A new day was devised for cadets. They are dealing with common jobs, but also with each other. Angela and her secrecy appear to be intrigued by some of her colleagues. Nevertheless, they have already heard the news about Risa, the lieutenant they do not know, and who is in trouble. And about the situation at the besieged airport, as well as about Ris, new data do not have the guide of the Academy, neither the major Žarač nor the information service. Everyone is worried, but most of those who were closest to Rice - his colleagues and friends, gathered around Zimchet around the television, are tiring to monitor the evolution of the difficult situation in Africa. At the airport, Ris and Lila are trying to carry out a dangerous action that would free the main transmitter and mobile ap-link from terrorists, which would be the only salvation for everyone. While sneaking underground corridors with guns "on gotovs", among them comes a realization of mutual attraction. During that time, Zimcha, eager to save her conscience for repeated "adultery" with Stosic, is looking for the first recorded video message she received from Risa.
Novi dan je osvanuo za kadete. Oni se bave uobičajenim poslovima, ali i jedni drugima. Anđela i njena tajnovitost, izgleda, veoma intrigiraju neke njene kolege. Ipak, i oni su već čuli vest o Risu, poručniku koga ne poznaju, a koji je u nevolji. A o stanju na opkoljenom aerodromu, kao ni o Risu, novih podataka nemaju ni načenik Akademije, ni major Žarač, ni služba informisanja. Svi su zabrinuti, ali najviše oni koji su i bili najbliži Risu - njegove kolege i prijatelji, okupljeni kod Zimčeta oko televizora, napeto prate razvoj teške situacije u Africi. Na aerodromu, Ris i Lila pokušavaju da izvedu opasnu akciju kojom bi oslobodili glavni predajnik i mobilni "ap-link" od terorista, što bi i bio jedini spas za sve. Dok se šunjaju podzemnim hodnicima sa oružjem "na gotovs", među njima dolazi do spoznaje o uzajamnoj privlačnosti. Za to vreme, Zimče, izjedena grižom savesti zbog ponovljene "preljube" sa Stošićem, gleda, po prvi put, ranije snimljenu video poruku koju je dobila od Risa.