The second school term begins and Tomoko is still as unpopular as ever, made worse when she is relocated into the center of the class. She manages to find herself a secret spot amongst a pile of unused desks where she can eat and play game in private during lunch breaks, but it is inevitably cleaned up. As the school prepares for a culture festival, Tomoko contemplates starting her own club, but it is ultimately denied due to it being too vague.
Le second semestre commence. Tomoko croyait être prête, mais entre le redispatch des places dans la classe et la préparation du festival culturel, rien ne va plus !
새롭게 시작되는 학기에 기대를 품고 등교한 토모코. 그러나 그녀에겐 '자리바꾸기'라는 시련이 기다리고 있었으니... 맨 뒷자리에서 교실 한가운데로 자리를 옮긴 토모코는 도시락도 편히 먹지 못하게 된다.
Comienza el segundo período escolar y Tomoko sigue siendo tan impopular como siempre, empeorando cuando es reubicada en el centro de la clase. Se las arregla para encontrar un lugar secreto entre una pila de escritorios no utilizados donde puede comer y jugar en privado durante las pausas para el almuerzo, pero inevitablemente se limpia.