Tanner, Yanagi sowie die Zwillinge machen sich auf die Suche nach Akiza. Diese soll zur Unterstützung von Yusei herangezogen werden. Dabei treffen die Freunde auf Chef Sayer, welcher Leo zu einem Duell herausfordert. Mit Hilfe des Duells gegen Leo versucht Sayer die Psi-Kräfte von Leo hervor zu rufen.
As Yusei recovers from his operation, Leo assumes he is the Fifth Signer since his monster, Power Tool Dragon, apparently appeared in Luna’s dream. He comes up with the idea of recruiting Akiza to fight the Dark Signers and goes with Luna, Tanner and Yanagi to visit Sayer in order to see her. However Sayer gasses them, and has his own plans of recruiting Luna into the Arcadia Movement, locking up Tanner and Yanagi and forcing Leo into a duel with his sister on the line, for if he loses Luna will stay and become a member of the Arcadia Movement, while Luna watches with Akiza. Leo temporarily gains the upper hand by summoning Power Tool Dragon, but is then defeated by Sayer’s Synchro Monster and is left unconscious.
Yusei est emmené par Crow chez Martha pour soigner ses blessures du duel contre Kalin. Pendant ce temps, Lua insiste pour que tous les Pactisants travaillent ensemble pour affronter les Pactisants des Ténèbres et propose de contacter le Mouvement Arcadia pour obtenir la coopération d'Akiza.