Obwohl sich Joy wieder ausreichend von ihrem traumatischen Fahrradunfall erholt hat, finden sie und ihr Ehemann Alan im Bett einfach nicht mehr zueinander.
Therapist Joy Richards tries to maintain the spark with her husband Alan, following a cycling accident that has put their sex life on hold. Suddenly Joy and Alan find themselves drawn to new people, and both are tempted to make the ultimate indiscretion. With their marriage in crisis, Joy comes up with an audacious, unorthodox but potentially brilliant proposal that will have huge ramifications for the future.
Après un accident de vélo traumatisant, Joy a maintenant bien récupéré. Mais quand il s'agit de reprendre sa vie sexuelle avec Alan, son mari, c'est une autre histoire.
Joy sta meglio dopo l’incidente in bicicletta e può riprendere a fare sesso, ma non riesce a ristabilire un legame con il marito Alan.
Aunque ya está lo bastante recuperada de un grave accidente de bici para reanudar su vida sexual, Joy y su marido Alan tienen problemas para conectar.