Tomomi's boss Sanemichi Bando reveals that Ryo is City Hunter but Tomomi refuses to believe it. She is abducted in the street by Yang Fang Yu, leader of the Black Panther group. It appears that Ryo saved Fang Yu when they were mercenaries 10 years earlier and she fell in love with him and he promised to email her every Christmas, but because of Tomomi, he missed this year. Fang Yu challenges Tomomi to a drinking contest, but when Tomomi passes out, Xiang Ying arrives to rescue her. Fang Yu challenges Xiang Ying, but when they start, Fang Yu sees Kaori before her, and confesses that she still cares about Ryo. Later, Tomomi thanks Ryo for changing her life, and when he arrives home, he finds Xiang Ying, Fang Yu and Bando partying in his apartment.
Tomomi, abasourdie par ce que lui explique Xiang-Ying, ne comprend rien à la véritable identité de Ryô, et décide d'aller demander à Bandô, qui lui apprend que Ryô n'est autre que le célèbre nettoyeur clandestin, City Hunter; mais Tomomi ne le croit pas. Au retour, elle se fait enlever, au moment même ou Ryô, qui se réveille enfin, prend la peine d'observer l'écusson que lui montre Xiang-Ying, laissé la veille par celui qui les a agressés au bar. C'est l'insigne de l'unité de mercenaires Panthère Noire, commandée par Fang-Hu Yang, qui a voulu lui transmettre ainsi un message.
Tomomi scopre che Ryo Saeba è "City Hunter". Nel frattempo, viene rapita da una misteriosa figura legata al passato dello sweeper: Yan Fan Yui, una militare legata a doppio filo col passato di Ryo.