Nach dem Übergriff des Ritterordens auf Itami fürchtet die Prinzessin von Italica Vergeltung durch die SDF. Um die Situation zu schlichten, bietet sie ihren Körper an, doch Itami hat nur Augen für die Cat-Girl-Dienerinnen.
Piña scolds her knights Bozes and Panache for not only attacking Itami but treating him inhumanely, which both violated the treaty she signed with him which she fears the JSDF will use as an excuse to attack them. As the Formal family staff treat Itami wounds, Rory, Lelei, Tuka and some of the 3rd Unit sneak back to Italica to rescue Itami but not before learning, much to Shino Kuribayashi shock, Itami is a Special Forces Ranger. The 3rd Unit are welcomed by the Formal maids and join Itami for a small party where some of the soldiers get to know the non-human maids. Meanwhile, Piña orders Bozes to sleep with Itami as an apology but gets angry and slaps him after seeing him having a party. Wishing to apologize to Itami's superiors personally for Bozes actions, she and Bozes join the 3rd Unit's trip back to Alnus Hill where they witness the JSDF having a Field training exercise along with tanks and helicopters, and is shock to learn from Lelei that their their soldiers do not use magic but weapons called guns. While Piña and Bozes meets with Itami's commanding officer Lieutenant General Hazama with Lelei as an interpreter, Itami invites Tuka to come with him to Japan to meet the Japanese Diet as a representative of the Special Region. The next day, Itami, Shino and Akira Tomita accompany Rory, Lelei, Tuka to Japan using the Gate along with Piña and Bozes to show them around.
Des chevaliers impériaux capturent et maltraitent Itami qui revenait d'Italica. Inquiète des retombées de cet incident sur ses relations avec la FAJ, Piña intervient.
Itami viene picchiato dai cavalieri dell'Ordine della Rosa e riportato a Italica. La principessa Pinya teme che le Forze di Autodifesa possano usare l'accaduto come scusa per cominciare una guerra contro L'Impero e per evitarlo ordina a uno dei suoi cavalieri di usare il suo corpo per sedurre il Tenente e fargli dimenticare l'incidente.
La Orden de la Rosa, que lidera la princesa Piña, captura a Itami y lo lleva de vuelta a Italica. Cuando Piña se entera de lo sucedido, hará todo lo posible para que las Fuerzas de Autodefensa de Japón olviden el incidente y no lo usen como excusa para iniciar una guerra contra el imperio.