces Group, Itami, Rory, Lelei and Tuka heads to Japanese Diet while Piña and Bozes meets members of the Foreign Ministry to discuss the 6,000 Special Region prisoners under Japan's custody. At the Japanese Diet, Itami, Rory, Lelei and Tuka are questioned by the chairwoman for the Investigation Committee over the Fire Dragon attack, who accuses the JSDF of failing to protect the refugees killed by the Fire Dragon. Rory, Lelei and Tuka defend the JSDF and reveals how the Japanese soldiers have help and save many lives from the dragon.
Piña, Itami, Lelei, et le reste du groupe arrivent à Tokyo pour entamer de dures négociations. L'architecture et les habitants de la capitale surprennent les étrangers.
Itami, Tuka, Lelei e Rory sono alla Dieta per testimoniare riguardo i fatti accaduti durante l'attacco del drago di fuoco. Nel frattempo la principessa Pinya incontra l'assistente del Primo Ministro e un rappresentante del Ministero degli Affari Esteri.
Itami y las chicas llegan a Japón para asistir a la conferencia del Senado. En la conferencia, las Fuerzas de Autodefensa son acusadas de negligencia e incompetencia por permitir 150 víctimas en el enfrentamiento contra el dragón de fuego; sin embargo y afortunadamente, Rory tiene algo que decir al respecto.