Im Duell gegen Kalin stürzt Yusei mit seinem D-Wheel. Infolgedessen wird er von Martha, einer alten Bekannten, verarztet. Beim Versuch Yuseis kaputtes D-Wheel zu Marthas Haus zu bringen, werden Rally, Blitz, Tank und Nervin in der dunklen Stadt mehrfach von finsteren Gestalten aufgehalten.
Yusei defeats One-Hundred Eye Dragon using Stardust Dragon, but Kalin summons a powerful monster, an Earthbound Immortal, called ‘Ccapac Apu’ using the souls of all the captured Satellite inhabitants, unphased by attacks from Monsters, Spells or Traps. Before it can attack, Yusei’s Duel Runner gives out and crashes, ending the duel. However, Yusei is impaled by a shard in his abdomen and is taken to a local doctor in Satellite by Crow. Meanwhile, Yusei’s friends try to retrieve his broken Duel Runner while staving off Satellite thieves. However, in the english adaptation, Yusei suffers internal bruising to his abdomen after his duel with Kalin.
Le duel des ombres qui oppose Yusei à Kalin continue. Yusei invoque le "Dragon Poussière d'Etoile" afin de vaincre le "Dragon aux Cents Yeux". Cependant, Kalin fait appel à son autre carte maîtresse, "Esprit de la Terre Immortel - Ccapac Apu" avec lequel il parvient finalement à remporter le duel.