Osamu, Yuma, and Chika who engage Hughes in the upper ranks of the border. However, the upper management is reluctant to join Hughes, who is a neighbor who once invaded Sanmon City and refuses to provide information and has a non-cooperative attitude toward the border. However, Osamu insists on the value of Hughes on the expedition as a guide to the unknown world of the near world (neighborhood).
Commander Kido offers a deal on the condition that he takes Chika, who has a huge trion, to the expedition regarding Hughes' enlistment. Osamu couldn't hide his upset, but Chika accepted the conditions with a calm attitude and the deal was concluded.
Then, ROUND6, where the B-class high-ranking Tamaki No. 2, Ikoma Corps, and Prince Corps collide, was about to begin ...
Depois da batalha contra os Esquadrões Katori e Kakizaki, Tamakoma-2 é recepcionado na filial com um banquete de comemoração e uma grande surpresa: o desejo de Hyuse entrar para o time. Agora Osamu precisa trabalhar duro para convencer os superiores de que esta é uma boa ideia.
Alors que l'heure du 6e round des matchs de classe B approche, Osamu Mikumo est en pourparlers avec la direction du Border afin d'intégrer Hyuse à la Tamakoma-2 et de renforcer son équipe. Sa requête, qui implique de recruter un Neighbor ayant participé à l'invasion de Mikado, est froidement accueillie par la hiérarchie...
Osamu intenta negociar con los peces gordos de Border para lograr que Hyuse forme parte de Tamakoma-2, aunque no parecen dispuestos a ceder fácilmente.
Osamu, Yūma und Chika bitten die Führungsetage von Border darum, Hyuse aufnehmen zu dürfen. Doch diese ist davon nicht begeistert, denn Hyuse ist immerhin ein Neighbor, der obendrein einer feindlich gesinnten Nation angehört, und sich weigert, Informationen über diese preiszugeben. Kommandant Kido jedoch schlägt einen Kompromiss vor …