Home / Series / UFOTV / Aired Order / Season 2012 / Episode 12

UFO Crash Con - UFO Secrecy - Richard Dolan

Featuring Richard Dolan - Few people doubt that there is some level of secrecy by military and other government agencies regarding UFOs. The obvious question: "what are they hiding?" has been asked and investigated by many people for many years. But a less obvious question presents itself: what has secrecy done to our society? A quick answer is "many things." But a key result has been the development of a new form of government in America: the replacement of America's traditional republican institutions with what we may accurately call a "National Security-Homeland Security State." Such a state did not spring up in full form immediately after 9/11/01, like Athena from the head of Zeus. Instead, it was more than fifty years in the making, and UFO secrecy has played an unmistakable dual role in killing the old republic and giving birth to this new Leviathan. Indeed, the question of "what are they hiding" helps to shed light on the process. For a great body of diverse sources now point to the likelihood that there have been multiple retrievals of UFO technology, along with associated biological samples (e.g. bodies). Several of these cases are discussed, as are several key sources of leaks. The author argues that the real or perceived necessity of secrecy surrounding the recovery of exotic technology and bodies by the U.S. national security apparatus forced a series of silent "mini-revolutions" which successively eroded power from traditional democratic-republican sources of government (initially Congress, then the Presidency) to quasi-public/quasi-private groups that operate with great amounts of money and secrecy. While the very secrecy under review may ultimately prevent a full answer to the details of this process, the general outline has become evident. UFO secrecy hasn't been the only knife in the back of the American Republic. But it has been one of them, and as such deserves due attention. UFO Crash Con is pleased to welcome Author and Researcher - Richard M

  • Originally Aired June 30, 2012
  • Runtime 1 minutes
  • Created May 4, 2013 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified May 4, 2013 by
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