On a red eye flight to Boston from LA 10 people wake up to a shock. All the other passengers and crew have vanished but all sorts of personal possessions remain. When they try to contact the ground they make no connections. They land the plane only to discover that things haven't changed. But its like the world is dead.
All star adaptation of Jonathan Swift's satirical tale about a normal man who, after returning home following eight years of absence, relates fantastical tales about how he was thought to be giant in the Land of Lilliput, but was only six inches high in the Land of Brobdingnag. He also tells of his visit to the floating island of Laputa populated by scientists who are so obsessed with reason that they act with no common sense. Finally, he tells of his journey to the land where his disturbing likeness to the bestial Yahoos and his inferiority to the intelligent horses there makes him question the very worth of his humanity.
An American spends his holiday in Ireland, where he is introduced to the world of magical creatures like leprechauns and fairies. In a subplot, a forbidden love story blossoms between leprechaun Mickey and fairy Jessica.
Under Paul "Muad'Dib" Atreides' rule as Emperor, the planet Arrakis has enjoyed a renaissance. However, the revolution that Muad'dib inspired has transformed into a brutal jihad that has plunged all of humanity into a bitter, neverending cycle of interstellar war. Now a conspiracy on Arrakis threatens to rob Muad'Dib of his throne and his life. The future of all of humanity might well rest in the hands of Muad'dib's young, vulnerable heirs - Leto II and his sister, Ghanima. Idealistic young Leto, however, fiercely resists his destiny as a force for sweeping changes, both on Arrakis and in the universe at large. Unfortunately, the time for Leto to take action is drawing near, and friends and enemies are difficult to tell apart on Arrakis, where the only thing more precious than water is the Spice, a substance found only on Arrakis that makes possible interstellar space travel; extends life; and enables people who ingest it to have clairvoyant visions of distant places and of the future. With the rule of Arrakis and the freedom of all humanity hanging in the balance, Leto must risk sacrificing his own humanity in order to save those who would see him destroyed.
Dorothy Gale, a.k.a. DG, is all grown up and bored. She mopes around, works as a waitress, and goes to school part time. Before she knows it she's back in OZ (a.k.a. Outer Zone) and on the run from the evil sorceress Azkadellia and her storm troopers and clumsy bats. Along the way she falls in with some strange characters including the brainless Glitch, Raw, a cowardly and psychic lion-man hybrid, and, in the largest deviation, Wyatt Cain, a cowboy cop from Central City called a "tin man" because of his tin badge.
Using the classic Lewis Carroll books Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass as a jumping off point, writer/director Nick Willing has created the modern-day story of Alice Hamilton (Caterina Scorsone), a fiercely independent twenty-something who suddenly finds herself on the other side of a looking glass. She is a stranger in an outlandish city of twisted towers and casinos built out of playing cards, all under the rule of the deliciously devilish Queen of Hearts (Oscar winner Kathy Bates) who's not very happy about Alice's arrival. In the course of her adventure, Alice enlists the help of an array of characters including the resistance fighter Hatter (Andrew-Lee Potts), resistance leader Dodo (Tim Curry) and the White Knight (Matt Frewer). Rounding out the stellar cast are Colm Meaney as the King of Hearts, Harry Dean Stanton as Caterpillar, Alessandro Juliani as 9 of Clubs, Timothy Webber as Carpenter, Alex Diakun as Ratcatcher, and Eugene Lipinski as Doctors Dee and Dum.
Young Kit Walker finds himself recruited by a secret organization, unveiling a heritage he never could have dreamed possible. Revered as the twenty-second "ghost who walks," he must now uphold and honor his ancestors' creed - to fight crime and injustice throughout the world.
Moist von Lipwig is a con-man with a particular talent-- he is utterly unremarkable. When his execution is stayed in Terry Pratchett's remarkable Discworld, he must work off his debt to society as the land's head Postman. Things are not always as they seem, and soon Lipwig is delivering mail for his very life!
The Witches of Oz follows the exploits of the grown Dorothy Gale, now a successful children's book author, as she moves from Kansas to present day New York City. Dorothy quickly learns that her popular books are based on repressed childhood memories, and that the wonders of Oz are very, very real. When the Wicked Witch of the West shows up in Times Square, Dorothy must find the inner courage to stop her.
Solve The Code and find a real-life treasure! The Code is a three-part TV series about maths in the world around us, presented by Marcus du Sautoy. Why do bees make hexagonal honeycomb? Who is in charge of the flight of a flock of swallows? How can dozens of wrong answers make a correct one? Join Marcus on an exciting journey to discover The Code!
Neverland, a prequel to author J.M. Barrie's classic, Peter Pan, sweeps in time from the turbulent seas of the pirates of the Caribbean and the back alleys of Dickensian London to a world of pure imagination
Set against the backdrop of a United Nations Space Command (UNSC) military academy, a group of highborn cadets are training to be the next generation of soldiers in the UNSC’s ongoing war with insurrectionists in the outer colonial planets. Among these cadets, Thomas Lasky struggles with his doubts about this war, and with the burden of expectations he may not be able to carry. As Lasky comes to terms with his potential as a military leader, the terrifying alien alliance known as the Covenant arrives and turns his world upside down. Inspired by the Master Chief, he must decide what it means to be a hero.
Six ans après la défaite de Qilby, et cinq ans après celle de Jiva, la Confrérie du Tofu est forcée de reprendre du service car le Chaos d'Ogrest menace de submerger le Royaume Sadida. L'utilisation des Dofus Eliatropes semble être la seule solution pour protéger le peuple Sadida, mais, une mystérieuse organisation les a dérobés et la Confrérie du Tofu doit les reprendre afin d'aller affronter Ogrest...
砂刑暦93年—— 砂の海に覆われた世界の中、小島のような漂泊船「泥クジラ」の上で暮らす人々がいた。 外界との接触がまったくないこの島の人口は、513人。 感情を源とする超能力「情念動(サイミア)」を有する代わりに短命な「印(シルシ)」と、 能力を持たないが長命の「無印(むいん)」という種族からなる彼らは、 小さな共同体を形成し穏やかに過ごしていたのである。 島の記録係である「印」のチャクロは、ある日泥クジラに漂着した廃墟船を調査する中で、謎の少女「リコス」と出会う。 島の人間にとって、初めてとなる外界の人間との接触。 それは、新世界を開く福音なのか──。
In 1963, the U.S. government launched a covert space mission sending hundreds of men, women and children on a century-long voyage aboard the starship Ascension to populate a new world. Nearly 50 years into the journey, as they approach the point of no return, a mysterious murder of a young woman causes the ship’s population to question the true nature of their mission.
「私は、君とソラを飛ぶ。」 甘粕ひそねは、航空自衛隊の岐阜基地に勤務を始めた新人だ。 素直すぎて無意識で他人を傷つけるのに疲れ、任期限定の自衛官を選んだのだ。 だが、運命の出逢いが彼女の人生を根底から変える。 基地に秘匿された戦闘機に擬態するドラゴンがひそねを選び、大空高く舞いあがったのだ。 こうして「OTF(変態飛翔生体)」であるドラゴンに乗りこむ飛行要員が、 ひそねの仕事になった。 国家的な命運を左右するとも言われるドラゴンには、 はたしてどんな秘密が隠されているのだろうか……。
Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven will be embarking on an epic journey to “restore the glimmer of the Northern Lights".
Marvel and Disney XD have produced a 12-episode series of Rocket & Groot animated shorts. The shorts follow Rocket and Groot as they try to figure out how to get enough credits to buy a new ship after their old one breaks down.
For the first time go inside McLaren, the most prestigious team in Formula 1 racing. Gain unprecedented access to the drivers, engineers, and leaders of McLaren to see what it takes to compete at the highest level. Narrated by Michael Douglas.
Leila is a lonely 17 year old girl addicted to a fictional online gaming site called Agora. While playing on the platform, Leila meets Tess, a cool and confident party girl who harbours a dark secret. In the real world, the two girls become friends, but after Tess disappears Leila decides to assume her friend's identity and in doing so is quickly drawn into unravelling the mystery behind her disappearance.
Set in the idyllic rural landscape of southern England, this tale of adventure, courage, and survival follows a band of rabbits on their flight from the intrusion of man and the certain destruction of their home. Led by a stouthearted pair of brothers, they journey forth from their native Sandleford Warren through the harrowing trials posed by predators and adversaries, towards a promised land and a more perfect society.
“人類”と“獣人”が共存する社会。 獣化遺伝子・獣因子を持つ獣人たちは、近現代の自然の消失により住処を追われ、人類の前に姿を現した。各国が共存のための対応に追われるなか、日本では獣人が獣人らしく生きるための獣人特区『アニマシティ』が設置される。 それから10年の月日が経ち、『アニマシティ』に17歳のタヌキ獣人・影森みちるがやってくる。普通の人間だったが、ある日突然タヌキ獣人になった彼女は「ここなら自由に生きられる!」と喜ぶが、ひょんなことからオオカミ獣人・大神士郎と出会い、『アニマシティ』にもこの街にしかない危険がたくさん潜んでいることを知る。 頑固な性格で過剰に人間を嫌う士郎とは衝突を繰り返しながら、みちるは怪しい女のマリーや、市長のロゼ、獣人生活協同組合のジェムとメリッサなど、たくさんの人々に出会い、それまで知らなかった“獣人”たちの生き様を学んでいく。そして、タヌキの少女とオオカミ男に生まれた絆は、やがて世界を変える鍵になる。 なぜ、みちるは獣人になってしまったのか。その謎を追ううちに、予想もしていなかった大きな出来事に巻き込まれていくのだった。
Over the course of one night, a high school senior who's lived her life safely under the radar seizes the opportunity to change her narrative and start living an epic life, only to find out the next morning that she's a ghost.
Lightning McQueen and Mater go on a cross-country road trip to see Mater's sister.
A comic-style animated sci-fi series set in Lagos that explores themes of class, innocence and challenging the status quo.
黒髪の美少女・蛇喰夢子が転校してくる1年前。 ごく普通の家庭に生まれた早乙女芽亜里(CV.田中美海)は、政財界の子女が多数集う名門・私立百花王学園に特待生として編入してくる。 しかし、この学園には絶対的な階級制度が存在していた。 その階級を決めるのは“ギャンブル”。 この学園では、勉強やスポーツの成績は評価されず、最も重要なのはギャンブルの強さだった。 ギャンブルで借金を背負うと“家畜”して学園生活を過ごさなければならない。 早乙女芽亜里は、ギャンブルによって支配される学園で未来を切り拓くことができるのか。
A Mesoamerican warrior princess embarks on a quest to recruit three legendary fighters to help save the world of gods -- and humankind.