Whilst trying to get involved with her class for the culture festival preparations, Tomoko cuts her hand but is helped out by the kind festival committee president, Megumi Imae. During the festival, Tomoko has little reason to enjoy herself, but nonetheless receives encouragement from Megumi. The next day, Tomoko is visited by Yuu, hoping to get an intimate hug from her but nonetheless appreciating the time spent with her. Noticing Tomoko feeling downhearted after Yuu leaves, Megumi borrows a mascot costume in order to give Tomoko a comforting hug.
Tout le monde s’affaire, car le festival culturel débute dans quelques jours. Tomoko veut aussi faire partie de cette effervescence, surtout que son amie Yû a décidé de venir assister à l’événement…
야심 차게 내놓은 부 신설 계획이 무산되자 토모코는 학급 축제준비에 참가하게 된다.
그러나 다들 각자 할 일만 열심히 할 뿐, 토모코에게는 일을 주지 않는데...
힘들게 말을 꺼내서 전단지 자르는 일을 받게 된 토모코는 어떻게 하루 종일 시간을 때울까 고민한다.
Mientras trata de involucrarse con su clase para los preparativos del festival cultural, Tomoko se corta la mano pero es ayudada por el amable presidente del comité del festival, Megumi Imae. Durante el festival, Tomoko tiene pocas razones para divertirse, pero sin embargo recibe el aliento de Megumi.