Kogoro and Conan visits a famous author named Osamu Umezu in order to have his book signed. Later they spot Osamu's secretary, Mikami Touru, running to Osamu's house. They learn that Mikami that Osamu is not answering his phone calls and he was going to check up on him. They accompany him to Osamu's apartment and find Osamu dead. Evidence suggests it was suicide but Kogoro notices blood on the trash bin and reveals that it was a murder. Osamu's assistant and son are suspects to the murder due to being the only ones with keys to the apartment. Conan investigates and after putting Kogoro to sleep, impersonates him and reveals the murderer to be Mikami. He reveals that Mikami tied a string on the roof where it hung in front of Osamu's window. After poisoning Osamu, Mikami left the apartment and locked the door. He after wards went to the roof and using the string he set up, sends the key back to Osamu's apartment. Conan reveals that Osamu's died holding his trophy he won with his book. Conan explains the trophy was held upside down to reveal Osamu's book titles were and Mikami's name was also palindromes. As evidence, Conan reveals that Osamu managed to rip a button from Mikami's shirt and using the gum he had, stuck it onto the sofa. Mikami confesses to his crime and reveals that Osamu stole his manuscript and published the book as his own.
Kogorô, accompagné de Conan, débarque chez un célèbre auteur de polars en cours d’installation. C’est alors qu’ils assistent à un échange tendu entre l’auteur et son fils qui lui fait du chantage en prétendant vendre de la drogue et savoir qui écrit réellement les livres. En attendant que la dispute cesse, nos protagonistes attendent dans le café du coin, mais lorsque le majordome les ramène à l’appartement, l’écrivain est mort. Une affaire sous le signe du palindrome.
Conan und Kogorô befassen sich mit dem Tod des berühmten Schriftstellers Umezu. Der alternde Autor hat sich scheinbar selbst getötet und sogar einen Abschiedsbrief auf seinem Computer hinterlassen, der die beiden Ermittler allerdings nicht überzeugt. Ihnen wird schnell klar, dass es sich bei dem vermeintlichen Selbstmord um einen perfiden Anschlag gehandelt hat – und der Sohn des Toten der Hauptverdächtige ist.
Kogoro incontra un famoso scrittore di romanzi. Lo scrittore ha un figlio particolarmente dissennato. Verso sera Kogoro incontra il manager dello scrittore che si sta recando a casa dello scrittore perché questi non risponde al telefono. Il manager, Kogoro e Conan trovano lo scrittore morto
Kogoro y Conan van a casa de un famoso escritor, donde presencian una disputa entre este y su único hijo. Poco después, el escritor aparece muerto en su casa y todo apunta a un suicidio.
En Conan i en Kogoro van a veure un novel·lista molt popular, en Shu Outsu. Però resulta que, quan arriben a la casa de l'escriptor, veuen que s'està barallant amb el seu fill, que l'acusa de no ser ell qui escriu les seves novel·les. El secretari de l'escriptor els fa sortir a correcuita i els diu que tornin més tard, però quan tornen a la casa, troben l'escriptor mort amb un ceptre a la mà. En Conan no triga a deduir que el ceptre conté la clau del crim...