Diese Begegnung verändert Haruyukis Leben total: die attraktive Kuroyukihime verschafft dem Moppelchen mittels des VR-Programms Brain Burst Zugang zu einer beschleunigten Welt – der Accel(erated) World.
Haruyuki Arita receives an e-mail from Araya, one of the students who has been bullying him, demanding that he buys him and his buddies food for lunch. Afterwards, he hides in the restroom where he links into the virtual world as a pig. As he walks towards the squash court, he sees the student council vice-president Kuroyukihime being admired by other students, while she notices him. He sets a new high score in squash and when he is about to start another game, Chiyuri Kurashima finds him and forces him to link out. Chiyuri advises Haruyuki to send the e-mails to the faculty and asks him to have lunch together, but Haruyuki refuses and runs away. Returning to the squash court, he sees that his high score is surpassed and Kuroyukihime appears before him asking him meet her during lunch the next day, promising to change his reality. On the next day, Kuroyukihime introduces Haruyuki to the Brain Burst program that allows users to "accelerate" their brain waves to make time appear to stand still. Araya, having been provoked by Kuroyukihime, throws a punch at Haruyuki, but before the punch lands the burst link is activated. While in accelerated mode, Kuroyukihime advises Haruyuki to let the punch land and to throw himself at her so that Araya would be caught on the security camera in front of several witnesses, which Haruyuki agrees to do. After exiting burst link mode, Haruyuki does exactly that and Araya is detained by security. On the way home from school, Haruyuki and Chiyuri meet up with Takumu Mayuzumi and Haruyuki runs home alone after believing that Takumu was informed about what happened during lunch. On the next day, Haruyuki connects to the Global Net to check that he has his lunch money against Kuroyukihime's orders and on his way to school, he is transported into a war-torn world where he transforms into Silver Crow and is challenged by Ash Roller to a duel.
Nel 2046 la Neuro-sincronizzazione, un sistema di realtà aumentata, ha preso piede in tutto il mondo. Il protagonista Haruyuki "Haru" Arita, uno studente dall'aspetto buffo, viene preso di mira dal bullo della scuola a causa della sua incapacità a difendersi. Haru odia la sua vita a causa del suo essere e trova rifugio solo nella realtà virtuale, dove è davvero abile come giocatore, tanto da venir notato da Kuroyukihime, la ragazza più bella della sua scuola, che gli propone di passare ad un livello successivo di realtà virtuale, la realtà accelerata. Pur essendo stato messo in guardia che accettando cambieranno molte cose nella sua vita, Harayuki non esita ad entrare nel mondo di Brain Burst.
Haruyuki Arita, acosado por un compañero, recibe un correo donde le exigen comprar comida. Conectado en el mundo virtual como cerdo, se cruza con Kuroyukihime, la vicepresidenta del consejo estudiantil. Ella lo reta en squash y, al regresar, Kuroyukihime le muestra el programa Brain Burst para acelerar sus ondas cerebrales. Protegiéndolo de un golpe, Araya es captado en video. Haruyuki se encuentra con Takumu y se va solo, pensando que lo del almuerzo se reveló. Conectado nuevamente, se transforma en Silver Crow y es desafiado a un duelo por Ash Roller en un mundo de guerra.
在她的邀請之下,春雪在午休時間來到校內的咖啡廳。而等著他的是,名為『Brain Burst』的不明程式,以及全新的『加速世界』…
Arita Haruyuki, um rapaz cuja aparência rechonchuda e timidez o tornam um alvo constante de bullying na escola. Envergonhado com a sua vida miserável, Haruyuki só consegue lidar com isso entregando-se a jogos virtuais.