Before he returns home, Sergeant Garcia angers Theresa, a tamale vendor, when he tries to carry out the orders of the acting governor. Luis Rico has decided that all of the vendors must be removed from the plaza despite their objections, and Diego promises Theresa he will try to help. She shows her appreciation with hugs and kisses, thereby angering her boyfriend, Joaquin Castenada, who was watching. Joaquin starts to say something to her but is knocked aside by Capitan Briones, leader of a band of soldiers named "Especials".
The Especials have come to carry out Rico's orders and do not report to Garcia, who objects to their brutality. Joaquin tries to attack the soldiers but is stopped by Diego and Garcia, who know he would be killed. Briones arrests Theresa, and Bernardo must hit Joaquin with a mallet to keep him from sharing her fate.
Diego tries to reason with Rico but he remains firm, for this is his first command and he wants an orderly city. He allows Diego to pay Theresa's fine and they head back to her stand. Joaquin has recovered and berates Diego for stopping him, but the Especials arrive again and the impetuous youth is arrested. Briones plans to beat him to death to teach the other peons a lesson and Zorro must free him.
When darkness falls, Zorro sneaks into the fortress and tells Joaquin to insult the guards until they open his cell to discipline him. When they do, Zorro drops down on them and locks them inside, taking Joaquin into the hills to hide. The boy vows to return, and Zorro knows the matter is far from over.
Dès son arrivée à Monterey, le nouveau gouverneur demande aux paysans d'enlever leurs étals de la grande place. Theresa, une amie de don Diego, est jetée en prison pour avoir tenu tête au gouverneur...
A piactéren felszámolják az árusok bódéit. Az árusok ellenszegülnek, és többen is börtönbe kerülnek emiatt. A tamale-árus Teresát is letartóztatják. Segítségére sietÅ‘ udvarlóját, Joaquint Zorro menti meg a rabságtól és a megkorbácsolástól. Joaquin a hegyek között keres menedéket társaival, és a kegyetlen városvezetés elleni harcra készül velük.
Prima di tornare a Los Angeles, il Sgt. Garcia manda in collera Theresa, una venditrice di tamales, quando tenta di mettere in pratica il nuovo ordine del governatore. Luis Rico, infatti, ha deciso che tutti i venditori devono essere rimossi dalla piazza senza tener conto delle loro obiezioni, e Diego promette aiuto a Theresa che dimostra il suo apprezzamento mandando in collera il fidanzato, Joaquin Castenada. Quando Joaquin comincia a litigare con lei viene interrotto dal Capitan Briones, capo di un reparto dei soldati chiamati “Especials”. Gli Especials sono incaricati di far rispettare gli ordini di Rico e si prendono beffe di Garcia.
Joaquin cerca di attaccare i soldati ma viene bloccato da Garcia, che impedisce al ragazzo di farsi uccidere. Briones arresta Theresa mentre Bernardo aiuta Joaquin a fuggire. Diego tenta di giungere ad un accordo con Rico, ma questi rimane fermo nella sua decisione. Diego paga la cauzione per liberare Theresa, ma Joaquin si fa arrestare dagli Especials. Briones intende usare il giovane come esempio per tutti gli altri peones e quindi lo vuole far frustare a morte. A questo punto Zorro interviene per liberare Joaquin portandolo sulle colline vicine per nascondersi.