Day after day, the papers are alive with accounts of an apparition at Ryouunkaku. Rokurou, a man who sees to the running of Asakusa, commissions Takuboku to find the truth of the matter. On his way to the scene, Takuboku reunites with an old friend, former newspaper reporter Yamaoka. Takuboku soon sees that Yamaoka is somehow connected to the ghost, but Yamaoka walks away, leaving behind only the words "throat moon." Then, magic lantern projectionist Matsukichi is killed. Two months earlier, Matsukichi had come across a woman who had been sexually assaulted. Takuboku starts looking to see if the two cases might be related.
Un fantôme est apparu aux Douze étages, et on a fait appel aux services de détective de Takuboku Ishikawa. Que ferait-il donc sans son cher assistant, Kyôsuke Kindaichi ?
Os jornais não param de relatar aparições fantasmagóricas no Ryouunkaku, e Rokurou, um homem que controla tudo em Asakusa, contrata Takuboku para revelar a verdade.
Los periódicos siguen informando de apariciones fantasmales en Ryouunkaku, y Rokurou, un hombre que controla todo en Asakusa, contrata a Takuboku para revelar la verdad.
Ishikawas Dienste als Detektiv werden gefordert. Allerdings handelt es sich nicht um einen gewöhnlichen Fall, denn an der Spitze eines bekannten Turms in Asakusa scheint ein Geist sein Unwesen zu treiben. Handelt es sich dabei wirklich um eine mysteriöse Erscheinung oder ist das alles nur fauler Zauber?