Mihashi goes past his 100th pitch. Momoe realises Bijou has decoded Nishiura's signs. Momoe tells Tajima to decide pitches with Mihashi. After a three-run homer, Mihashi is badly shaken up and ends up giving up a walk to the next batter, unable to locate his pitches. Mihashi sees the importance of a pitcher's decision to follow the catcher's signs. Mihashi manages to strike-out the next batter, Kurata, the catcher, in that mindset. Bijou's Kashima is replaced by Takenouchi as pitcher. Moriya replaces Takenouchi in left field. Nishihiro, the reserve player, gets the last at-bat with two outs, but strikes out and the game ends with the ninth inning (4-1). Nishiura loses 11-6. Although they've lost, Momoe tells them to look forward to the Newcomers Tournament and the Fall Tournament.
9회, 비조다이사야마고교의 마지막 공격. 점수 차이는 2점. 노 아웃 카운트. 타자는 1번타석으로 다시 돌아왔다. 타지마는 모모감독의 사인이 상대팀에게 들켰다는 사실을 모른채 미하시에게 사인을 내는데...