While driving home, Kogoro, Ran, and Conan witness a traffic collision between a green car and a red car. The man in the red car, Shun Hayami, dies from the collision due to his car catching fire. While the police interrogate Seiji Kurumatani, the man in the green car, he claims that he did not see the car at the intersection which caused the accident. Conan, suspecting a murder, mentions that they saw the two cars at a convenience store and the police question the store's owner to confirm this. The store owner tells them that he saw Hayami and Kurumatani arguing in front of his store. Conan confirms it is a murder and investigates the ashtray of the green car and finds the same cigarette brand as the one Hayami smoked. After tranquilizing Kogoro, Conan announces that Kurumatani planned the murder. He reveals Kurumatani, who is an auto mechanic, was repairing Hayami's red car and was lending Hayami his green car during the time. After the repairs were finished, he called Hayami to the convenience store so they could trade cars. Before arriving there, Kurumatani adjusted a billboard at the intersection where the collision would soon occur. The adjustment caused the billboard to reflect headlamp lights creating glare for Hayami which caused the accident. Kurumatani confesses to the murder and reveals that Hayami ran over his sister a year ago. When Hayami's car came into repairs, he knew Hayami was the murderer and began his plan for revenge.
Kogorô, Ran et Conan sont en balade en voiture lorsque survient un terrible accident de la route au niveau d’une intersection. En principe, c’est le phénomène de collision qui serait la cause, mais dans les faits, aussi bien Conan que Kogorô y voit un homicide délibéré.
Goro, Ran e Conan sono testimoni di un incidente tra una macchina verde ed una rossa. L'uomo della macchina rossa muore a causa dell'incendio provocato dalla collisione. L'uomo della macchina verde, durante l'interrogatorio, afferma di non aver visto arrivare l'altra vettura. Conan sospetta che si tratti di un omicidio pianificato.
Conan, Ran y Kogoro se encuentran en la autopista, hablando sobre temas entre los que se encuentra la afición de Kogoro por Yoko Okino, cuando dos coches colisionan y se produce una horrible explosión. Lograrán sacar vivo a uno de los conductores. ¿Habrá sobrevivido el otro? ¿Fue premeditado? La clave la tiene el arcoíris.
Conan, Ran i Kogoro es troben a l'autopista, parlant sobre temes entre els quals es troba l'afició de Kogoro per Yoko Okino, quan dos cotxes col·lisionen i es produeix una horrible explosió. Aconseguiran treure viu un dels conductors. Haurà sobreviscut l'altre? Va ser premeditat? La clau la té l'arc.