Kuroyukihime beamt sich und Haruyuki in die VR-Welt des Brain Burst Games und erklärt Haruyuki die Regeln des Games. Als Avatar „Silver Crow“ bestreitet Haruyuki seinen ersten Battle.
A clueless Haruyuki is easily beaten by Ash Roller in the duel. During lunch, Kuroyukihime and Haruyuki enter the accelerated world and Kuroyukihime explains to Haruyuki that in order to continue accelerating that he must fight and defeat other Brain Burst avatars. She also points out that the avatar is created based on the thoughts of the user, which in Haruyuki's case it is his inferiority complex. When Kuroyukihime offers to let Haruyuki return to his normal life, Haruyuki declines stating that he owes her for changing his life. Having agreed to further his friendship with Kuroyukihime, she orders him to learn how to fight. After linking out, Kuroyukihime explains to the students in the dining room that she asked Haruyuki to go out on a date and he rejected it, much to everybody's surprise. After school, Haruyuki challenges Ash Roller to a rematch and forms a strategy using the information given by Kuroyukihime. Haruyuki starts off with a surprise attack with the intent to stall until time ran out, but Ash Roller obtained the ability to climb walls on his motorcycle making that strategy impossible. A desperate Haruyuki attempts his killer move, the headbutt, but instead he is rolled over by the motorcycle. Haruyuki then figures out Ash Roller's weakness and lifts the rear wheel off the ground to immobilize Ash Roller since the motorcycle is a rear wheel drive model from the 20th century. Haruyuki headbutts Ash Roller at close range to win the duel. After exiting the accelerated world, Chiyuri sees Haruyuki and Kuroyukihime together and is mad at Kuroyukihime for getting Haruyuki hurt.
Haru incontra per la prima volta un altro Burst Linker, Ash Roller, ma non essendo ancora preparato per una sfida, perde clamorosamente. Kuroyukihime, in quanto suo sire, gli spiega le basi del combattimento e come l’avatar che lo rappresenta sia identificato da una specialità tramite il colore della sua armatura. Gli chiarisce, inoltre, che perdere i combattimenti contro altri Burst Linker vuol dire perdere i punti che gli permettono di accelerare nella vita reale e che chi li perde tutti non potrà accelerare mai più. Haru si ritrova quindi catapultato nel più grande gioco multiplayer che abbia mai iniziato, un gioco in cui dovrà continuare a vincere per poter usufruire dei vantaggi della realtà accelerata.
Haruyuki es derrotado por Ash Roller en un duelo, pero Kuroyukihime lo introduce al mundo acelerado. Ella le explica que debe luchar y derrotar a otros avatares Brain Burst. Haruyuki rechaza volver a su vida normal y decide aprender a luchar. Después de una revancha, descubre la debilidad de Ash Roller y gana el duelo. Chiyuri se enfada con Kuroyukihime por poner a Haruyuki en peligro.
春雪第一次的對戰,就在莫名其妙之下輸掉了。於是黑雪公主告訴他,『Brain Burst』程式的真面目,是對戰格鬥線上遊戲,而遊戲中的人物,都為了爭奪加速用的超頻點數而互相戰鬥。
春雪接受黑雪公主的特訓後,再度挑戰Ash Roller,雖然也有千鈞一髮的時候,但春雪還是抓住機會,奪得第一次的勝利。
Haruyuki, agora um Burst-Linker, vê-se subitamente envolvido num combate mortal contra um motoqueiro cruel chamado Ash Roller.