Kristinn kemur á óvart að finna að hún ber enn tilfinningar til Ragnars, en þegar eiginmaður hennar birtist óvænt freistast hún til að samþykkja afsökunarbeiðni hans.
Kristín is worried about Hanna, the nurse at the healthcare centre, when she notices Hanna has a bruise she is trying to hide. Kristín's husband appears in the village unannounced and tells her a secret that forces her to confront an uncomfortable truth.
Kristin blir overraska over sine egne følelser Men så dukker mannen hennes plutselig opp.
Kristin is verbaasd dat ze nog steeds gevoelens heeft voor Ragnar, maar wanneer haar ex-man onverwacht opduikt, is ze geneigd zijn excuses te accepteren.