Vera from the VBA seems to pay attention to the examinations of Major Kashanin, to whom this discreet "bridle" is not at all pleasant. Still, it looks like they are attracted to each other. The camp of the peace mission in which Rice serves is finally really attacking radical Islamists. The sturgeon, and the distant news spread through Saša to the other "classics", and Stošić and Zimče pin in a dlquite situation. The television broadcasts a press conference that Sasvars tells about the situation at the airport where the surrounding members of the Mission are located, as well as a hostage group. Everything is interrupted. Friends, gathered around Zimcha, monitor the situation in Africa, but the eighth of a certain Russian satellite image, there is no new information. On the ground, Reese is trying to create an action that would free the main transmitter and mobile apps from terrorists, which would be their only salvation.
Vera iz VBA kao da posvećuje pažnju ispitivanji majora Kašanina, kome to diskretno "rešetanje" nimalo ne prija. Ipak, izgleda kao da ih nešto uzajamno privlači. Logor mirovne misije u kome služi Ris konačno zaista napadaju radikalni islamisti. Štura, i dalikatna vest se širi preko Šaše do ostalih "klasića", a Stošića i Zimče zatiče u dleikatnoj situaciji. Televizija prenosi konferenciju za novinare na kojoj govori Šašvari o situaciji na aerodromu gde se nalaze opkoljeni članovi Misije, kao i grupa talaca. Sve veze su u prekidu. Prijatelji, okupljeni oko Zimče, prate situaciju u Africi, ali osmi ponekog ruskog satelitskog snimka, nema novih informacija. Na terenu, Ris pokušava da osmisli akciju kojom bi oslobodili glavni predajnik i mobilni "ap-link" od terorista, što bi im bio jedini spas.