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أفلام انمي

.أفلام الانمي وبس.

  • List ID 7608
  • Created By alosh
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created February 17, 2021 by
  • Modified May 1, 2022 by




The Garden of Words


Takao, a 15-year-old who is training to be a shoemaker, decides to skip school on a rainy day to design shoes at Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden. There he meets a mysterious 27-year-old woman, Yukino. The two end up developing an unlikely friendship, meeting again in the same place repeatedly, but only on rainy days.



「あの光の中に、行ってみたかった」 高1の夏。離島から家出し、東京にやってきた帆高。 しかし生活はすぐに困窮し、孤独な日々の果てにようやく見つけた仕事は、 怪しげなオカルト雑誌のライター業だった。 彼のこれからを示唆するかのように、連日降り続ける雨。 そんな中、雑踏ひしめく都会の片隅で、帆高は一人の少女に出会う。 ある事情を抱え、弟とふたりで明るくたくましく暮らすその少女・陽菜。 彼女には、不思議な能力があった。

Ride Your Wave


Hinako is a surf-loving college student who has just moved to a small seaside town. When a sudden fire breaks out at her apartment building, she is rescued by Minato, a handsome firefighter, and the two soon fall in love. Just as they become inseparable, Minato loses his life in an accident at sea. Hinako is so distraught that she can no longer even look at the ocean, but one day she sings a song that reminds her of their time together, and Minato appears in the water. From then on, she can summon him in any watery surface as soon as she sings their song, but can the two really remain together forever? And what is the real reason for Minato’s sudden reappearance?



Every five years, an exhilarating race called Redline is held, and the universe's most anticipated competition has only one rule: that there are none. Racers are pushed to their absolute limit—a feeling that daredevil driver JP knows all too well. Having just qualified to participate in Redline, he is eager to battle against the other highly skilled drivers, particularly the beautiful rising star and the only other human that qualified, Sonoshee McLaren. But this year's Redline may be far more dangerous than usual—it has been announced to take place on the planet Roboworld with its trigger-happy military and criminals who look to turn the race to their own advantage. However, the potential danger doesn't stop the racers; in fact, it only adds to the thrill. Relying solely on his vehicle's speed, JP prepares for the event to come, aiming to take first place in the biggest race of his life.




Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters


In the last summer of the 20th century, giant monsters began plaguing Earth and humanity is driven to near extinction by one monster that eliminated the others: Godzilla. It was at that time that two alien races with ulterior motives, the religious Exif and the technologically advanced Bilusaludo, came to Earth to offer their assistance against Godzilla. But after the Bilusaludos' gambit with Mechagodzilla failed before it be activated, both the aliens and humanity were forced to abandon Earth and emigrate to Tau Ceti e via the Aratrum. Among the humans is Haruo Sakaki, who bore a seething hatred towards Godzilla as his parents were killed during the exodus. 20 years later and 11.9 light years away from Earth, a fully grown Haruo believes Tau-e is uninhabitable and locks himself in a shuttle that he threatens to detonate unless the ship's committee resents the order for his grandfather and the elderly to scout the planet. But Haruo fails and is arrested, thrown in a cell where he witnesses the emigration shuttle explode while entering the planet's atmosphere. Provided classified data by Exif priest named Metphies, Haruo anonymously publishes an essay detailing Godzilla's weak points to convince the central committee into returning to Earth once they conclude the unlikelihood of finding another habitable world.

Godzilla: City on the Edge of Battle


Following the events of ''Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters'', the Aratrum is unable to contact Haruo and the rest after their encounter with the original Godzilla. The Captain orders that if drones do not find survivors by 48 hours, the Aratrum will withdraw from Earth.

Godzilla: The Planet Eater


Following the destruction of Mechagodzilla City, the remaining Bilusaludo on the Aratrum demand justice for Haruo destroying what they saw as necessary to defeat Godzilla. But the humans disagree, believing Haruo exposed the Bilusaludos' true intentions of assimilating Earth. The Bilusaludos revolt and shut down the Aratrum's engine room, forcing the ship to run on secondary batteries for the next two days. On Earth, Haruo learns from Dr. Martin that Yuko is rendered brain-dead with the Nanometal in her body keeping her alive. He also learned that those treated by the Houtua survived the nanometal's attempt to absorb them, with Methphies deceiving the survivors into believing their survival was divine intervention. Dr. Martin advises Haruo to hide until tensions ease.

Summer Wars


Kenji Koiso is a young student at Kuonji High School with a gift for mathematics and a part-time Gamemaster#Gamemasters in online games in the massive computer-simulated virtual reality world OZ along with his friend Takashi Sakuma.

ジャーニー 太古アラビア半島での奇跡と戦いの物語





50億人がすれ違う 美しくも残酷な仮想世界。 ベルの歌声は世界を変える―― 自然豊かな高知の田舎に住む17歳の女子高校生・内藤鈴(すず)は、幼い頃に母を事故で亡くし、父と二人暮らし。 母と一緒に歌うことが何よりも大好きだったすずは、その死をきっかけに歌うことができなくなっていた。 曲を作ることだけが生きる糧となっていたある日、親友に誘われ、全世界で50億人以上が集うインターネット上の仮想世界<U(ユー)>に参加することに。<U>では、「As(アズ)」と呼ばれる自分の分身を作り、まったく別の人生を生きることができる。歌えないはずのすずだったが、「ベル」と名付けたAsとしては自然と歌うことができた。ベルの歌は瞬く間に話題となり、歌姫として世界中の人気者になっていく。 数億のAsが集うベルの大規模コンサートの日。突如、轟音とともにベルの前に現れたのは、「竜」と呼ばれる謎の存在だった。乱暴で傲慢な竜によりコンサートは無茶苦茶に。そんな竜が抱える大きな傷の秘密を知りたいと近づくベル。一方、竜もまた、ベルの優しい歌声に少しずつ心を開いていく。 やがて世界中で巻き起こる、竜の正体探しアンベイル。 <U>の秩序を乱すものとして、正義を名乗るAsたちは竜を執拗に追いかけ始める。<U>と現実世界の双方で誹謗中傷があふれ、竜を二つの世界から排除しようという動きが加速する中、ベルは竜を探し出しその心を救いたいと願うが――。 現実世界の片隅に生きるすずの声は、たった一人の「誰か」に届くのか。 二つの世界がひとつになる時、奇跡が生まれる。

Sol Levante


This is the first hand-drawn anime in 4K HDR.

The House of Small Cubes


To save his house from rising flood waters, an old man uses bricks to build it higher, then he relives events from his past while searching for his dropped pipe.




Nagasaki 1945 ~ The Angelus Bells


1945年8月9日、爆心地から1.4キロ離れた病院で働く青年医師・秋月辰一郎は自ら被爆しながらも必死の治療を続ける。 苦悩から生まれた人類愛への目覚め、そして再生へと向かう40日間。 美しいアンゼラスの鐘が時を告げた浦上天主堂近くの浦上第一病院で起こった真実の物語。




Vampire Hunter D


While walking her guard rounds in the country, Doris Lang, the daughter of a deceased werewolf hunter, is attacked and bitten by Count Magnus Lee, a 10,000-year-old, long-lost vampire lord (also known as a Noble) for trespassing in his domain.

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust


Charlotte, a young woman, is abducted by Baron Meier Link, a vampire nobleman who is known not to harm humans needlessly. Charlotte's father, Elbourne, hires D, a dhampir, to find her and rescue her, and alternatively, kill her humanely if she's been turned into a vampire. He offers D $500,000 as a down payment, and offers him $10,000,000 if he carries out the job. D has Elbourne double the payment, and agrees to search for Charlotte.


