The news that Zimchee and Stosic are "in touch" quickly spreads among old friends from the class. Everyone in the chain of reporting adds something else, so there is nothing left of the "secret". Everyone is excited and confused by this new intrigue. The mysterious woman, Vera, who just arrived at the "routine control" at the Military Academy, comes from the VBA and starts controlling the work of her employees. It's all uncomfortable, especially to Major Kashanin. Around the camp of the Peace Mission in which Rice complicates the security situation. Lila suggests to Risa that she will probably evacuate them from there soon. Winter is still worried and lonely. When Stosic again calls for beer, she is in doubt whether to accept or deny. The gorge progresses in dancing, but also in relation to the mysterious Violet.
Vest da su Zimče i Stošić "u vezi" brzo se širi među starim prijateljima sa klase. Svako u lancu izveštavanja doda još po nešto, tako da od "tajne" ne ostaje ništa. Svi su uzbuđeni i zbunjeni tom novom intrigom. Misteriozna žena, Vera, koja je upravo stigla u "rutinsku kontrolu" na Vojnu akademiju, dolazi iz VBA i započinje kontrolu rada zaposlenih. Svima je neugodno, a naročito majoru Kašaninu. Oko logora Mirovne misije u kojoj je Ris komplikuje se bezbednosna situacija. Lila nagoveštava Risu da će ih verovatno uskoro evakuisati odatle. Zimče je i dalje zabrinuta i usamljena. Kada je Stošić ponovo pozove na pivo, ona je u nedoumici da li da prihvati ili odbije. Klisura napreduje u plesu, ali i u odnosu sa tajanstvenom Violetom.