The serial killer strikes again. This time, the annoying next-door neighbor had gone a little too far and paid the price with her life. At the call center, Kang Kwon Joo meets with Na Hong Soo to probe into the murder case Kang Woo was a suspect in and finds out he’s taking Tegretol—a prescription drug for seizures, manic-depressive disorder, schizophrenia, etc.¬—and sometimes forgets what he does. Meanwhile, Park Eun Soo ex-boyfriend visits her at headquarters uninvited that leads to a code zero.
방제수는 눈엣가시처럼 굴던 부녀회장을 살해하고, 범행을 능숙하게 위장한다.
나홍수는 해당 살해사건이 강우와도 연관 있다고 생각하여 사건 현장을 탐색하고, 그곳에서 방제수와 마주치게 되는데..!
한편 다크웹에서 활동하던 ‘닥터 파브르’는 종범을 이용하여 골든타임 팀원을 납치하기에 이른다.
Na instiga más dudas en Gwon-ju cuando le habla del pasado y los episodios de amnesia de Kang-u. Eun-su es amenazada por un exnovio.
O chefe Na conta a Kwon-joo suas suspeitas sobre Kang-woo, mencionando seu passado misterioso e crises de amnésia. Eun-soo recebe ameaças de um ex-namorado.