Ryo loses the mobile phone which he uses to call women, and it is found by Tomomi Asakura, anchor woman on the evening TV news. She returns the phone, assuming that he is a host because of the number of women's numbers listed. When she takes him to a function, he is the life of the party, but she cannot relax. However, after a couple of drinks she opens up about the problems in her life, work and no friends, but Ryo has already left. Ryo promises to keep in contact with Tomomi, but does not pay her much attention. Tomomi loses patience with Ryo and his apparent wastrel lifestyle, until Xiang Ying decides to tell her what he really does.
Ryô est dépité d'avoir perdu son téléphone portable "réservé aux femmes". Mais quelqu'un l'a ramassé et le prévient : ce n'est autre que la célèbre présentatrice Tomomi Asakura. D'après le nombre de filles qui ont appelé sur le portable de Ryô en son absence, elle en déduit qu'il est sans doute un gigolo à succès, et lui impose de l'aider dans le reportage qu'elle prépare à leur sujet. Ryô l'emmène dans un club dont il est habitué...
Ryo perde il suo cellulare "speciale", che viene ritrovato dalla giornalista Tomomi Asakura. Fraintendendo la situazione, lo coinvolge in un'indagine sui locali notturni.