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Season 2011

  • S2011E01 Accessing the Mystic

    • January 1, 2011

    Accessing the Mystic - Rupert Sheldrake and Mathew Fox Science and spirituality collide when biologist Rupert Sheldrake and postmodern theologian Matthew Fox, explore the practical aspects of mysticism and the attainment of higher levels of consciousness. In Accessing the Mystic you will learn how the marriage of science and spirituality can deepen the wonder and mystery in everyday life. Discover comprehensive steps you can take to personally access and experience higher levels of consciousness and a mystical reality that exists inside each of us.

  • S2011E02 Journey to the Hollow

    • January 2, 2011

    This film presents the history, mythology & folklore that the earth has a hollow realm, a mystical and physical place of great mystery and wonder. The hollow earth theory is represented in the history of many diverse cultures throughout the world. The Avalon of Camelot, the Garden of Eden, Paradise Lost, Shangri-La and Valhalla are names assigned to a mystical and physical place thought by some to house prehistoric animals and plants and by others to hide alien beings bent on conquering the outer Earth.

  • S2011E03 Antigravity: Miracle in the Void

    • January 5, 2011

    Free Energy, New Science, Consciousness and the Earth. This program presents the latest evidence for the birth of a new science of consciousness, which can offer solutions to the ravages of pollution. At center stage is remarkable research on clean, cheap energy to replace fossil fuels, which could reverse abnormal climate changes. Dr. O'Leary describes the interaction between science and spirit, in physics and metaphysics. He openly acknowledges the challenges many new science pioneers face through ridicule from vested interests and offers hope for a paradigm shift which will help us restore Eden to Earth. Dr. Brian O'Leary is a former NASA Astronaut and has taught Astro-Physics at Princeton and Cornell University. He's the author of over 100 scientific papers and 5 books including "The Miracle In the Void."

  • S2011E04 Roswell: The UFO UnCoverup

    • January 8, 2011

    See actual UFO crash debris tested and found to be truly extraterrestrial. The Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and the ensuing military cover-up set the stage for this explosive documentary about America's reaction to our planet's encounter with ETs. Going beyond the question "Did it really happen?", this program counters 60 years of Air Force denials and focuses on the more compelling aspects of this cosmic mystery: scientific evidence, physical proof, personal testimonies, expert analysis and the cosmic implication of an alien presence here on Earth. Includes: photos, videos, documents and an amazing arsenal of spellbinding interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses and the best-known, most credible UFO authorities in the world today.

  • S2011E05 UFO's and Area 51

    • January 13, 2011

    Area 51 is the most mysterious "top-secret military test facility" in the world. New technologies vital to United States national security are developed here. Insiders claim that even recovered spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin are studied and test flown at Area 51. In a three-year investigation, a German film crew dove deeply into the secrets of "Dreamland" and Area 51, interviewing top scientists and security personnel who worked inside Area 51 and claim to have seen what can only now be described as alien spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin. This program presents the facts about these amazing discoveries and includes stunning film footage of the remarkable flight maneuvers of these mysterious alien spacecraft secretly recorded during test flights at Area 51.

  • S2011E06 The State of UFO Disclosure

    • January 16, 2011

    This Press Conference to members of Congress and the Media is a mile stone in the Disclosure Movement and will remain as one of the most historically significant events in UFO activism. The X-Conference, held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, is produced by X-PPAC (Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee) and The Paradigm Research Group, who's mission is to educate Congress, the Press and the Public about the Government imposed "Truth Embargo" and to bring about formal acknowledgment by the U. S. Government of an Extraterrestrial presence engaging the Human Race - Full Disclosure. UFOTV is pleased to present in these proceedings, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Nick Pope, Richard Dolan, Stephen Bassett, Milton Torres, Alfred Weber, and Dr. Roger Leir. Originally recorded in 2009. Proceeds from Youtube through the public viewing of this presentation on the UFOTV Channel will help to cover the cost of producing the X-Conference yearly event.

  • S2011E07 UFO's in South America

    • January 20, 2011

    Scientists, researchers, military personnel and astronauts have been talking about UFOs for years. Recently some major governments have begun to make their files on UFOs public. Some people swear they've seen, photographed and filmed UFOs. But all too often, government documents remain secret. France, England and Ecuador have all recently released documents about UFO encounters to the public. Even the Vatican has recently stated that the existence of UFOs does not go against the Catholic faith. Of the secret documents that are now available to the general public, the information from the Ecuadorian Government is the most significant and the most fascinating. Get the facts about these amazing new discoveries as we investigate UFOs In South America and UFO / ET disclosure by governments around the world.

  • S2011E08 UFO's and the Alien Presence

    • January 22, 2011

    World renowned UFO author and researcher Michael Lindemann present the facts on how the government has worked to shape the public view about UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Now referred to as the "spin factor," we find that our current views are based on sensationalistic Hollywood propaganda. Government deception, secret underground bases, unexplained cattle mutilations, secret advanced technology and alien abductions are just a few of the many topics covered in this intelligently researched program exposing the misinformation and the facts behind the truth.

  • S2011E09 Flying Saucers Are Real

    • January 26, 2011

    This feature film documents solid physical evidence of UFO landings, photos and videotaped evidence of UFOs from around the world and reveals the shocking story of the government's 'Cosmic Watergate', a massive effort to keep UFO information from the Public. Stanton T. Friedman presents the details of a massive investigation led by Friedman and others, utilizing the U.S. Government Court System and the "Freedom of Information Act," to gain access to government and military documents which by law should now be available to the public. Staggering in it's implications, see for yourself the explosive results of this investigation.

  • S2011E10 Mexico Contact Point

    • January 28, 2011

    Stunning observations are being made in the skies over Mexico and the world. In Mexico a new group of UFO observers called "The Vigilantes" are equipped with high-tech video equipment and are now combing the skies for evidence with fantastic results. Among the amazing videos collected is stunning evidence of a strange new unidentified object now referred to as Ebanis. According to UFO Investigators, the evidence of Ebanis suggests that they are gigantic biological structures that behave like a kind of aircraft carrier for UFOs. For the first time in this feature length program, you will see the most complete UFO report on the wave of UFO activity over Mexico that to many UFO researchers is believed to be a real contact point between Man and ET.

  • S2011E11 Welcome to Terrorland

    • January 29, 2011

    9/11, Mohamed Atta and the Venice Flying Circus Three of the four terrorist pilots connected with the 9/11 tragedy learned to fly airplanes in the tiny town of Venice, Florida, a sleepy retirement community with the second oldest population of any city in the entire United States. They attended flight schools owned by two Dutch nationals, one of whom has Mob ties. So the question is... Did 19 Arab terrorists responsible for the 9/11 disaster of 2001 roam around in Florida as if they'd been listening to Tom Petty albums all their lives? Or were they being trained here in a still-secret covert intelligence operation that somehow went horribly wrong?

  • S2011E12 Voter Fraud

    • January 31, 2011

    Who owns America and All Global elections today? Was the final outcome of the 2000 US Presidential election determined only by hanging flakes of paper on voter punch cards? Did Mobsters decide that the fate of the election in Florida, in a contest that had nothing to do with the counting hande made voter cards? Reports claim top executives of the election companies responsible for the "Florida Vote Snafu" have been convicted of multiple election-rigging felonies. And the biggest shock is that no one in our nations so-called free press has even hinted at any of this. The Big Fix 2000 take viewers beyond the election night media frenzy, uncovering at every turn, the hidden connections to nationwide electoral fraud, which is now occurring all over the, world today.

  • S2011E13 The Alderbaran Mystery

    • February 3, 2011

    During Adolf Hitler's rise to power, did a daring group of Nazi scholars and technicians learn the secrets of anti-gravity and space travel from extraterrestrials? If true, these conclusions may shock and amaze you. Get the facts about UFO Secrets of World War II - The 3rd Reich and beyond, in a way that will change the way we stare up at the stars for years to come.

  • S2011E14 UFO Secrets of WW2

    • February 4, 2011

    President Eisenhower Briefing Paper Did President Dwight D. Eisenhower secretly meet with ETs. This detailed research project presents the facts around one of the most enduring "urban legends" of our time and tells the true story of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's ET contact in the early 1950's. Did he meet extraterrestrials face to face? And did he make a top-secret treaty with aliens from another world that would effect our national politics to this day? Could the truth be stranger than fiction? Get the facts about UFO Secrets of World War II. This event if true, may change the way we stare up at the stars for years to come.

  • S2011E15 Flying Saucers Are Real 2

    • February 9, 2011

    Discover where some alien visitors to earth are likely to originate from. Also learn additional facts about the Majestic 12 Report, the most important Top Secret government documents ever leaked to the public regarding UFOs and an alien presence on earth and additional documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and the United States court system. And finally, discover the details of the Betty & Barney Hill abduction case, the first to receive international attention. This investigation and the journey of scientific discovery which followed make this one of the most significant stories you will ever witness.

  • S2011E16 Nibiru - Planet X Revealed

    • February 11, 2011

    Does a rogue planet, known as Nibiru invading our solar system from deep space menace our world? Why does the Mayan Calendar end in 2012? Is humanity doomed, or at the nexus of a spiritual renaissance in connection with the passing of Nibiru in proximity with our solar system? Explore these prophetic myths--while there's still time...!

  • S2011E17 Hemp War Conspiracy

    • February 19, 2011

    This is the film that the United States government does not want you to see. This is the film that contains the facts about one movement... one man... and one miraculous plant that could revolutionize the world. The best-selling book The Emperor Wears No Clothes blew the lid off the anti-hemp conspiracy and explained all there is to know about an easy-to-grow plant with infinite, non-intoxicating uses. Why is hemp illegal? The information is in this film, and you won't believe it! This video is about a man's fight for truth, justice and a plant. What began as a singular battle has turned into a massive movement to educate America about this environmentally beneficial plant. "Emperor of Hemp" exposes government and big-business efforts to keep the plant illegal, and takes you to the front lines of the pro-hemp movement. Meet the "Emperor of Hemp," Jack Herer, the man behind "The Emperor Wears No Clothes." Find out how his passionate journey began. Discover how he overcame hurdle after hurdle. Cheer his ultimate vindication. Narrated by Peter Coyote, "Emperor of Hemp" could change the world ... if the American public finally realizes "The Emperor Wears No Clothes."

  • S2011E18 UFO's The Secret History - Addendum 1

    • March 4, 2011

    UFOs The Secret History - Addendum One - The ET Hypothesis This ground breaking series of bonus interviews comes from the DVD release of the film UFOs The Secret History and presents an examination of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis -- the notion that some UFO reports are probably explained by extraterrestrial visitation and why visitation might not include contact or how an advanced culture might strategize contact with an emerging civilization. What do people say about UFOs The Secret History... "Scrupulously accurate, intelligently conceived, UFOs: The Secret History is the thinking viewer's guide to the puzzles and paradoxes of an extraordinary phenomenon that continues to haunt our times and trouble our dreams. It is also gorgeously filmed - a feast to eye and mind, a thrilling experience on every level." - Jerome Clark, author of the award-winning, UFO Encyclopedia.

  • S2011E19 Alter Your Mind

    • March 9, 2011

    TAKE THE JOURNEY! This program combines an advanced sound track, artistically integrated with profoundly powerful supra-liminal images which serve to simultaneously activate higher consciousness while transmuting crystallized thought forms in the subconscious mind. The result of this experience is enhanced equanimity of mind, greater awareness, and a deeper connection to source: An Ascended Consciousness. We highly recommend repeated viewing of this profound program - its effectiveness will be dramatically enhanced. Guaranteed!

  • S2011E20 Ancient Aliens: The Cygnus Mystery

    • March 13, 2011

    Go on a voyage of discovery that leads from the oldest known temple in the world to a prehistoric cave map, to a common belief shared by key ancient cultures, all of which were aware of the star system Cygnus' unique place in the cosmos - and it's significance as the spirit path to heaven. Most surprising is the fact that the Ancient Advanced cultures of the past were aware of cosmic rays emanating from Cygnus, and for their being the spark which ignited evolution - the same spark which continues to alter our DNA right through to the present day.

  • S2011E21 CROP CIRCLES - The Quest for Truth

    • March 17, 2011

    A FILM BY ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATED DIRECTOR WILLIAM GAZECKI "There should be a Pulitzer Prize category specifically created so that filmmakes like Gazecki can be properly recognized." - Roger Ebert "Original and objective, Filmaker William Gazecki is one of the finest documentaries of all time." - Sundance Institute Signs indicate that some form of non-human intelligence is communication with us ... What's the message? Academy Award (R) nominated documentary filmmaker William Gazecki (Waco: "Rules of Engagement") offers a compelling and provocative look at the mysterious phenomenon of Crop Circles. Full of never-before-seen footage and interviews with leading Crop Circle researchers and scientists, Crop "Circles: Quest For Truth is a fascinating, in-depth exploration of prevailing theories about the origin and nature of Crop Circles and the possible implications for us and Planet Earth. An astonishing experience guaranteed to shift perspectives and alter perceptions of what is real.

  • S2011E22 The Moncla Memories

    • March 24, 2011

    UFOs and Reincarnation In an early evening in November, 1953, a USAF jet was scrambled to intercept a UFO. The pilot, Lt. Gene Moncla, his radar operator, and their F-89 Fighter jet, were never seen again. Gord Heath, a computer system engineer, has detailed memories of the life of Lt. Gene Moncla. He was born shortly after Lt. Moncla's disappearance but is able to recall personal details of Lt. Moncla's life. The question for researchers is, could Gord Heath be the reincarnation of Lt. Gene Moncla? In the process of exploring this story, we also explore the depths of identity, examining how we give meaning to our lives through memory.

  • S2011E23 UFO's The Secret History - Addendum 2

    • March 24, 2011

    This ground breaking series of bonus interviews comes from the DVD release of the film UFOs The Secret History and presents an examination of the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis -- the notion that some UFO reports are probably explained by extraterrestrial visitation and why contact may include the alarming notion of Alien Abduction and how an advanced culture might strategize contact with an emerging civilization. What do people say about UFOs The Secret History... "Scrupulously accurate, intelligently conceived, UFOs: The Secret History is the thinking viewer's guide to the puzzles and paradoxes of an extraordinary phenomenon that continues to haunt our times and trouble our dreams. It is also gorgeously filmed - a feast to eye and mind, a thrilling experience on every level." - Jerome Clark, author of the award-winning, UFO Encyclopedia.

  • S2011E24 UFO SECRET - Alien Contact

    • March 30, 2011

    For thousands of years an Alien presence here on Earth has made itself known through miraculous signs and wonders. Alien visitors and their spacecraft have been depicted in stone age cave paintings and recorded in the sacred writings of virtually every ancient culture in human history. This amazing feature length program presents the evidence of alien visitations that shaped the ancient world and still continue to effect our lives today. Includes the true story of world famous UFO Contactee and author George Adamski and many others who made UFO history in the 1950s and 60s as the first people to speak in public and show physical proof of their experiences with UFOs and aliens from another world. Includes 40 original film clips of alien UFO spacecraft in flight and an unprecedented collection of interviews with researchers, eyewitnesses and experiencers.

Season 2012

  • S2012E01 Ancient Aliens In Mexico and the American Southwest

    • January 7, 2012

    In this installment of the Ancient Technology series, join David Hatcher Childress in northern Mexico and the American Southwest as he searches for evidence of high technology in the ancient past. Going to ancient cities, pyramids and megalithic sites, David and his investigative team examine evidence of mind-blowing ancient technology! David and his team check out the ancient cities around the Grand Canyon and the alleged Egyptian catacombs, investigate the ancient concrete canals in central Arizona and continue to the megaliths of the ancient Toltec capital, Tula, and the pyramids at Teotihuacan and end up inside the Great Pyramid of Cholula.

  • S2012E02 UFOTV Classics - Best UFO Videos of the 90s

    • January 7, 2012

    Now presenting the most spectacular UFO film footage ever caught on camera during the 10 year period that is the 1990s, which has been hailed as the greatest decade ever for videotaped evidence and proof of an Alien presence in our skies. See the details of each filmed event as it occurred, bringing you face to face with those who witnessed and captured these UFO events on film and video tape for all the world to see. Includes an unprecedented collection of film and video footage of UFOs in flight, and interviews with researchers, and eyewitnesses. This Awarding film was produced by Italian UFO Researcher Giorgio Bongiovanni.

  • S2012E03 From Here To Andromeda Part 1

    • January 13, 2012

    From Here To Andromeda opens with the possibility that humanity may not survive due to Global Warming, an ensuing Ice Age or Mass Extinction. The question is, "Why hasn't humanity embraced sustainable technologies like Solar, Wind, and Helium-3 Fusion to beat Global Warming?" Why are the oil companies holding us hostage? Why hasn't all of humanity awakened and taken measures to ensure our survival? Find out why so many UFOs are suddenly appearing all over the world. Are they here to teach us? Are they here to help humanity make a quantum leap? What do Governments know about UFOs? Will humanity find a new home in the universe? Join UFO Researcher and Environmentalist David Sereda as he embarks on a journey in search of a way to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy 2.2 million light years away to find a new home for humanity. Along his journey he explores Sustainability, UFOs, Crop Circles, Space Propulsion Theory, Spirituality, and Human Ethics in order to solve the greatest riddle in the universe: How can one travel faster than the speed of light and go anywhere in the universe in the blink of an eye.

  • S2012E04 From Here To Andromeda Part 2

    • January 20, 2012

    In Part 3 & 4 of the Here To Andromeda series, find out why so many UFOs are suddenly appearing all over the world. Are they here to teach us? Are they here to help humanity make a quantum leap? What do Governments know about UFOs? Will humanity find a new home in the universe? Join UFO Researcher and Environmentalist David Sereda as he embarks on a journey in search of a way to travel to the Andromeda Galaxy 2.2 million light years away to find a new home for humanity. Along his journey he explores UFOs, and Space Propulsion Theory in order to solve the greatest riddle in the universe: How can one travel faster than the speed of light and go anywhere in the universe in the blink of an eye. The 4 Part Series Features: Lockheed Martin Senior Research Engineer - Boyd Bushman, and Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Columbia University - Robert Thurman, and many more.

  • S2012E05 End Game - A Global Conspiracy

    • January 29, 2012

    The world's ruling elite have fashioned an interlocking network of multi-national corporations that now posses more wealth and political autonomy than individual nations. What psychological pathology drives their single-minded obsession for absolute control? What high-tech schemes serve their diabolical End-Game strategies? As 2012 arrives, humanity's ultimate fate now hangs in the balance!

  • S2012E06 President Reagan's ET Briefing

    • March 24, 2012

    In an address to the United Nations on September 21, 1987, President Ronald Reagan stated, "I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world." Why would President Reagan have made such a profound statement about the possible reality of alien life in outer space? What did Ronald Reagan really know about extraterrestrials? An alleged internet briefing transcript gives an astounding glimpse of how newly elected President Reagan, in 1981, learned of our government's decades old secret involvement with the ET issue from CIA Director, William Casey and select advisers. Researcher, Jim Nichols shares a synopsis of this transcript's shocking revelations...!

  • S2012E07 Flying Saucers and Science - Stanton Friedman

    • April 7, 2012

    Flying Saucers and Science is a comprehensive look at the scientific data on the flying saucer phenomenon. Nuclear physicist and lecturer Stanton T. Friedman has distilled more than 40 years of research on UFOs, and shares his work on a wide variety of classified advanced nuclear and space systems. He answers a number of physics questions in layman's terms, and establishes that travel to nearby stars is within reach without violating the laws of physics. Photographs of little known, far-out advanced propulsion systems, on some of which he worked, are included. Friedman also presents data demonstrating the ability to withstand high accelerations with some surprising results. He clearly shows that government policy on this subject has been to provide false, misleading claims and disinformation, and establishes that the subject truly represents a Cosmic Watergate.

  • S2012E08 Alternative 4 - i,ROBOT - A.I. Reloaded!

    • May 4, 2012

    This program examines A.I. - Artificial Intelligence, and A relentless series of programs in Eugenics, to refashion the human species to serve the ruling elite's. The science of EUGENICS seeks to deliberately control the direction of human evolution following the rule of "Social Darwinism" and "survival of the fittest" utilizing advances in cybernetics, nano-technology, and robotics. This menacing science has spawned the "Age of Transitions", when artificial intelligence will ultimately replace and make obsolete humans as the dominant life-form of planet Earth!

  • S2012E09 Ray Bradbury the Last Word - (1920 - 2012) RIP

    • June 13, 2012

    In a career spanning more than seventy years, Bradbury was one of the most celebrated writers of our time, as well as a Pulitzer Prize Winner, an Emmy Award Winner and was nominated for an Academy Award . His groundbreaking works include Fahrenheit 451, The Martian Chronicles, The Illustrated Man, Dandelion Wine, and Something Wicked This Way Comes. He wrote the screen play for John Huston's classic film adaptation of Moby Dick, and was nominated for an Academy Award. He adapted sixty-five of his stories for television's The Ray Bradbury Theater, and won an Emmy for his teleplay of The Halloween Tree. Ray Bradbury is recipient of the 2000 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, the 2004 National Medal of Arts, and the 2007 Pulitzer Prize Special Citation, died on June 5, 2012, at the age of 91.

  • S2012E10 UFO Crash Con - Are Rocket Engines Obsolete? - Jim Marrs

    • June 30, 2012

    Featuring Author and Researcher Jim Marrs - We have come a long way since the days of the 1950s, when the big question concerning "flying saucers" was "Do they come from Mars or Venus?" Today, a much more sophisticated audience asks about worm holes, hyper-dimensional travel and electro-magnetic wave energy. Cutting edge physics is rapidly bringing thoughtful persons to the point of at least understanding the concepts which may begin to explain the propulsion systems of UFOs. But is this something truly new and modern or are we just now rediscovering technology that may have existed on the Earth thousands of years ago? Was this technology depicted in the Bible and the ancient Hindu Vedas? The national security state of Germany during World War II by all accounts was on the track of such technology and there is evidence that the new national security state of the United States has secretly continued this work. There is even tantalizing evidence to suggest that the impetuous attack on Iraq may have been more about the desire to gain control over ancient technology than to obtain new oil supplies. Whichever nation can first control energy at the atomic and sub-atomic level will become the leader in the search for free and clean energy production, faster-than-light speed, anti-gravity and perhaps even dimensional and time travel. How close are we to such technology? Have we reached it already? UFO Crash Con is pleased to welcome Journalist, Author and Researcher - Jim Marrs LIVE

  • S2012E11 UFO Crash Con - New UFO Crash Retrieval - Linda Moulton Howe

    • June 30, 2012

    Linda Moulton Howe shares the details about the investigation of an alleged and unpublicized UFO crash retrieval outside New Mexico that is in the same time frame as the 1953 Kingman, Arizona, crash. UFO Crash Con is pleased to welcome Journalist, Author and Researcher - Linda Moulton Howe LIVE

  • S2012E12 UFO Crash Con - UFO Secrecy - Richard Dolan

    • June 30, 2012

    Featuring Richard Dolan - Few people doubt that there is some level of secrecy by military and other government agencies regarding UFOs. The obvious question: "what are they hiding?" has been asked and investigated by many people for many years. But a less obvious question presents itself: what has secrecy done to our society? A quick answer is "many things." But a key result has been the development of a new form of government in America: the replacement of America's traditional republican institutions with what we may accurately call a "National Security-Homeland Security State." Such a state did not spring up in full form immediately after 9/11/01, like Athena from the head of Zeus. Instead, it was more than fifty years in the making, and UFO secrecy has played an unmistakable dual role in killing the old republic and giving birth to this new Leviathan. Indeed, the question of "what are they hiding" helps to shed light on the process. For a great body of diverse sources now point to the likelihood that there have been multiple retrievals of UFO technology, along with associated biological samples (e.g. bodies). Several of these cases are discussed, as are several key sources of leaks. The author argues that the real or perceived necessity of secrecy surrounding the recovery of exotic technology and bodies by the U.S. national security apparatus forced a series of silent "mini-revolutions" which successively eroded power from traditional democratic-republican sources of government (initially Congress, then the Presidency) to quasi-public/quasi-private groups that operate with great amounts of money and secrecy. While the very secrecy under review may ultimately prevent a full answer to the details of this process, the general outline has become evident. UFO secrecy hasn't been the only knife in the back of the American Republic. But it has been one of them, and as such deserves due attention. UFO Crash Con is pleased to welcome Author and Researcher - Richard M

  • S2012E13 UFO Crash Con - Keeping UFOs Secret - Terry Hansen

    • June 30, 2012

    Features Terry Hansen - Public skepticism about the reality of UFO crashes stems from a near total absence of news coverage about such events. The naïve media consumer assumes that news organizations present a more or less complete picture of world events. Consequently, the absence of news about UFO crashes suggests to such people that crashes have not, in fact, occurred. Historically, however, leading news organizations have worked very closely with the federal government to censor news judged to have "national security" implications. This means that UFO crashes almost certainly would not have received much news coverage, especially by national-level news organizations. In this talk, Terry Hansen, author of 'The Missing Times: New media complicity in the UFO cover-up,' explains why news organizations cooperate with the government, how news censorship is achieved in practice, and how propaganda works to hide important events and reduce public curiosity. Hansen will also discuss potential ways to circumvent UFO-related media deceptions. Finally, he will discuss the concept of national security and the prospects for achieving a more open, accountable federal government. UFO Crash Con is pleased to welcome Journalist, Author and Researcher -- Terry Hansen LIVE

  • S2012E14 UFO Crash Con - UFO Hacker Gary McKinnon - Inside Story

    • July 3, 2012

    Research by Matthew Williams - In 2001, a British man named Gary McKinnon allegedly carried out the "biggest military computer hack of all time" when he accessed US Government computer systems in search of data on UFOs. Using the codename of "Solo," McKinnon is said to have hacked into hundreds of computers over a period of18 months - something which, U.S. prosecutors claim, caused no less than $700,000 worth of damage. The U.S. government maintains that McKinnon's hacking activities were "intentional and calculated to influence and affect the US government by intimidation and coercion." Today, McKinnon faces impending extradition to the United States (having been denied trial in his home country of England), and possible jail time of 70 years. What is the truth behind this strange saga? What is the real story of the files on "Non-Terrestrial Officers" that McKinnon found? How does this tie-in with UFOs? In a groundbreaking lecture, British UFO expert Matthew Williams reveals the startling facts of this real-life X-Files-style saga. UFO Crash Con is pleased to welcome Researcher -- Matthew Williams LIVE

  • S2012E15 UFO Crash Con - Encyclopedia of Flying Saucers - Dr. Robert Wood

    • July 9, 2012

    Features Dr. Robert Woods - This is the exact title of a manuscript by Vernon Bowen, an author and attorney of the 40s and 50s, who decided to give it to the government for review in 1960. In 1999, it was mailed by the Army Freedom of Information/Privacy Office of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, Fort Meade, Maryland to Tim Cooper of Big Bear Lake. After keeping it for nearly 40 years, the returned document is clearly the original, as typed by author Bowen. The document is interesting for at least three reasons: (1) it is absolutely authentic, and the aspects of authenticity will be discussed; (2) it provides clear evidence that the government had a high degree on interest in this topic, classifying pages either CONFIDENTIAL or TOP SECRET/MAJIC; and (3) the remarkable handwritten annotations provide confirmation of the involvement of Harvard astronomer Don Menzel in the UFO program, confirm the existence of Lt. General Twining's 23 Sept 47 report to Chief of Staff USAF, affirm that Project Moon Dust is relevant to UFOs, and offer a variety of handwriting identification challenges. In addition, the manuscript will be offered as a book, and is exceptionally well written: Vernon Bowen had a great sense of humor but was genuinely puzzled by the phenomenon, reporting on virtually every single newspaper and magazine article up to about 1960. When published, it will be fun to read! UFO Crash Con is pleased to welcome Journalist, Author and Researcher -- Dr. Robert Wood LIVE

  • S2012E16 UFO Crash Con - UFOs and Psych-ops - Karyn Dolan

    • July 12, 2012

    Features Karyn Dolan - This talk will discuss the role of television and movies in shaping and brain-washing children's perception of aliens, and how that perception has changed over the years. It also raises the question of why our children might be manipulated in this way, and what parents should do about it. UFO Crash Con is pleased to welcome Researcher - Karyn Dolan LIVE

  • S2012E17 UFOTV® Best Evidence - Top 10 UFO Sightings

    • August 1, 2012

    A look at ten of the best evidence UFO cases of all time, as chosen by a group of the world's most prominent UFO researchers

  • S2012E18 APOLLO 13 - The Untold Story

    • August 13, 2012

    This is the true and untold story of a disastrous explosion that occurred during NASA's Apollo 13 Space Flight mission to the Moon, that nearly took the lives of three astronauts and the heroic efforts by both the astronauts and NASA's Mission Control personnel to bring the astronauts safely home. Keeping the Space Capsule attached to the Lunar Lander during the entire flight was critical to the ultimate survival of the astronauts. Do to a lack of available fuel, the Astronauts were forced to fly around the Moon to gain momentum in an effort to slingshot there way back to Earth, clearly proving that these NASA Astronauts were fully trained to fly a Spacecraft to the moon and back and they were fully equipped to pilot a Lunar Lander to the Moon's surface if the mission had gone according to plan.

  • S2012E19 MISSION TO MARS: The Red Planet

    • August 14, 2012

    This program explores the possible future of NASA's manned space flights to Mars and their search for life on the Red Planet. The film also provides us with key incites into how NASA values any exploration of Mars that is deemed worthy of further study.

  • S2012E20 UFOs - The Stanton Friedman Story

    • August 14, 2012

    Are Flying Saucers Real? Take a biographical look at Stanton T. Friedman, who for the past 40 years has been the world's foremost investigator and lecturer on the UFO phenomenon, also credited with breaking the famous Roswell UFO case. He has authored over 70 UFO articles, and is the author of two books "Crash at Carona" and "Top Secret MAJIC."

  • S2012E21 The Afterlife Investigations - The Scole Experiments.

    • August 16, 2012

    Breakthrough scientific evidence for the afterlife. The Scole Experiments. For five years a group of mediums and scientists witnessed more phenomena than in any other experiment in the history of the paranormal, including recorded conversations with the dead, written messages on sealed film, video of spirit faces and even spirit forms materializing. These experiments may finally convince you there is life after death. The scientific team in change of overseeing these experiments include world renowned Cambridge Scientist - Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. David Fontana and Researcher Montague Keen who died during the filming of the documentary.

  • S2012E22 Fields of Fear: The Alien Connection

    • August 16, 2012

    This full length feature explores the alien connection to the cattle mutilation phenomenon through the work of retired championship cattle breeder Fern Belzil, who has become the unlikely expert on the subject. Is it the work of space aliens, or is there a more prosaic, terrestrial explanation? Featuring Fern Belzil, Greg Bishop, Kevin Randle and Nick Redfern.

  • S2012E23 MOONWALKERS - Untold Story

    • August 28, 2012

    This program takes you on a journey, through the events of all the Manned Apollo Missions to the Moon's surface. From the launch pad, to touchdown on the Moon's surface, to splashdown safely back on Earth, this feature film provides clear evidence that NASA's Missions to the Moon did in fact actually happen.

  • S2012E24 COMET HALLEY 2061: Sign of the Gods

    • August 29, 2012

    Enjoy the Legend, Lore and Science of the search for Halley's Comet.

  • S2012E25 Forbidden Archeology: SUPPRESSED New Evidence of Early Man

    • August 30, 2012

    From the EMMY AWARD WINNING Producers of "The Mystery of the Sphinx" and the Producers of "The Mysterious Origins of Man" comes a new ground breaking film about "New Evidence of Early Man: SUPPRESSED." What happens when scientific evidence conflicts with theory? In the early sixties, discoveries were made in Central Mexico, which were the handiwork of early man. Exquisitely carved animal bones and advanced spear points caused much excitement, including a Life Magazine article, until the dates came in. 5 mutually exclusive geological tests revealed they were over 250,000 years old. In spite of the geochronology, archaeologists insisted the dates were too ridiculously old. This world-class archaeological region became off-limits for official research, a "professional forbidden zone." This is the story of the shocking events that occurred, told first-hand by many of the actual participants. It reveals how one field of science can conflict with another and how new discoveries must battle evidence vs. belief, exposing what some have called "the dark side of archaeology."

  • S2012E26 SPACE COWBOY: Bob Truax Story

    • September 6, 2012

    This is the true story about the Father of Rocketry for the United States NAVY. Truax was an inventor of low-cost Rocket Engines and Space Vehicle designs that made Maned Space Travel possible.

  • S2012E27 FINAL TARGET: Planet Earth

    • September 7, 2012

    American Astronomers shocked the world by reporting that a large Asteroid could potential hit the Earth within 30 years. Could humanity survive such an impact? At this time there is no definitive means to protect or defend our selves from the inevitable global devastation this event would ultimately cause. This program profiles some of the most spectacular Comet and Asteroid impacts on the Earth as well as the current and future dangers of such impacts to the survival of the human race. Also presented are the current measures that Space Programs have already set up to observe, detect, locate and trap these celestial objects near the Earth that may someday pose a distinct threat.

  • S2012E28 MOD X-FILES - Nick Pope

    • October 5, 2012

    Nick Pope was in-charge of the UFO Program at the British Ministry of Defense (The MOD). In Spring 2008 the Ministry of Defense began the process of releasing its entire archive of UFO files. The files cover a wide variety of areas, ranging from policy and UFO sighting reports, through to public correspondence and the way the subject is handled when raised in parliament or covered in the media. In this LIVE presentation, Nick Pope discuses the latest inside information about this change in policy within the British Ministry of Defense.

  • S2012E29 Tunguska & Crashed UFOs - Nick Redfern

    • October 10, 2012

    Early on the morning of June 30, 1908, numerous people in the region of Tunguska, Russia, witnessed a large column of blue light moving deliberately across the sky. Approximately ten minutes later, the sighting was followed by the sound of a massive explosion that decimated the area, and caused damage hundreds of miles away from the presumed impact site of whatever it was that had earlier been seen in the sky. What do we know now?

  • S2012E30 UFO Disclosure In Russia

    • October 13, 2012

    EBE Award Winner - This film represents an important chapter in Ufology and Disclosure history and is considered by many to be an underground classic. Join UFO investigators on this historic occasion, as they meet for the first time with High Ranking Russian Military Officials and Representatives from the former KGB, at the Russian Anti-Aircraft Academy of Defense in Tver, Russia, to examine UFO evidence collected by the Russian Government in a free and open détente as Russia officially joins the UFO disclosure movement. This program includes filmed evidence from the Russian Military and the Russian Space Program, that proves that there is an unexplainable UFO presence in our skies. Includes photos and video of alien spacecraft.

  • S2012E31 UFOs - Ships of Light

    • October 17, 2012

    2 Time EBE Award Winner - Directed by UFO Researcher and Anthropologist Michael Hesemann. On a dark and lonely road in the mountains of Mexico, Carlos Diaz had an encounter with UFOs that changed his life forever. Thousands of eyewitnesses including journalists, scientists and even the Mayor of Mexico City have also shared this same story of an alien encounter with UFOs. Learn about messages received by Carlos Diaz from his UFO alien encounters and what meaning they hold for us here on Earth. Features stunning film footage, video and photos of alien UFOs

  • S2012E32 Mystery of the Sphinx

    • November 10, 2012

    This program presents geological evidence that the world's most famous monument, The Great Sphinx of Egypt, may be thousands of years older than we have been taught. The Mystery of the Sphinx - NOW ON DVD with Bonus Features - 95 mins. Cat. #U526. Go to http://www.UFOTV.com. How were the massive 200-ton limestone blocks lifted and stacked five high to build the Sphinx Temple? John Anthony West and a team of seismologists, headed by Boston University's Professor Robert Schoch, discovered a square cavity directly beneath one of the paws of the Sphinx. According to the experts, it does not appear to be a natural formation. Could this be the Hall of Records of Atlantis? Includes the facts about this amazing mystery along with a fascinating series of spellbinding interviews with researchers, scientists and the best-known most credible ancient authorities in the world today.

  • S2012E33 UFOs & Aliens In the Media - Peter Robins

    • November 15, 2012

    Features an amazing array of UFO and Alien TV commercials from around the world. Author and Researcher Peter Robins puts to rest many preconceived beliefs about the impact of UFOs and Aliens portrayed in advertising as part of a plan to prepare society for full disclosure that UFOs are real. Paralleling the past few decades of UFO reports, incidents and alien abduction accounts, UFOs and aliens have had a hand in selling everything from breakfast cereal to computers. Is this simply a matter of the advertising industries taking advantage of imagery already ingrained in popular culture, or is something deeper and more methodical at work here? Get the facts in this detailed presentation. Taped LIVE at the UFO Crash Retrieval Conference.

  • S2012E34 How To Read Faces - The Ultimate Advantage

    • November 19, 2012

    Whether you're a UFO Investigator, a Card Player, or just someone trying to make a romantic connection, Face Reading gives you the ultimate advantage on how people think and react. Imagine the advantages of knowing how another person will think, behave and respond just by looking at their face and the way it's structured. Face Reading gives you that advantage! Face Reading has been around for hundreds of years. The Face Reading skills you will learn have been proven to be 98% accurate!

  • S2012E35 UFOs: The Secret Evidence

    • November 25, 2012

    Winner of 4 EBE Awards! Best Film, Best Historical Documentary, Best UFO Footage and The Peoples Choice Award - International UFO Congress Film Festival. The "UFOs: The Secret Evidence" documentary presents what the world governments really know about UFOs. Includes 44 original UFO film clips from around the world, most of which have never been seen until this feature documentary was originally introduced to the general public and also includes film clips from the archives of both NASA and the U.S. Air Force. "UFOs: The Secret Evidence" features leading scientists and researchers such as Astrophysicist - Dr. Johannes Von Buttlar, Orientalist - Zecharia Sitchin, Nuclear Physicist - Robert Lazar, Researcher - Jorge Martin, and Military Officers: Lt. Col. Wendell C. Stevens, USAF, Retired, Commander Graham Bethune, Com/Sgt. Major Robert O. Dean, Danish Air Force Co. Major Hans C. Petersen, Soviet Air Force Test Pilot - Dr. Marina Popovich. This feature film also includes an investigation into the true alien abduction story of Amaury Rivera in Puerto Rico.

  • S2012E36 Stealth Mission Curiosity:

    • December 2, 2012

    Confirming Ancient Intelligence On Mars - Richard C. Hoagland Discover the facts behind the Governments secret mission "Stealth Mission - CURIOSITY," and the legitimate validation of ancient intelligence on Mars. However much of what was learned during this mission still remains a secret. This presentation includes the most up to date images and telemetry from over six probe missions providing the widest coverage possible of the Martian surface.

  • S2012E37 TOYS IN SPACE - Zero-G FUN

    • December 9, 2012

    What better way to explore the effects of 0-Gravity while in space then with the use of toys. Join the crew of the Space Shuttle Endeavor for a fun filled, play-day designed to test the effects of microgravity in space using toys that bounce, toys that fly, toys that swim, toys made of magnets and toys that spin. Come join the fun of discovery for the whole family.

  • S2012E39 Ancient Aliens: Hidden Planet of the Nazca

    • December 12, 2012

    No where is the evidence so strong that Ancient Aliens existed on Earth in our deep past marking extraterrestrial influences that have shaped human history. Peru has become legendary to both explorers and scientists alike as one of the most mysterious places on Earth. This fascinating two-part feature length program provides a fresh perspective on the many amazing wonders that can only be found in this remarkable part of the world. The ancient Nazca Lines, the Paracas Trident, the Megaliths of Marcahuasi, the summit of Machu Picchu, the hand carved Ica Stones, the strange Paracas Skulls, and a vast network of underground tunnel systems are explored and filmed here for the first time.

  • S2012E40 Alien Highway: UFOs and Area 51

    • December 22, 2012

    Featuring Bob Lazar LIVE - Take a journey with us to go where few have ever gone before! To know the truth that we are not alone in the universe and that there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the planet Earth. Meet the people who live in and around the small community of Rachiel, Nevada, USA, the only human outpost, next to the US governments most highly secret military test facility most commonly referred to as Area 51 and S4 (Sector-4), where it is believed that the US Government continues to test alien UFO technology. See what it's like to live next to Area 51 and hear from the locals about Area 51 and what it's like to live at the end of the Alien Highway, a place where the night sky always continues to hold a UFO and Alien/ET mystery

  • S2012E41 Apollo 8 - Christmas In Space

    • December 24, 2012

    Christmas In Space - Go back in time to Christmas 1968, when Apollo 8 Astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and William Anders became the first humans in history to fly a spacecraft to the Moon.

  • S2012E42 Mysterious Origins of Man

Season 2013

  • S2013E01 Supernatural Amazon

    • January 10, 2013

    Ayahuasca is found in the Amazon and used by Shaman to induce strong visions in the user. With the help of Shamans, filmmaker Dean Jeffries takes Ayahuasca and goes deep inside this Supernatural Hyper Dimensional Reality that resides among the Shamans of the Amazon.

  • S2013E02 Ancient Aliens: Noah's Ark Conspiracy

    • January 31, 2013

    This program presents evidence that explorers have found the final resting place of a ship that may be Noah's Ark as described in the Bible and the Book of Genesis. Includes photos, video, physical evidence and interviews with researchers, and the best-known authorities on "Noah's Ark" in the world today.

  • S2013E03 Alien Contact A Global Phenomena

    • February 12, 2013

    EBE Award Winner! Best Film - International UFO Congress Film Festival. In memory of Bud Hopkins and Dr. John Mack, MD. Featuring Whitley Strieber, Bud Hopkins, Dr. John Mack MD, Professor David Jacobs, Astronaut Dr. Brian O'Leary, Leah Haley, Derrel Sims, Dr. Roger Leir, Nick Pope, Dr. Maria Szilegy, Dr. Rauni Luukanen-Kilda, Dr. Louis Turi, and abductee's from 10 countries. Extensive research shows that alien abductions are occurring all over the world. In the production of this film, investigators traveled to ten countries in a daring attempt to uncover the truth. In this breathtaking program both witnesses and internationally respected researchers present the facts about this shocking and alarming phenomenon. Strange implants of an unknown technology are removed from an abductee's. A British policeman is abducted by two aliens, one of which he photographed. Strange landing marks and magnetic anomalies are found on the ground after abduction experiences. A man from Nazareth suffers from severe inflammations after being covered with a yellow dust during an abduction. Includes detailed accounts of UFO and Alien abductions from the United States, Great Britain, France, Finland, Hungary, Israel, Australia and Brazil. Parental discretion is advised.

  • S2013E04 Beyond Planet Earth - David Icke

    • March 14, 2013

    What is the connection between ancient history, the modern war on terror, the gathering "Orwellian nightmare, and the nature of reality itself? It seems a strange question to most people, but in fact all of these questions are fundamentally linked, as David Icke so compellingly reveals.

  • S2013E05 Ships of Light Part 2 - The Sequel

    • March 23, 2013

    In this Sequel to the ground breaking film Ships of Light, we investigate the Evidence, the detailed Analyses and the Messages from the Extraterrestrial Visitors received by Carlos Diaz during his encounters over 18 years in this ground breaking UFO Contact Case. Thousands of eyewitnesses including journalists, scientists and even the Mayor of Mexico City also share this same story of an Alien Encounter with UFOs. Features stunning film footage, video and photos of Extraterrestrial UFOs.

  • S2013E06 UFO SECRET - GMO

    • April 8, 2013

    Cut to the chase and get the bottom line on the madness of UFO SECRET (GMO) MADNESS in this hilarious but terribly tragic, fast paced, true look at what is happening to our planet, all at the drop of a hat, cartoon style. Perfect for everyone with a short attention span, ADD, or an inability to concentrate on anything longer than 10-minutes.

  • S2013E07 Ancient Aliens: Hidden Planet of the Inca

    • November 4, 2013

  • S2013E08 ANTIGRAVITY - Off World Secrets

    • April 22, 2013

    The total cutting edge of scientific research is now happening in the weightlessness of Space. This film is a preview of what is to come. Giant leaps in technological advancements.

  • S2013E09 UFO SECRET - The Friendship Case

  • S2013E10 Technologies of The Gods, The Case for Pre-Historic High Technology

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Zero Point: Volume I - Messages From The Past.

    • January 1, 2012

    A full length independent documentary from Vivid Pictures. Messages from the Past features Graham Hancock, David Wilcock, Terrence McKenna and more, the film focuses on a hidden episode in human history, unlocking the secrets of the Precession of the Equnioxes and its significance. Zero Point uncovers the messages expressed through ancient monuments worldwide, examines various maps, monuments and artifacts which seem to reveal great secrets about the nature of time, our past and our future. It seems we are approaching a point in time known as the singularity, what does it all mean? How does it connect to Precession?We are missing a huge chunk of our history that could pave the way for a prosperous future, firstly we have to convince the masses that we are not the culmination of our culture, that we share a unique bond with the universe that cannot be understood until we grasp the practicalities of how certain monuments were constructed, why they were constructed and the message encoded in their construction. Going beyond the material we must also gain an understanding of ancient divinatory systems and how they can give us an insight into the physics of time itself, if time was the landscape that the ancients mapped then what were they trying to tell us?Be in little doubt, the message IS for us and we need to pay attention.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 Zero Point: Volume II - The Structure of Infinity

    • January 1, 2012

    Following on from the information covered in Zero Point : Volume I - Messages from the Past, Volume II - The Structure of Infinity takes a more focused look at the fractal nature of the Universe. Through examination of The Mandlebrot set and Fractal Geometry, Zero Point : Volume II takes us on a journey through the Fractal Universe culminating in a paradigm shifting view on the nature of reality itself. The existence of the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio throughout the natural world and in the ancient megaliths featured in Vol I are fundamental clues in uncovering the true nature of reality. Only by re-examining what we think we know can we pave the way for a future of prosperity based on the ideas and scientific discoveries touched upon in this film.

  • SPECIAL 0x3 Zero Point: Volume III - The Legacy of The Ark

    • January 1, 2012

    The final part of the Zero Point Trilogy concludes by examining the secrets of the Ark of the Covenant. What was the Ark? What was its Purpose? and How did it work? By attempting to answer some of these questions we may gain an understanding of how to harness Zero Point energy. However the question remains; Is our society ready to responsibly use this power? With the hope that the consciousness of humanity will rise to meet this challenge.

  • SPECIAL 0x4 Zero Point Volume IV - Left Hemisphere Edition

  • SPECIAL 0x5 Zero Point : Volume IV - Beyond - Right Hemisphere Edition (Psychedelic Version)

  • SPECIAL 0x6 Zero Point : Volume V - The Hyper-Force Chronicles - 1. The Hutchison Effect