A bizarre incident where popular actor Tachibanaya Orojirou was bitten and killed by the living doll Kinginka has become the talk of the town. Very quickly, a junior member of the same acting troupe as Otojirou, Senjaku, turns himself in to the police and the case is considered solved, but Senjaku's girlfriend is Kiku, who works at the milk hall. She asks Yoshii, who is in love with her, to prove Senjaku's innocence. Takuboku, who is short on money since Kyousuke cut ties with him, jumps into the conversation, and, together, he and Yoshi begin to investigate the incident...
Le bien-aimé de Kiku, présumé coupable du meurtre de M. Otojirô, s'est rendu à la police. Seulement, Kiku est persuadée du contraire et souhaite l'innocenter. Pour ce faire, elle demandera l'aide de Yoshii.
La amada de Kiku, presuntamente culpable del asesinato del Sr. Otojirou, se entrega a la policía. Solo que Kiku está convencido de lo contrario y desea probar su inocencia. Para conseguirlo, le pedirá ayuda a Yoshii.
Wie verhext geistert das Gerücht durch die Stadt, dass eine Frau von einer lebendigen Puppe gebissen und somit getötet wurde. Natürlich kann Ishikawa das nicht einfach so hinnehmen und macht sich auf der Suche nach den wahren Begebenheiten.