Home / Series / UFOTV / Aired Order / Season 2012 / Episode 21

The Afterlife Investigations - The Scole Experiments.

Breakthrough scientific evidence for the afterlife. The Scole Experiments. For five years a group of mediums and scientists witnessed more phenomena than in any other experiment in the history of the paranormal, including recorded conversations with the dead, written messages on sealed film, video of spirit faces and even spirit forms materializing. These experiments may finally convince you there is life after death. The scientific team in change of overseeing these experiments include world renowned Cambridge Scientist - Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. David Fontana and Researcher Montague Keen who died during the filming of the documentary.

  • Originally Aired August 16, 2012
  • Runtime 1 minutes
  • Created May 11, 2013 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified May 11, 2013 by
    Administrator admin