Kuroyukihime offenbart Haruyuki ihre eigene Geschichte und Rolle im Brain Burst Game. Die Unterstützung, die sie sich von ihm erhofft, bringt Haru in einen großen Konflikt zu seiner langjährigen Freundin Chiyuri.
Kuroyukihime tells Chiyuri that she is dating Haru and drags him to a cafe. While there, Kuroyukihime explains her dilemma to Haru. Brain Burst was anonymously created seven years ago which allows acceleration only to those who were born with the Neurolinker. Therefore, all Burst Linkers are children age 15 and younger, allowing its existence to be concealed from the public. Kuroyukihime wants to meet the creator to learn the purpose of the program. To do that, she needs to reach level 10, which requires five wins over level 9 Burst Linkers and one defeat results in the permanent uninstallation of Brain Burst. Two years ago, Kuroyukihime was one of the Kings of Pure Color, a group of level 9 Burst Linkers that agreed to not fight each other, but she did not agree to the treaty and beheaded the Red King, causing her to be branded a traitor and leading her to seal away Black Lotus. Since then, she has stayed offline, only logging on to the school's local net with a dummy avatar. Recently, she was challenged to a duel by a Burst Linker named Cyan Pile, which could lead to her identity as Black Lotus being exposed. Thus, she must find Cyan Pile's identity. She suspects Chiyuri, which is why she provoked her, although Haru doubts it knowing that Chiyuri is bad at games. Haru begins the investigation by going to Chiyuri's home under the pretense of apologizing for lunch the other day. The two link up with each other with an extremely short cable and reconcile with each other, with Chiyuri letting Haru know that Takumu was not told about the bullying. During the conversation, Haru discovers that while Chiyuri is not Cyan Pile, there is a back door connection that could lead to finding its identity.
Haru viene a sapere di come si sia sviluppato il mondo dei Burst Linker e di come si sia diviso in regni. Scopre anche che il suo sire è uno dei Sei Re del Colore Puro, Black Lotus, il quale in passato aveva tentato di infrangere la pace e di arrivare al livello 10, requisito necessario per avere un incontro con il creatore della realtà accelerata. Per questo motivo Haru, anche se sa di essere ancora alle prime armi, desidera salire di livello velocemente per poter aiutare Kuroyukihime a realizzare il suo desiderio e si unisce alla sua fazione, i Nega Nebulus. Le difficoltà sono tante e non tardano a mostrarsi. Il suo primo compito è identificare Cyan Pile, l’avversario che sta sfidando continuamente Kuroyukihime a scuola, e indagare sul sospettato principale, la sua migliore amica Chiyuri.
Kuroyukihime necesita alcanzar el nivel 10 en el programa Brain Burst para reunirse con su creador y descubrir su propósito. Sin embargo, debe descubrir la identidad de Cyan Pile, un Burst Linker que la desafió y podría revelar su verdadera identidad como Black Lotus. Con la sospecha puesta en Chiyuri, Haru inicia una investigación que revela una conexión que podría llevar al descubrimiento de la identidad de Cyan Pile.
黑雪公主因為破壞了統治加速世界的七王協定,成為加速世界中的通緝犯。她為了想找出不斷在校內網路找她對戰的藍色Cyan Pile,於是尋求春雪的協助。春雪得知青梅竹馬的千百合是嫌犯之一,為了洗刷千百合的嫌疑,他直接連上千百合的連結裝置,卻發現,她的神經連結裝置被植入了病毒…
Um Avatar de Duelo chamado Cyan Pile está a tentar desafiar Kuroyukihime numa batalha no Accel World.