Erika ist todunglücklich über ihre Scheinbeziehung zum Frauenschwarm Kyouya, denn der nutzt ihre Notlage hemmungslos aus. Dabei würde sich Erika so gern einmal richtig verlieben.
Having had enough of Kyouya's frequent orders, Erika thinks about finding love and going out with someone for real. She finds herself being bullied by the back of a school building by some of Kyouya's fans. Just as it starts to get violent, Kimura, a kind boy, stops the girls from hurting Erika. After being bullied again, Kimura asks Erika to go out on the weekend while he cleans her wound in the nurse's office. Erika and Kimura meet on the weekend, but it turns out he only wanted to go out with her because she's Kyouya's girlfriend.
Erika litiga con alcune ragazze della scuola, gelose della sua relazione con Kyouya, ma il bello e gentile Kimura arriva in suo soccorso. Colpo di fulmine in arrivo?
Salir con el Príncipe tiene algunas desventajas. Y una de ellas es el acoso de las fans de Kyouya. ¡Menos mal que siempre hay un joven anónimo dispuesto a salvarla!