As Tomoko reflects on her uneventful past and thinks about her future, she views Megumi as the kind of student she should aim to become. When a cockroach roams about the class, Tomoko kills it hoping to be praised as a hero, only to leave a less than desirable impression on her classmates. Later that day, Tomoko tries to initiate a conversation with Megumi, but runs off after a blustery wind ruins the mood, not staying to hear Megumi's words of praise about her. The episode ends with Tomoko reading the Unpopular Girl definition from the first episode and laughing, realizing that none of it matters.
L'hiver approche, le second semestre est donc déjà bien entamé. Tous les rêves que Tomoko se faisaient du lycée sont bien loin de sa réalité. Mais ce n'est pas le moment de se morfondre sur le passé, il faut penser à l'avenir !
반년을 함께 보냈는데도 자신을 공기 취급하는 반 친구들에게 자신의 존재를 어필하기 위해 토모코는 이미지 체인지를 시도한다. 실패로 끝난 과묵한 캐릭터를 버리고 모두를 바퀴벌레에게서 구해주는 영웅이 되고자 힘껏 교실로 들어온 바퀴벌레를 밟아버리는데...
Mientras Tomoko reflexiona sobre su pasado sin complicaciones y piensa en su futuro, ve a Megumi como el tipo de estudiante que debería aspirar a convertirse. Cuando una cucaracha deambula por la clase, Tomoko la mata con la esperanza de ser elogiada como héroe, solo para dejar una impresión menos que deseable en sus compañeros de clase.