Jalet's and Nadichin's life enters the Smiley Skin, which Jalet's father leaves to guard for them, which will cause various humorous effects. Nadica works for Pete and during an important meeting she greeted her. Pete suspects she's pregnant. At home Nadica is doing her early pregnancy test. At the tactical exercise Zimče and Stošić spend young cadets through a series of exciting situations. In a staged shootout on one tactical facility, Lieutenant Colonel Panic experiences a strange war "flea-bek". This will bring him closer to Winter. During this time Ceca and Angela are getting closer to the idea that Panic might be the man they are looking for - Anđelin's biological father.
U Džaletov i Nadičin život ulazi koza Smiljka, koju im na čuvanje ostavlja Džaletov otac, što će izazvati razne humorne efekte. Nadica radi za Petea i tokom važnog sastanka njoj pozli. Pete posumnja da je trudna. Kod kuće Nadica radi test za rano otkrivanje trudnoće. Na taktičkoj vežbi Zimče i Stošić provode mlade kadete kroz niz uzbudljivih situacija. U insceniranoj pucnjavi na jedan taktički objekat, potpukovnik Panić doživi čudan ratni "fleš-bek". To će ga približiti Zimčetu. Za to vreme Ceca i Anđela su sve bliže ideji da je Panić možda čovek koga traže - Anđelin biološki otac.