Still hoping to strike it rich during his visit to Los Angeles, Estevan shows a great deal of interest in a young woman when he learns she comes from a wealthy family. Don Alejandro accuses Estevan of only being attracted to Margarita because of her money, but the suitor denies the charges, forcing Diego to dress as Zorro in an attempt to frighten Estevan away.
Instead of convincing his uncle to give up his plan, Diego has unwittingly made Estevan furious at Zorro. Hoping to trap the outlaw, Estevan arranges for Corporal Reyes to dress as Margarita and ride in her carriage. Estevan then spreads word around town that he and "Margarita" will be enjoying a quiet ride near the lake that evening. He tells Sergeant Garcia to follow the carriage, so when Zorro next tries to embarrass Estevan, he can capture his masked foe.
Zorro does stop the carriage and offers to help Margarita out, only to find it is really Corporal Reyes. He frees himself from Reye's grasp and turns to fight Estevan, who has approached with his sword drawn. Reyes runs to find Garcia, who is trying to escape a pursuing skunk. Zorro forces Estevan into the lake and the two soldiers quickly follow him in to avoid their striped pursuer.
Estevan de la Cruz fait la cour à Margarita, une très riche héritière afin de posséder sa fortune même s'il soutient devant Don Alejandro, ne pas être intéressé par sa fabuleuse dot. Afin de protéger Margarita, Zorro tente de dissaduer Estevan d'épouser la jeune femme et le pousse à quitter le pays, mais en vain...
Estevan úgy dönt, hogy ő veszi el Margaritát, tudva, hogy sok pénz és nagy birtok jár nászajándékul. Zorro meglátogatja Estevant, és arra ösztönzi, hogy térjen vissza Spanyoroszágba, és ne hitegesse tovább Margaritát. Estevan azonban nem hallgat rá, és amikor a lányhoz lovagol, Zorro üldözőbe veszi és a folyóba penderíti. Estevan csapdát állít, és Reyes tizedest Margaritának öltöztetve, a tópartra csalják Zorrót, aki megvív vele, miközben Reyes-t és Garciát borzok tartják sakkban és "le" is tisztelik őket. Zorro újra a vízbe löki Estevant, és a két katona is hamarosan csatlakozik hozzá.
Ancora sperando di diventare ricco durante la sua visita a Los Angeles, Estevan mostra crescente interesse in una giovane donna di buona famiglia. Don Alejandro accusa Estevan di corteggiare Margarita solamente per i suoi soldi e lo invita a lasciar perdere, ma la minaccia non ha alcun effetto e così Diego è costretto a vestire i panni di Zorro per ostacolare i piani dello zio. Invece di scoraggiare l’uomo però, Diego non fa altro che rendere Estevan furioso nei confronti di Zorro che, con l’aiuto di Garcia e Reyes, organizza un piano per catturare il fuorilegge. Il Caporale Reyes viene vestito da donna e portato in carrozza con Estevan in una simulata passeggiata romantica mentre Garcia li segue senza farsi vedere e pronto ad intervenire. Quando Zorro arriva e invita “Margarita” a scendere dalla carrozza rimane notevolmente sorpreso di ritrovare Reyes al posto della donna, ma riesce comunque ad avere la meglio sui tre che finiscono a bagno nel vicino lago.