Haruna is found unconscious and taken to the hospital. While her parents are arguing, Haruna sneaks out of the hospital after remembering that the man threatened to kill Ran if she did not deliver the "Rainbow Child" to him. Elsewhere, Conan and Heiji learn that Haruna was only able to read part of the letter causing her to read "Kinosaki Hot Spring Station" as "Mountain Station" and thus explains why she was searching for her mother at the mountain. After a long search, Conan and his companions are able to find Haruna at her aunt's home and capture the mysterious man. The man is revealed to be Yumoto who reveals a man paid him to take the Rainbow Child back from Haruna. Conan reveals that the mysterious man in Genta's picture is the one who ordered Yumoto to commit the crime and reveals the culprit to be the Takeshi Kamachi, the president of the museum Haruna stole from. As evidence, Conan reveals that the culprit received a stain from Genta's crab flavored ice-cream, the same stain found on Kamachi. Conan reveals that Kamachi wanted Haruna to steal the "Rainbow Child" to complete the "Rainbow" set which consists of a sculpture of a mother holding the "Rainbow Child". Kamachi confesses to the plan and reveals he needed the money to pay off his debts. Later on, Haruna is reunited with her mother and father and with Ran's persuasion, reunited as a family.
Ran et la petite fille sont assommés par l'homme. Heiji parvient à retrouver la fillette inconsciente, mais il n'y a aucune trace de Ran. Haruna s'échappe de l'hôpital où elle a été admise car l'homme masqué, avant de l'assommer, lui a demandé de le conduire à l'endroit où se trouve la statue que la petite fille a volée dans le musée de son père. Conan, bien qu'incapable de se déplacer, dirige les opérations et indique à Heiji, Goro et aux Detective Boys où est caché Ran et où Haruna a pu se rendre.
Ran e la ragazzina vengono messe fuori combattimento dall'uomo. Heiji riesce a trovare la bambina svenuta, ma di Ran non c'è traccia. Haruna scappa dall'ospedale dove è stata ricoverata perché l'uomo mascherato, prima di stordirla, le ha chiesto di condurlo nel posto dove si trova la statua che la bambina ha sottratto dal museo del padre. Conan, pur non potendosi muovere, dirige le operazioni ed indica ad Heiji, Goro ed i Detective Boys dove è nascosta Ran e dove può essersi recata Haruna.
La niña consigue escapar y le cuenta todo a su familia, Conan, Heiji, Kogoro, Kazuha y la liga juvenil de detectives ¡El hombre que la estaba siguiendo ha secuestrado a Ran! Pero, ¡Ran tiene una de las insignias de detective! ¿Podrá Conan salvarla antes de que le pase algo grave?
La nena aconsegueix escapar i li conta tot a la seva família, Conan, Heiji, Kogoro, Kazuha i la lliga juvenil de detectius ¡L'home que l'estava seguint ha segrestat a Ran! Però, ¡Ran té una de les insígnies de detectiu! Podrà Conan salvar-la abans que li passi una cosa greu?