アメリカで開催されるジャズライブへの出演オファーがあった楽翔。海外でも自分らしく活動をこなす楽翔とは裏腹に、ほまれ、一澄、潤、奏太の4人はなぜか仕事で思うように動けずにいた。 楽翔の存在の大きさを改めて自覚した4人だったが、楽翔がいない分を補うため、さらに力を入れて活動に励むように。 そんな中、JAXX/JAXXが5人揃って参加する「生バズバラエティ」のダンス企画の撮影が迫り、全員で頑張ろうと意気込んでいた4人のもとに、凛からあることを知らされる──。
Gakuto recebe um convite para se apresentar nos Estados Unidos. Homare quer aproveitar o momento para crescer como pessoa.
Gakuto receives an offer to perform at a jazz concert in the US. While Gakuto can perform the way he wants to overseas, Homare, Izumi, Jun, and Kanata can't do the things they want to work on. The four other members are aware that Gakuto is important to the group and thus put in more effort to make up for the fact that Gakuto isn't around at the moment. While this is happening, all of JAXX/JAXX's five members have an upcoming shoot for a live Buzz Variety dance project. They are determined to do their best as a group when Lin informs them about something.
Gakuto è all'estero per lavoro, Homare e gli altri Jaxx/Jaxx faticano a gestire gli eventi promozionali senza di lui.
Gakuto part exceptionnellement aux États-Unis. Les autres membres de JAXX/JAXX se rendent compte qu'ils s'appuient en permanence sur lui.