Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead

With three years under his belt at the company from hell, Akira Tendō is mentally and physically spent. All at the ripe old age of twenty-four. Even his crush from Accounting, Saori, wants nothing to do with him. Then, just when life is beginning to look like one big disappointment, it happens. The zombie apocalypse descends on Japan! Surrounded by hordes of hungry zombies, Akira comes to a realization that will forever change his life... “Wait, does this mean I never have to go to work again?” Confess to... party like it’s... travel Japan coast to... Now, with his nightmare job no longer, Akira’s got his mojo back. Let the bucket listing begin!!

日本語 English français Português - Brasil italiano español Tiếng Việt 臺灣國語 한국어 大陆简体 русский язык Deutsch українська мова العربية
Season From To Episodes
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Specials August 2023 September 2023 2
Season 1 July 2023 December 2023 12
Unassigned Episodes 0
Absolute ordering places all episodes in a single ordered season. This is generally used for anime.
Season From To Episodes
Season 1 July 2023 December 2023 12
Unassigned Episodes 2

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Zom 100 [Adaptations]

1 2 toni kaku

Manga ⬄ Anime [Series]

1 339 toni kaku

Anime series that have a manga version. The manga medium could be derivated from the serie, base of it or just another adaptation from a common source like a novel, a light novel, a web novel, etc...

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