ほまれ、一澄、潤、奏太の4人で挑んだ「生バズバラエティ」は、本人たちの想像を大きく超えた盛り上がりを見せた。 バズったことを嬉しく思いつつも、楽翔が複雑な気持ちを抱えているのではないかと気にかける奏太。 そんな奏太に対して潤は、ある日を境になぜかいたずらを仕掛けるように。奏太はその理由に心当たりがない様子だが、どうやら潤は奏太に気が付いてほしいことがあるようで……?!
Um comentário de Kanata acaba incomodando Jun profundamente, tornando ainda mais tênue a linha entre amizade e rivalidade.
Alors que Gakuto s'apprête à voyager aux États-Unis, la relation de Jun et Kanata se complique.
Homare, Izumi, Jun, and Kanata do their best for the live Buzz Variety project, and put on an exciting show that goes beyond their imaginations. Although Kanata is happy that this has generated some hype, he wonders if Gakuto has mixed feelings about the situation. For some reason, one day Jun starts to play pranks on Kanata. Kanata doesn't seem to have any idea why, but it seems like Jun wants Kanata to realize something...!
Gakuto è tornato, ma Kanata teme che il successo del video possa incrinare il loro rapporto. Si confida con Jun, che però sembra prenderla male.