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All Seasons

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

  • S03E01 Eva's Song

    • March 15, 2001
    • ITV1

    Tonight with Trevor McDonald feature on Eva Cassidy

  • S03E02 Alarm Call

    • November 8, 2001
    • ITV1

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

  • S09E01 A Question of Murder

    • September 3, 2007

    2007 ITV Tonight film about the case of Sam Hallam whose conviction for murder was quashed by the Court of Appeal in May 2012.

  • S09E02 Death Race 2007

    • December 11, 2007

    A show created to highlight the use of the internet to display illegal driving.

Season 10

Season 11

  • S11E01 Unknown

    • ITV1

  • S11E02 Unknown

    • ITV1

  • S11E03 Unknown

    • ITV1

  • S11E04 Unknown

    • ITV1

  • S11E05 Unknown

    • ITV1

  • S11E06 Is TV Too Rude?

    • January 23, 2009
    • ITV1

  • S11E07 Endgame Afghanistan

    • ITV1

  • S11E08 Past Its Sell-By Date

    • September 4, 2009
    • ITV1

    Are sell-by dates finally past their sell-by date? Last year, reporter Jonathan Maitland diced with dysentery when he deliberately ate food whose shelf life had well and truly expired. Mouldy bread, whiffy mince... Maitland came to no harm and has lived to tell the tale. For his next trick he wants to see if he can create a banquet for 5,000 people using only food scavenged from supermarket bins. We throw away obscene amounts of perfectly good food in this country because of our obsession about sell-by dates but perhaps our food safety paranoia has gone too far... Chef Antony Worrall Thompson helps stir the debate by cooking up a freegan feast. Binoffee pie anyone?

  • S11E09 Bin to Banquet

    • ITV1

  • S11E10 Fix My Finances

    • September 18, 2009
    • ITV1

  • S11E11 Cournershops Under Attack

    • June 11, 2009
    • ITV1

    Independent convenience stores are facing more challenges than ever before with the threat of supermarket growth now accompanied by a deep recession and fears about increased crime. Mark Jordan meets the shopkeepers battling against vandalism, violent attacks, theft and arson as they try to keep their businesses afloat.

  • S11E12 The Terrorist Hunter

    • June 22, 2009
    • ITV1

    Trevor McDonald talks to Andy Hayman, formerly the most senior police officer in charge of the fight against terrorism, about his views on the 7/7 bombings, the political response and the future of terrorism in the UK. The presenter also examines whether there hould be a public inquiry into the London attacks

Season 12

Season 13

  • S13E11 The Value of a Degree

    • February 3, 2011
    • ITV1

  • S13E13 Endgame Afghanistan

    • February 17, 2011
    • ITV1

    ‘TONIGHT - Endgame Afghanistan’ The programme was shown on 17 Feb and gives an insight into the lives and roles of the RAF personnel serving at Camp Bastion. Presenter Morland Sanders follows a day in the life of RAF Chaplain Flt Lt Adrian Dyer, talks with RAF medical and Force Protection staff on a Medical Emergency Response Team, talks with the Stn Cdr and goes out with 34 Sqn RAF Regt...

  • S13E14 Cyber Wars

    • February 24, 2011
    • ITV1

    A look at the threats in cyberspace - from our personal computer through to nation states.

  • S13E35 University or Bust

    • August 25, 2011
    • ITV1

  • S13E40 Bosnia - Unfinished Business

    • September 15, 2011
    • ITV1

    An ITN report years later (2010) about the situation in post civil war Bosnia-Herzegovina. The original reporter who first broke the story about the Omarska concentration run by Serb war criminals goes back to interview prisoners and guards....Unfortunetly, it does not look like Bosnia has healed even 20 years after the conflict.

  • S13E46 Not in My Backyard

    • October 27, 2011
    • ITV1

  • S13E48 Life After the Riots

    • November 10, 2011
    • ITV1

  • S13E51 Counting on Christmas

    • December 15, 2011
    • ITV1

  • S13E52 Man vs. Mother Nature

    • March 17, 2011
    • ITV1

    Japan has invested billions in preparing for the "superquake". They built Tokyo - a skyscraper metropolis - right next to one of the earth's most active fault lines. Their investment paid off when the greatest quake in the nation's memory came last Friday - in Tokyo it was Man who won in the battle with Mother Nature. Astonishingly just 4 people lost their lives. But North of Tokyo, Man's best attempts to prepare for a tsunami proved no match for the force of Mother Nature. Tens of thousands are feared dead, entire communities have been swept away by the giant wave that hit with little warning and maximum force. The Pacific Ocean early warning system worked - but the quake was so close to the coast it gave hundreds of thousands of people only moments to escape.

Season 14

  • S14E01 Dying to be Thin

    • January 5, 2012
    • ITV1

    At a time when many people are embarking on a post-Christmas diet or renewing their gym membership in an attempt to shed excess festive pounds, Fiona Foster asks whether we are unwittingly damaging our children's attitude to food. She meets teenage girls who are being treated for severe eating disorders and reports on a survey commissioned by the programme, which reveals that children as young as seven are already worrying about what they eat and how much they weigh.

  • S14E02 The Silicone Scandal

    • January 12, 2012
    • ITV1

    Reporter Chris Choi takes to the road with a woman who has had PIP implants to investigate a story that has rocked the cosmetic industry to its core and left thousands affected.

  • S14E03 Did Gaddafi Kill My Daughter

    • January 19, 2012
    • ITV1

    75-year-old Jim Swire, who lost his daughter in the Lockerbie bombing, travels to war-torn Libya to investigate whether Colonel Gaddafi was behind the atrocity. He meets the only man convicted of the attack, Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, and confronts the new administration in his search for answers.

  • S14E04 Payback Time

    • January 26, 2012
    • ITV1

    As household debt rises to the five billion mark and the cost of living is at its highest level for years, the programme looks at how ordinary households are borrowing just to fund their day-to-day expenses. These pressures are also putting up the cost of getting into debt.

  • S14E05 Hot Metal

    • February 2, 2012
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland investigates the increasing problem of metal theft, which is costing the country billions of pounds a year and is affecting nearly every aspect of our lives. Attacks on power substations have doubled over the past year and millions of passengers have had their rail journeys disrupted. Hospitals have also been affected as generators have been targeted, with some operations having to be cancelled as a result. What is being done to crack down on this extraordinary wave of targeted crime?

  • S14E06 The Cost of Going Green

    • February 9, 2012
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland looks at whether the Government's commitment to renewable energy could increase our household bills. The Government aims for 15 percent of our energy to be provided by the likes of wind, water and solar power by 2020 - but what is the cost of going green?

  • S14E07 The Obesity Time Bomb

    • February 23, 2012
    • ITV1

    The average adult male currently weighs 13st, but is predicted to rise to 17st over the next 50 years. Fiona Foster reports on the growing number of people in the UK being treated for obesity-related illnesses and examines the financial strain this is putting on the NHS.

  • S14E08 Public v Private Sector: Who Wins?

    • March 1, 2012
    • ITV1

    The public and private sectors have long regarded each other with suspicion, both imagining that the grass is greener on the other side. But in this age of austerity, who gets the best deal? ITV News business editor Laura Kuenssberg dispels some of those myths about long lunch breaks and jobs for life, and asks who really gets the best pay, the most generous perks and the biggest pensions.

  • S14E09 2012 Pride and Punishment

    • March 8, 2012
    • ITV1

    Should Britain's fastest man be free to race at the Olympics? Dwain Chambers is currently barred from London 2012 but a court case next week might force the British Olympic Association to give him a second chance. The programme follows him at home and abroad in the run-up to the decision, and reveals how he is trying to put things right. A host of current and former Olympians including Sharron Davies, Kriss Akabusi, Greg Searle and Kim Collins give their views. Should Chambers be allowed to compete or should the BOA's uncompromising stance on former drug cheats stand?

  • S14E10 Our Kids Rotten Teeth

    • March 15, 2012
    • ITV1

    There has been some remarkable progress in dental health recently - yet a third of children in the UK have tooth decay by the time they start primary school. Every year tens of thousands of them require hospital operations to remove their rotting teeth. Tonight investigates why this entirely preventable disease is still such a problem in 2012 and what can be done to eradicate it.

  • S14E11 How Much is Your Council Charging You?

    • March 22, 2012
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland looks at how some local authorities are raising extra cash by putting up fees such as library fines, car parking and even social care in order to compensate for losing government grants. At a time when some councils are planning to freeze council tax, other local authorities say they have no other choice but to raise charges - and the Government accuses some local councils of using the public as cash cows.

  • S14E12 Bamber - The New Evidence

    • March 29, 2012
    • ITV1

    Jeremy Bamber, one of Britain's most notorious killers, was convicted in 1986 of the mass murder of his entire family. He was sentenced to life behind bars but has always protested his innocence. In this programme, former detective Mark Williams-Thomas is given exclusive access to new evidence that could lead to the case being referred back to the Court of Appeal.

  • S14E13 Because We Are Worth It

    • April 5, 2012
    • ITV1

    The Prime Minister has called it the ‘merry-go-round’ of super-rich bosses rubber stamping each other’s inflated pay deals. With the average FTSE 100 chief executive earning over £5 million a year, Lord Sugar and EasyJet's Sir Stelios help ITV News Business Editor Laura Kuenssberg investigate why top pay continues to rise, while many of us struggle.

  • S14E14 Are Your Kids Contagious

    • April 12, 2012
    • ITV1

    As childhood diseases such as measles and whooping cough appear to be making a comeback in the UK, Fiona Foster investigates why parents are deciding not to immunise their children. What is being done to protect the health of future generations?

  • S14E15 Why Isn't Britain Working?

    • April 19, 2012
    • ITV1

    Unemployment is at its highest level for 18 years, but some companies say that they are having trouble recruiting suitable staff. Jonathan Maitland meets employers who are resorting to desperate measures in an attempt to fill vacancies.

  • S14E16 Is Britain Running Dry?

    • April 26, 2012
    • ITV1

    Two consecutive dry winters have taken their toll and Britain is now facing its worst drought for more than 30 years, with millions of people having already had hosepipe bans imposed. With experts predicting that our climate will continue to get drier and warmer, this programme examines what we are doing to protect our water supplies and asks whether we all need to change the way we use this most precious resource.

  • S14E17 The Trouble with Men

    • May 3, 2012
    • ITV1

    One in five of us will experience depression at some point in our lives, and the World Health Organisation predicts that the condition will be more disabling than cancer and AIDS within a decade. Figures suggest that females suffer from it more than males, but is that the real picture? Penny Marshall takes a closer look at the illness and the stigma that still exists around it.

  • S14E18 The Great British Weather

    • May 17, 2012
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland investigates the impact of our changing climate as Britain goes from the hottest March since 1957 to the wettest April since records began. In the space of a few weeks the country has experienced wildfires, floods, sunshine and snow - what is happening to Britain's weather?

  • S14E19 People Power

    • May 24, 2012
    • ITV1

    Energy bills average more than 1,300 pounds a year per household and are set to continue rising. For the first time in the UK, thousands of people have got together to see if they can slash the cost. They have all agreed to switch to a new supplier at the same time - but only if they are offered a good enough deal. Jonathan Maitland finds out whether people power can pay off.

  • S14E20 The Parent Trap

    • May 31, 2012
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster looks at the increasing financial burden of childcare costs, with many families paying out up to a third of their income on pre-school nurseries. Britain spends more on this than almost any other country in the world, and for many families it even outweighs their mortgage payments.

  • S14E21 Work Until You Drop

    • June 7, 2012
    • ITV1

    More than 750,000 people over the age of 65 are still in employment, and it is predicted that figure will double by 2017. Fiona Foster investigates whether it is fair on the young that everyone can work for as long as they like and meets some of Britain's oldest employees.

  • S14E22 Barking Mad?

    • June 28, 2012
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland looks at how attacks by dangerous dogs have reached record levels in the UK, highlighted by the recent shocking case of a two-year-old boy who received serious head injuries when he was attacked by his neighbour's dog. Campaigners are now demanding swift action from the government, but what can be done to stop the problem without punishing millions of responsible dog owners?

  • S14E23 Who Wants To Live Forever?

    • July 5, 2012
    • ITV1

    A look at how thousands are now celebrating their one hundredth birthday as we meet a centenarian marathon runner, an abseiling great grandmother, and some of the scientists racing to discover the age gene.

  • S14E24 Olympic Winners and Losers

    • July 12, 2012
    • ITV1

    With just weeks to go until the start of London 2012, this programme examines some of the Games' surprising winners and losers. Pas-de-Calais in northern France has hosted 248 national Olympic teams because of its proximity to London, while thousands of landlords in the capital cannot let out their homes because of an Olympic property glut. Fiona Foster reports.

  • S14E25 What Are Your Kids Up To?

    • July 26, 2012
    • ITV1

    As the school holidays begin, a look at how your children could be more at risk in their bedrooms than playing outside as thousands now have unrestricted access to the internet. The risks include pornography, online bullying and even grooming.

  • S14E26 Divided Britain

    • August 2, 2012
    • ITV1

    You might think that the more you earn the better off you will be. But that is not always the case, where you live makes a difference to the value of the pound in your pocket. Jonathan Maitland reports on the true extent to which where you live determines your spending power.

  • S14E27 Proud to be British

    • August 9, 2012
    • ITV1

    ITV Tonight meets some of the 30,000 Ugandan Asians who came to Britain after being expelled from Uganda by dictator Idi Amin in 1972.

  • SPECIAL 0x2 The Food We Eat: The Hunger Shame

    • August 10, 2012
    • ITV1

    First in a three-part series looking at our relationship with food. Julie Etchingham examines the impact of rising food prices on already tight family budgets and looks at how many people are changing their shopping habits in order to cut their grocery bills.

  • S14E28 Only the Lonely

    • August 16, 2012
    • ITV1

    It is estimated that over a million older people are lonely, and it is predicted that figure could double as the population ages and welfare cuts start to bite. With five million saying that television is their best friend, and experts linking loneliness to ill health, is it time for us all to become better neighbours?

  • SPECIAL 0x4 The Food We Eat: Healthy Options?

    • August 17, 2012
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham investigates in the second programme of a three-part series. Most people know the importance of healthy eating - and there are plenty of foods out there that claim to be 'fresh', 'natural' and preservative-free. But are they all really as good for us as we like to think? Or are we kidding ourselves when we go for healthy options?

  • S14E29 Don't Hate Us

    • August 23, 2012
    • ITV1

    With London preparing to welcome some of the world's greatest Paralympic athletes to the 2012 Games, shocking new figures reveal that hate crimes against the disabled are at an all-time high. Tonight examines whether a welfare crackdown - which includes re-assessing whether people claiming disability benefits are fit for work - is behind an apparent change in public attitudes.

  • SPECIAL 0x6 The Food We Eat: The Real Cost of Cheap Food

    • August 24, 2012
    • ITV1

    In the final part of a special three-part series in examining our relationship with food, Julie Etchingham looks at how our growing demand for food at affordable prices is leading to changes in the way it is produced. The programme visits a zero-grazing dairy farm where milk yields are well above average - but where cows are kept on concrete and indoors.

  • S14E30 The Kindness of Strangers

    • August 30, 2012
    • ITV1

    This week, a controversial website launches in the UK that allows kidney donors to select who receives their organ. Julie Etchingham meets the nation's first patient to find a match using the service and the Brits already signed up to pick their recipients.

  • S14E31 Whatever Happened to Summer?

    • September 6, 2012
    • ITV1

    This summer has been memorable for many reasons - the London Olympics, the Queen's Jubilee, and for being among the wettest since records began. As the summer holiday season draws to a close, Tonight looks at how individuals and businesses have been left counting the cost of all that rain - and asks if it was just a bad year or if the British weather is changing for good.

  • S14E32 Police - Caught on Camera

    • September 13, 2012
    • ITV1

    Video has become a vital tool for the police, but cameras are increasingly being turned on the officers themselves. Tonight has exclusive access during two of the biggest policing operations of the summer, an English Defence League protest in Bristol and a high risk football match in Sheffield. Is the extra public scrutiny hindering police work or helping to shape a force for the 21st Century? Presented by Geraint Vincent.

  • S14E33 Who Does Your Daughter Look Up To?

    • September 20, 2012
    • ITV1

    The likely answer is a reality TV star, a glamour model or a footballer's wife, rather than a ground-breaking scientist or a successful businesswoman. According to a study carried out earlier this year by Girlguiding UK, the lack of positive role models for girls and young women is damaging their career prospects and aspirations. Tonight examines these claims and talks to Olympic gold medallist Joanna Rowsell and reality TV star Amy Childs about the examples they set.

  • S14E34 In Self Defence

    • September 27, 2012
    • ITV1

    The issue of self-defence and the rights of homeowners to protect themselves always provoke public anger and sympathy. Tonight speaks exclusively to one couple who were locked in a nightmare after intruders broke into their home - with dreadful consequences. Presented by Julie Etchingham.

  • S14E35 Are We Giving Kids a Sporting Chance?

    • October 4, 2012
    • ITV1

    It all started back in July with Bradley Wiggins winning the Tour de France. Then we were captivated by the Olympics and Paralympics, and Andy Murray won his first-ever major victory in an epic US Open final. It has been a glorious summer of sporting success for the UK. But with so many young people keen on sport, is enough being done to encourage them?

  • S14E36 The Property Trap

    • October 11, 2012
    • ITV1

    Britain's housing market is still in crisis, five years after the start of the credit crunch. Despite steady house prices and the availability of some of the cheapest mortgages ever, millions of people are still finding it difficult to buy or sell. Tonight meets victims of the property trap and asks what can be done to get this crucial part of the UK economy moving again. With Freddie Jones.

  • S14E37 Is Technology Taking Over Our Lives?

    • October 18, 2012
    • ITV1

    As the ownership of smartphones and other internet enabled devices reaches a new high - this programme looks at whether our overdependence on technology could be detrimental.

  • S14E38 Off the Rails

    • October 25, 2012
    • ITV1

    Chris Choi investigates the state of Britain's railways, as train companies are in uproar, civil servants under attack and fares on the rise.

  • S14E39 Too scared to speed?

    • November 1, 2012
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland examines calls for police, fire and ambulance crews to receive greater protection from prosecution when responding to 999 call-outs.

  • S14E40 The Best Start in Life

    • November 8, 2012
    • ITV1

    With young pupils being graded in key subjects early in their school lives, and the private tuition industry booming - are we putting too much pressure on children?

  • S14E41 Waiting for a Heart

    • November 22, 2012
    • ITV1

    As the UK faces a critical shortage of heart donors, Fiona Foster meets 20-year-old university student Will Pope, who needs a transplant to save his life.

  • S14E42 Britain's Deadly Gun Trade

    • November 29, 2012
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster looks at how guns are finding their way into the hands of criminals and uncovers a new supply route that could see the numbers of illegal weapons in circulation rise.

  • S14E43 The Repeat Offenders

    • December 6, 2012
    • ITV1

    Although recorded crime is at its lowest level in a generation, rates for re-offending are at a record high. Fiona Foster investigates what is being done to reduce these numbers.

  • S14E44 Putting Young Drivers to the Test

    • December 13, 2012
    • ITV1

    Tonight investigates whether calls for changes in the way young people learn to drive, the introduction of a ban on late night driving, and carrying passengers could save lives.

  • S14E45 So What Was Great About 2012?

    • December 20, 2012
    • ITV1

    A celebration of the major events of the year, such as the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, the Olympic Games, the Paralympics, and the extraordinary achievements of people in other areas.

Season 15

  • S15E01 Is Britain Overcrowded?

    • January 3, 2013
    • ITV1

    In 2013 as Britain approaches its biggest baby boom for 40 years, Fiona Foster looks at whether services that are already stretched to the limit will be able to cope with demand.

  • S15E02 Generation Rent

    • January 10, 2013
    • ITV1

    As people are priced out of the property market by the requirement of a huge deposit to buy, Jonathan Maitland looks at how this has sparked a boom in buy-to-let.

  • S15E03 What a Waste

    • January 17, 2013
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland looks at how Britain throws away seven million tonnes of food and drink every year - mostly at the end of the supply chain in our own homes and in restaurants.

  • S15E04 How Much Could You Save?

    • January 31, 2013
    • ITV1

    Martin Lewis has been doing money makeovers for 10 years and he is on a mission to make sure we all get to grips with our finances in 2013.

  • S15E05 How to Save a Life

    • February 7, 2013
    • ITV1

    Nearly 140,000 people die each year in England and Wales, when basic first aid could have saved them. Fiona Foster meets Fabrice Muamba, who campaigns for more first aid teaching.

  • S15E06 From the Heart: A Tonight Special

    • February 13, 2013
    • ITV1

    In a one hour special the Tonight programme investigates the lives of the 10,000 Brits on waiting lists for an organ transplant.

  • S15E07 Part-Time Britain

    • February 28, 2013
    • ITV1

    As the UK struggles to recover from a long, deep economic crisis, record numbers are in employment - welcome to Part-Time Britain.

  • S15E08 Has the NHS Stopped Caring?

    • March 21, 2013
    • ITV1

    In the wake of the Mid Staffs scandal, the Tonight programme asks whether the NHS has lost touch with its core values

  • S15E09 Breadline Britain

    • March 28, 2013
    • ITV1

    A special edition of Tonight reports exclusively on the shock findings of the biggest and most in-depth study into poverty levels in Britain. The Living Standards Survey asks 1,500 people living in Britain today what they deem to be necessities for everyday life. The survey finds that having a warm, damp free home and enough food to feed your family are basic necessities that almost everyone says no-one should go without and many now consider owning a computer with internet access and a mobile phone an essential part of modern life.

  • S15E10 New Model Army

    • May 9, 2013
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster examines the impact of the Government's cuts to the defence budget, and asks whether part-time TA soldiers can fill the gap left by full-time regulars.

  • S15E11 Living With A Killer

    • May 16, 2013
    • ITV1

    Mark Williams Thomas takes a look at the murder of Tia Sharpe and how how her grandmother's boyfriend ended up being revealed as her killer.

  • S15E12 Tornadoes: Deadly Force

    • May 23, 2013
    • ITV1

    Tonight looks at the sheer power of tornadoes, like the one that ripped through the suburbs of Oklahoma City, killing at least 24 people and injuring over 200.

  • S15E13 Who'd be a Teacher?

    • June 6, 2013
    • ITV1

    With the teachers' unions threatening to take strike action over pay, pensions and criticism of their teaching practices, Jonathan Maitland is in the classroom to discover if they have a point.

  • S15E14 America and Its Guns

    • June 13, 2013
    • ITV1

    Six months after the Sandy Hook massacre, it is unlikely that many changes will be made to the US gun laws. Robert Moore examines the attachment between Americans and their guns.

  • S15E15 Britain likes a Bet

    • June 20, 2013
    • ITV1

    Martin Geissler investigates why Britain is said to have nearly half a million problem gamblers - and are online games putting our children at risk?

  • S15E16 The Real Cost of Beauty

    • June 27, 2013
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster examines our obsession with looking good at all cost as the cosmetic surgery business booms despite the recent breast implants scandal.

  • S15E17 How safe is your kitchen?

    • July 4, 2013
    • ITV1

    Chris Choi identifies the potentially lethal white goods that could be in your home. Some of Britain's biggest manufacturers are involved with more products affected than ever.

  • S15E18 Crisis in A&E

    • July 11, 2013
    • ITV1

    With unprecedented numbers of people turning up at A and E centres, the NHS watchdog - the Care Quality Commission - believes emergency care is now out of control.

  • S15E19 Plan Bee

    • July 18, 2013
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster investigates why the number of bees has declined by over half in the last 30 years - and why is the UK's Government not backing a European pesticide ban?

  • S15E21 Kates Baby Bounce

    • ITV1

  • S15E22 Coming to the UK

    • July 25, 2013
    • ITV1

  • S15E23 Throwaway Britain

    • August 1, 2013
    • ITV1

  • S15E24 The Great Housing Crisis

    • August 8, 2013
    • ITV1

    Over recent decades, the building of new houses in Britain has stalled at around half of what is needed. Jonathan Maitland reports on the reality of the country's housing crisis.

  • S15E25 Food Facts and Fiction

    • ITV1

  • S15E26 Whats in Our Food

    • ITV1

  • S15E27 The Health Traps

    • ITV1

  • S15E28 The Great British Diet

    • ITV1

  • S15E29 Putting GCSEs To The Test

    • August 22, 2013
    • ITV1

    Following Education Secretary Michael Gove's announced plans to overhaul the examination system, Tonight investigates whether GCSEs are still fit for purpose. Aasmah Mir reports.

  • S15E30 Kids Without Dads

    • August 29, 2013
    • ITV1

    More than a million children in the UK are growing up without a father in their lives and the number of lone parent families is rising by 20,000 a year. Fiona Foster reports.

  • S15E31 The Unhealthy Generation

    • ITV1

  • S15E32 Fear and Loathing Online

    • September 12, 2013
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland examines social media, looks into what might make a troll tick, meets the victims of online abuse and asks what can be done to bring the perpetrators to justice.

  • S15E33 The Truth About Fracking

    • September 19, 2013
    • ITV1

    Reporter Fiona Foster meets the protestors and villagers of Balcombe here in the UK and also travels to Pennsylvania in the United States to hear from those whose lives have been affected by this new industry

  • S15E34 Accents Speak Louder Than Words

    • September 26, 2013
    • ITV1

    Tonight examines whether there is still a social stigma and snobbery attached to particular regional accents in Britain. ITV Social Affairs Editor Penny Marshall reports.

  • S15E35 Bargains in the Sun

    • October 3, 2013
    • ITV1

    The British dream of owning a place in the sun has seemed less attractive in recent years, but many are now considering it again. Jonathan Maitland examines if they are correct.

  • S15E36 Courage in the Crossfire

    • October 10, 2013
    • ITV1

    Correspondent Paul Davies catches up with Thusha Kamaleswaran, the little girl who was caught up in the crossfire of a south London gang feud in her uncle's shop two years ago.

  • S15E37 Dying to Get High

    • October 17, 2013
    • ITV1

    An investigation into so-called legal highs - chemicals designed to mimic the effects of drugs such as ecstasy and cocaine widely available on our high streets across the UK.

  • S15E38 When the Drugs Don't Work

    • October 24, 2013
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster investigates the extent to which some drugs are being over-prescribed and how a growing number of infections are becoming antibiotic resistant.

  • S15E39 Looking for Love

    • October 29, 2013
    • ITV1

    Special edition of the current affairs series. Jonathan Maitland investigates the shift in attitudes towards internet dating and its effect on relationships.

  • S15E40 Christmas Shopping Wars

    • November 1, 2013
    • ITV1

    British retailers are banking on a bumper festive period in 2013, with some experts predicting that, after six years of belt-tightening, the public could spend record amounts. ITV News Business Editor Laura Kuenssberg finds out how high-street and online companies are preparing for the run-up to Christmas and considers how shopping habits might change in the future

  • S15E41 How to Cut Your Energy Bills

    • ITV1

  • S15E42 Drug Driving

    • November 18, 2013
    • ITV1

  • S15E43 Britain's Secret Drinkers

    • November 21, 2013
    • ITV1

  • S15E44 Too Young for Technology

    • November 28, 2013
    • ITV1

    Many parents admit that their toddlers know more about technology than they do. Is increasing exposure to new technology affecting the way our children learn, behave and interact?

  • S15E45 Pop, Sex and Videotape

    • ITV1

  • S15E46 The Greatest Gift

    • ITV1

Season 16

  • S16E01 Caught in the Storms

    • January 9, 2014
    • ITV1

    Chris Choi takes a look at the extreme weather conditions faced by Britain in the past month, during which many parts of the country were swamped by heavy rainfall, widespread flooding and high winds. Why do we seem unable to cope when storms hit? Chris talks to those who have been affected multiple times and speaks to experts to discover if the changing weather could affect the value and insurability of thousands of homes. Has the time come to rethink our attitude towards the weather as these supposedly rare flooding events become increasingly frequent?

  • S16E02 Is Britain Back in Business

    • January 16, 2014
    • ITV1

    As thousands of manufacturing jobs could return to the UK, Laura Kuenssberg looks at whether we have a sufficiently skilled workforce to make the most of this upturn.

  • S16E03 The Rise of the E-Cigarette

    • January 23, 2014
    • ITV1

    In just seven years E-cigarettes have grown from an obscure Chinese import to being at the centre of one of the biggest public health debates for a generation. Chris Choi looks at what is in them, why some countries have banned them while others have welcomed them as a lifesaver, and how they could be regulated in the future.

  • S16E04 To Diet or Not to Diet?

    • January 30, 2014
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland takes a look at the diet industry which is currently worth two billion pounds a year, yet ironically as a nation we just keep getting fatter. The weight loss industry is big business, but do these diets really work in the long term? As over half the nation resolves to lose weight this year, the programme looks at how we diet and what can be done to tip the scales in our favour.

  • S16E05 Who Wants to Work Forever

    • February 6, 2014
    • ITV1

    With the age at which the state pension becomes payable rising, many of us face a future of working for many years to come. Fiona Foster examines the scale of the pension crisis.

  • S16E06 Can We Trust the Police

    • February 13, 2014
    • ITV1

    To what extent has public confidence in the police been dented by a succession of damaging allegations and revelations concerning their behaviour? Fiona Foster investigates.

  • S16E07 Rise of the Working Poor

    • March 6, 2014
    • ITV1

    After years of austerity it seems that things may be looking up. The government says there are more people in work than ever, but does this tell the real story of life in the UK?

  • S16E08 After the Floods

    • March 20, 2014
    • ITV1

    Tonight investigates the legacy of the wettest winter on record and hears from the communities struggling to get back to normal

  • S16E09 Truth About Immigration

    • March 27, 2014
    • ITV1

    More than 1.8 million immigrants have arrived in Britain since 2004 - a rate of 48 every hour. Julie Etchingham hears from both sides of the debate - are they a drain or an asset?

  • S16E10 Looking After Mum and Dad

    • April 3, 2014
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham reports on the cost of care in old age, how families are increasingly looking after relatives themselves and the legislation which aims to tackle the crisis.

  • S16E11 School's Out

    • April 10, 2014
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster investigates the growing problem of parents taking their children out of school during term time to take advantage of cheaper holiday prices, despite the threat of fines. Recent rule changes by the Department of Education mean parents face fines, court action and even a possible jail sentence. Travel companies put up their prices during school holidays by on average 25 to 30 per cent, sometimes more. Many parents are opting to pay the fine to go on a more affordable holiday - but is the money saved worth the potential cost to their child's education?

  • S16E12 Britain's Young Drinkers

    • April 17, 2014
    • ITV1

    The nation's binge-drinking culture comes under the spotlight as Jonathan Maitland invites several young people to have their alcohol consumption monitored over the course of a typical night out. They then undergo a series of medical checks to determine the impact on their health - with alarming results.

  • S16E13 Man Versus Machines

    • ITV1

  • S16E14 What Next for the NHS

    • ITV1

  • S16E15 Living with Dementia

    • ITV1

  • S16E16 How Bad is Your Driving

    • ITV1

  • S16E17 The Rise of Discount Supermarkets

    • ITV1

  • S16E18 The Diabetes Epidemic

    • ITV1

  • S16E19 Rise of the Super Rats

    • ITV1

  • S16E20 Beating Breast Cancer

    • ITV1

  • S16E21 How Safe is your Beach?

    • ITV1

  • S16E22 Assisted Dying For and Against

    • ITV1

  • S16E23 Is Britain Christian?

    • July 24, 2014
    • ITV1

    David Cameron believes Britain is a Christian country, but these days less than half of us describe ourselves as Christian, and only 5% of us go to church on a weekly basis. In ‘Is Britain Christian?’ Tonight asks if the Prime Minister is right, and if it matters if he’s not? Should we accept that Christianity needs to take a back seat in a modern secular society, or will some communities lose more than bricks and mortar?

  • S16E24 The Truth Behind the Bargain Dog Trade

    • July 31, 2014
    • ITV1

    Puppy business is big business. And with the pet dog population rising by half a million a year, not all come from a responsible source. Large-scale puppy breeding is a multi-million pound industry – but are the rules enforced tightly enough?

  • S16E25 Do You Let Your Kids Play Out?

    • July 8, 2014
    • ITV1

    The school holidays are under way and millions of youngsters are celebrating a summer of downtime, but research spanning 40 years reveals a dramatic loss of children's independence, with many parents worried about the dangers of allowing them to play outdoors. Fiona Foster investigates whether kids today really are at more risk than previous generations and finds out what is being done to give some children their freedom back

  • S16E26 Fit To Practice

    • ITV1

  • S16E27 The Food We Eat - Can't Cook or Won't Cook?

    • ITV1

    Whether it's because we don't know how, or we don't have time, fewer of us are cooking from scratch. The Tonight programme investigates.

  • S16E28 The Food We Eat - Superfoods - Fact or Fiction?

    • August 21, 2014
    • ITV1
  • S16E29 The Food We Eat - Fresh vs Frozen Food

    • August 28, 2014
    • ITV1

    The Tonight programme investigates the fresh and frozen food supply chains to find out if quality really is being maintained.

  • S16E30 The Food We Eat - Future Foods

    • September 1, 2014
    • ITV1

    What will be on the menu for us by 2050? And will we even need to eat at all?

  • S16E31 The Shape of Things to Come

    • September 4, 2014
    • ITV1

  • S16E32 Bargain Britain

    • September 11, 2014
    • ITV1

    ITV Tonight: Bargain Britain In Britain we love a brilliant bargain and spend over a year of our lives seeking out the best possible deals. With wages lagging behind the rising costs of everyday life, we’re all becoming more conscious of getting the most for our money. But what’s the best route to a real bargain? Jonathan Maitland sets out to discover creative ways to get true value for money in Bargain Britain…

  • S16E33 Against the Odds

    • September 18, 2014
    • ITV1

  • S16E34 Backdoor Britain

    • September 25, 2014
    • ITV1

    Britain is facing a crisis on one of its busiest borders as it is estimated that 1,500 migrants are massing in Calais, all determined to reach the UK. Ranvir Singh investigates.

  • S16E35 When Interest Rates Rise

    • October 2, 2014
    • ITV1

  • S16E37 Ebola Are We Prepared?

    • ITV1

  • S16E38 Is Britain Happy

    • ITV1

  • S16E39 Trouble with Numbers

    • ITV1

  • S16E40 Energy Bills The Cold Facts

    • ITV1

  • S16E41 A Fair Deal for Women

    • ITV1

  • S16E42 Future Transport

    • November 20, 2014
    • ITV1

    More than 16 million of us commute by car to work every day with the average driver spending 124 hours annually stuck in gridlock. A report by the Centre For Business and Economic Research warns that increased congestion will cost the UK economy £307 billion by 2030 - but - there’s a personal cost too. Radical new plans to get our transport systems back on track include high speed railways, super cycle highways and even driverless vehicles will start test runs in the New Year. Tonight investigates what’s wrong with our transport systems and what future travel options could be.

  • S16E43 Who Owns Britain?

    • November 27, 2014
    • ITV1

    With many of Britain's best loved brands now owned by foreign companies, Joel Hills investigates whether foreign investment in UK business is always good for the economy

  • S16E44 No Place to Call Home

    • ITV1

  • S16E45 Teenager Lives Online

    • December 4, 2014
    • ITV1

    Social media is an integral part of many teenagers’ lives; with apps like Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter allowing them to keep in touch with their friends twenty four seven. But what impact is this having on how our teenagers are feeling? How much is social media affecting their lives? Father and News Presenter Mark Austin has been investigating the online lives of teenagers, and asks is social media affecting their mental health.

  • S16E46 Europe - The People's Poll

    • December 15, 2014
    • ITV1

    Tonight reveals the results of one of the largest ever public opinion polls on the future of Britain in Europe.

  • S16E47 Losing Your Local?

    • December 18, 2014
    • ITV1

  • S16E49 Britain's Housing Crisis

    • March 5, 2015
    • ITV1

    With only half the number of houses needed being built, millions are being locked out of home ownership and many are now stuck in expensive rental accommodation, with few legal rights. Jonathan Maitland investigates Britain's housing shortage and asks what can be done to fix the situation

  • S16E50 Superfoods: Fact or Fiction?

    • March 19, 2015
    • ITV1

  • S16E51 The Pension Revolution

    • March 26, 2015
    • ITV1

    This April, the biggest changes to pensions for a generation. Tonight investigates the greater prospects of wealth and the dangers lurking.

Season 17

  • S17E01 The Pension Revolution

    • March 26, 2016
    • ITV1

    This April, the biggest changes in pension rules for a generation promise to deliver unprecedented freedom and choice for millions of people approaching retirement. From the age of 55 onwards - if we want - we’ll be able to empty our entire pension pot and spend, or invest the cash how we see fit. But will this really mean a greater prospect of wealth in our later years, or are there dangers lurking? Fiona Foster investigates.

  • S17E02 Spotlight - David Cameron

    • April 7, 2015
    • ITV1

    The first of five films painting intimate portraits of the party leaders in the run up to the election. Tom Bradby spends time at Number 10 with David Cameron and his family.

  • S17E03 Spotlight - Nick Clegg

    • April 9, 2015
    • ITV1

    Second of five films painting intimate portraits of the party leaders in the run up to the election. Tom Bradby talks to deputy prime minister Nick Clegg at his home, and at work.

  • S17E04 Spotlight - Ed Miliband

    • April 16, 2015
    • ITV1

    Third of five films painting intimate portraits of the party leaders in the run up to the election. Tom Bradby meets the man who would be prime minister, Ed Miliband, at home, at work and relaxing at the pub. He reveals how the rift with his brother is beginning to heal, and over a pint describes how he wants to change British politics. We see Ed Miliband making brunch for his children, and giving a post-match interview after a bruising PMQs.

  • S17E05 Spotlight - Nigel Farage

    • April 23, 2015
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham spends time with UKIP leader Nigel Farage in the countryside and coastal towns where he spent his youth. She talks to him about the experiences that shaped him - taking an in-depth look at the man behind Britain's newest and most controversial major political party. The fourth of five films hosted by News at Ten's Julie Etchingham and political editor Tom Bradby which paint intimate portraits of the party leaders ahead of the 2015 the general election.

  • S17E06 Spotlight - Nicola Sturgeon

    • April 23, 2015
    • ITV1

    With two weeks till polling day, the Tonight series of intimate portraits of all the party leaders reaches the SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon

  • S17E07 New Players, New Politics?

    • April 30, 2015
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham investigates how smaller political parties could hold the balance of power this election and finds out what drives the politicians leading them. She discusses power and childhood memories with the SNP's Nicola Sturgeon and her husband over breakfast, Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood takes Julie back to her old school to meet the teacher who inspired her politics, and the Green Party's Natalie Bennett talks about her infamous 'brain fade' moment over a coffee.

  • S17E08 Eat Fat Stay Fit?

    • May 7, 2015
    • ITV1

    For years we have been told that saturated fats are bad for our health - but new research suggests this may not actually be right.

  • S17E09 How to Get into a Good School

    • May 14, 2015
    • ITV1

    The Tonight programme examines the measures some parents are resorting to to get their children into a good school.

  • S17E10 The Air We Breathe

    • May 19, 2015
    • ITV1

    When you think of air pollution you may imagine smog filled cities from bygone times, but today our air quality has reached dangerous levels. Much of this pollution is from the dash for diesel and it’s now landed our Government in court. Tonight Fiona Foster investigates why levels are so high and what’s being done to protect the nation’s health from the air we breathe.

  • S17E11 Coping Without Cops

    • June 4, 2015
    • ITV1

    Many of us have felt the effect of the cuts over the past five years as spending has been reduced for many public services including the police. Since 2010 in England and Wales we’ve lost 17,000 police officers, a quarter of police helicopter bases have closed and some forces have retired almost half of their police dogs. This reduction in budget has led some people to take matters into their own hands. But experts warn that the actions of these people can cause serious problems for police forces under pressure and even make prosecutions more difficult.

  • S17E12 Alien Invaders

    • June 11, 2015
    • ITV1

    Britain is in the grips of an alien invasion, but it’s not little green men and flying saucers that we need to watch out for, but invasive plant and animal species from overseas. It costs the UK economy nearly two billion pounds a year to control invasive 'non-­native' creatures. While some some foreign species are harmless, others pose a real threat to British biodoversity.

  • S17E13 How Safe is Your Cabin Air?

    • June 18, 2015
    • ITV1

    As thousands prepare to jet off on holiday this summer, Joel Hills investigates growing concerns over air quality on board passenger aeroplanes. After the autopsies of a pilot and an air steward revealed toxic levels of organophosphates in their systems, a British coroner predicted further casualties unless action is taken, and called for a re-evaluation of the science around testing cabin air toxicity. This programme examines the evidence and speaks exclusively to the family and friends of those who have died.

  • S17E14 Bargains, Budgets & Breadline Britain

    • June 25, 2015
    • ITV1

    When the recession hit hard after 2008, unemployment rose, incomes fell, and lots of families began to struggle. Many businesses failed. Others, like discount supermarkets, went from strength to strength. Now the economy has turned a corner, wages are rising and unemployment is falling, but despite this it seems many people are still having to be incredibly careful shopping for the daily essentials like food and clothes. The discount stores are still doing well. In April this year Aldi has replaced Waitrose to become the sixth largest supermarket retailer and Poundland saw their turnover break £1 billion.

  • S17E15 How Safe is My Summer Holiday?

    • July 2, 2015
    • ITV1

    In light of the recent massacre at a resort in Sousse, Tunisia, where at least 38 people were killed, many Brits may be questioning whether their holiday destinations are a possible target for extremists. Chris Choi investigates how much is really known about the safety of popular tourist hotspots and asks whether vital warnings are being missed.

  • S17E16 Over the Counter Addiction

    • July 10, 2015
    • ITV1

    More than 900,000 people across the UK could be misusing over-the-counter painkillers containing codeine, a drug derived from morphine, the Tonight programme has found. There are no firm figures about the scale of this problem yet so Tonight commissioned a survey. We asked 2000 people whether they took these drugs, what they used them for and if they took them in accordance with the guidance of 6-8 tablets a day for a maximum of three days.

  • S17E17 Rent Your Life

    • July 16, 2015
    • ITV1

    From your spare room to a seat in your car, that drill that sits in the shed waiting to be used, even the family pet…. Ordinary families across the country are discovering they can make thousands of pounds by renting out their lives on the internet.

  • S17E18 The Migrant Crisis: Hope and Heartbreak

    • September 4, 2015
    • ITV1

    It’s a year since Ranvir Singh visited Calais, the French port town at the forefront of what’s been dubbed the worst migration crisis since WW2. Over the last six weeks Tonight has spent time in the Calais camp known as the 'jungle'. We met Maroof, Zubair, and Adil, all three have fled Afghanistan and the lawless rule and persecution of the Taliban and Islamic State. Each night the trio attempt to break into trucks and trains bound for Britain.

  • S17E19 Britain's Noise Nuisance

    • September 11, 2015
    • ITV1

    In "Britain's Noise Nuisance", the Tonight programme looks at a number of projects where concerns have been raised about noise levels for local residents.

  • S17E20 Growing Old - Care In Crisis

    • October 7, 2015
    • ITV1

    Penny Marshall examines the funding crisis affecting standards of home care, which threatens to impact many more than those at the point of care, from families to the NHS itself.

  • S17E21 Our Kids - Whats the cost?

    • October 15, 2015
    • ITV1

    Tonight investigates where the money spent on raising a child from nursery to university goes and advises what families can do to keep the cost down. Duration 28 minutes

  • S17E22 Cheap Food - Whats the cost?

    • October 16, 2015
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland investigates the real cost of cheap food. It is good news for the consumer, but is it bad news for some British farmers, and is quality being compromised? Duration:30 minutes

  • S17E23 XXL Britain

    • October 21, 2015
    • ITV1

    More people in Britain now die from a bad diet than from smoking. Being overweight can increase the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, some cancers and having a stroke - and medical treatments related to obesity is costing the country billions every year. So why do so many people continue to eat unhealthily? Fiona Foster investigates and looks at a pioneering new drug treatment that could help in the fight against the flab.

  • S17E24 Diet Fact, Diet Fiction?

    • October 23, 2015
    • ITV1

    The UK has the highest level of obesity in Western Europe, and in response a billion pound dieting industry has sprung up with a glut of advice on how to lose weight. But there are questions over the effectiveness of some diets: are they based on myths rather than science? And could some diets lead us to cut out important food groups? In Tonight’s programme, Diet Fact: Diet Fiction, Coronation Street’s Cath Tyldesley investigates the diet industry. Cath, who plays the fiery Eva Price in Coronation Street, knows what it’s like to have your image and appearance constantly scrutinised by the public and the media. She’s now a healthy size 10 but back when she was 17, she was a size 22. In Tonight’s programme, Cath meets David and Beverley, who are trying a new programme commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council. Both David and Beverley are currently obese, and have had little success with other diets. However, their current programme aims to deal with their psychological relationship with food, which could help them maintain weight loss. To wade through the mountain of conflicting information on what we should and shouldn’t eat, Cath consulted expert Tim Spector, a Professor of Genetics at Kings College London. After a personal health scare, Tim decided to research into diets, dieting and food.

  • S17E25 Property The True Cost

    • November 12, 2015
    • ITV1

    Nearly a fifth of all properties in England are classified as social housing, but with a staggering 1.3 million people on the waiting list many fear there’s a housing crisis brewing which could have serious knock on effects for all of us.

  • S17E26 After Paris, Can We Be Safe?

    • November 19, 2015
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham is in Paris to investigate one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent memory, talking to survivors about the terrible events of last Friday night and asking security experts why the city has become so vulnerable to attack. She also questions how the UK Government can keep people safe at home and wonders how to balance freedom and security in a world that is increasingly under threat from terror.

  • S17E27 How Safe is Meat?

    • December 3, 2015
    • ITV1

    An English breakfast, bangers and mash, a bacon butty, and the traditional Sunday roast: dishes synonymous with the great British cuisine. But when the World Health Organisation (WHO) recently said that eating processed meat can cause bowel cancer, and red meat probably causes cancer, many people became concerned that their favourite dinners could be harmful to their health. Tonight How Safe is Meat? Examines the evidence behind the WHO’s announcement, and puts the risks of eating meat in context. Reporter Fiona Foster speaks to leading scientists, medical professionals and representatives of the meat industry to find out: do you really need to bin your bacon buttie?

  • S17E28 Does Work Pay?

    • December 10, 2015
    • ITV1

    We’re told Britain’s economic outlook is brighter than it has been for years, in the first quarter of the year employment rates reached the highest level since records began with 73.5% of the country in work.

  • S17E29 The Secrets of the Taxi Wars

    • December 18, 2015
    • ITV1

    For years black taxis and mini cab firms have only ever competed with each other but there is a new kid on the block – a Californian tech giant – that’s trying to take over the streets and its name is Uber.

  • S17E30 Lonely This Christmas

    • December 22, 2015
    • ITV1

    Christmas is traditionally a time for us to be with our loved ones to spend some much needed quality time together. But what if you have no one? Tonight examines the increasing problem of loneliness in the UK, as reporter Fiona Foster meets both young and old people who are suffering from social isolation and discovers it poses a serious threat to our health.

  • S17E99 Unknown

    • ITV1

  • S17E99 Unknown

    • ITV1

  • S17E99 Unknown

    • ITV1

Season 18

  • S18E01 The Nightmare of Bad Sleep

    • January 7, 2016
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster investigates the troubling statistics that around a third of people in the UK struggle to get the recommended amount of sleep.

  • S18E02 Floods: Are We Ready for the Future?

    • January 14, 2016
    • ITV1

    This winter has seen some of the worst flooding in living memory, particularly in the north of the UK. With predictions of more rain-sodden seasons to come, Tonight examines how Britain may have to change and adapt to a far wetter world in the future. Presented by Alex Beresford.

  • S18E03 Supermarkets - The Tricks of the Trade

    • January 21, 2016
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster reports on how supermarkets are battling to keep the business they have from cheap discount retailers and online shopping services.

  • S18E04 Britain: Shirkers or Workers?

    • January 28, 2016
    • ITV1

    Richard Edgar investigates why Britain's productivity lags behind that of Germany, France, Denmark and Sweden despite a recent economic revival in the country.

  • S18E05 Addicted to Your Smart Phone?

    • February 4, 2016
    • ITV1

    Two thirds of people in the UK own a smartphone and more than half also use a tablet on a regular basis. As the appetite for gadgets shows no sign of slowing and many individuals spend hours each day staring at a screen, the time has come to ask - is Britain addicted to technology? Tonight aims to find out by challenging one tech-obsessed family to give up their devices for one week.

  • S18E06 Kids v Career - Having it All?

    • February 11, 2016
    • ITV1

    Helen Skelton reports on her most difficult challenge yet - been a mum and maintaining her career.

  • S18E07 Behind Closed Doors: Fear and Control

    • February 18, 2016
    • ITV1

    A investigation into the scary rising statistic that more women are dying at the hands of their partners then ever before.

  • S18E08 Young and Obese - Confronting the Crisis?

    • February 25, 2016
    • ITV1

    A investigation into the youth obesity crisis in the UK.

  • S18E09 Meeting My Enemy

    • March 3, 2016
    • ITV1

    The episode, shot over two years, explores whether bringing a victim of crime face-to-face with the perpetrator actually works.

  • S18E10 Old and Wealthy - End of the Golden Years?

    • March 10, 2016
    • ITV1

    Janet Street-Porter investifates concerns around the growing wealth gap between young and old.

  • S18E11 Alcohol - How Much is Too Much?

    • March 17, 2016
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland investigates just how much is too much alcohol.

  • S18E12 Europe Under Attack

    • March 24, 2016
    • ITV1

    A report on Tuesday morning's bombings in Brussels, the latest in what is becoming a long line of terror attacks across Europe.

  • S18E13 Migration - Is Britain Really Full?

    • March 31, 2016
    • ITV1

    In 2016 Britain, one of the key issues is migration. In the European referendum, it is one of the key topics been used poll after poll. The number of people coming to Britain is still rising, but what are the real facts behind the much reported pressures of immigration, and is Britain really too full? Reporter Ranvir Singh travels to London, Lincolnshire, Lancashire and Greater Manchester to find out.

  • S18E14 Generation Homeless

    • April 7, 2016
    • ITV1

    Charlene White investigates whether the system is letting young homeless Britons down as she meets desperate youths sleeping on the streets or on friends' sofas, all struggling to survive. More than 80,000 young people in the UK experience homelessness each year and with cuts biting, increasing numbers are now struggling to make ends meet and losing the roofs over their heads. In the budget, the government promised over 100 million pounds to services tackling homelessness, but with plans to curb housing benefit for 18 to 21-year-olds from next year and other benefit changes, will more young people end up being forced onto the streets?

  • S18E15 Fraud: How Safe is Your Money?

    • April 14, 2016
    • ITV1

    With 750 million pounds having been stolen from our bank accounts in the past year, Jonathan Maitland investigates how it is being taken - and who is to blame.

  • S18E16 Europe - In or Out? Part 1

    • April 21, 2016
    • ITV1

    In the first of a two-part programme, ITV's political editor Robert Peston examines the case for staying or leaving the European Union ahead of the referendum in June. He looks at whether Britain's exit really would mean some medium term drop in prosperity as some predict, and examines whether that is a price we are prepared to pay for increased control over our laws and borders. He travels to Switzerland to see if we could embrace their version of life on the outside of the EU.

  • S18E17 Europe - In or Out? Part 2

    • April 28, 2016
    • ITV1

    ITV political editor Robert Peston examines the case for staying or leaving the European Union ahead of the referendum in June. In the second of two programmes, Peston examines how leaving or staying might impact security at home and how the vote could affect immigration in future. What does controlling our borders mean in a post-Brexit world - and what price are we prepared to pay for this privilege?

  • S18E18 Should I Intervene?

    • May 5, 2016
    • ITV1

    When faced with a situation where a split second decision must be made, would most people intervene and possibly prevent a crime, or help a stranger in need even if putting themselves at risk? Fiona Foster investigates the potential consequences of stepping in to assist others, and why many ultimately choose to walk on by and not get involved.

  • S18E19 Children of the Migrant Crisis

    • May 12, 2016
    • ITV1

    Special programme from the Greek Islands of Lesbos and Chios, looking at the work of dedicated British volunteers helping some of Europe's most vulnerable refugees. The programme details some of the moving stories of families who have fled war-torn countries, as well as following some of the Brits caring for orphaned children whose parents perished in the journey to reach Europe.

  • S18E20 Pauline's Story Living With Ebola

    • May 19, 2016
    • ITV1

    At the height of the Ebola crisis, Scottish nurse Pauline Cafferkey volunteered to travel to Sierra Leone to help the afflicted and dying. When she returned home, her own crisis began - she had contracted the virus and in December 2014 became critically ill. In conversation with Julie Etchingham, she reveals how she has since suffered further complications - including contracting the virus a second time. She also talks about her current health and her hopes for the future, while her relatives relive their moments of fear.

  • S18E21 Fraud: How They Steal Your ID

    • June 3, 2016
    • ITV1

    This documentary examines the growing problem of identity theft and how organised crime has moved online as internet banking and shopping increase. Using data hacks, spam email and malware, criminal gangs are now able to steal account details, then freely trade them on the so-called dark web. They will telephone their victims, convincing them to transfer money into an account they control, or will extract personal information which allows them to take over bank or credit card accounts. The programme highlights the case of one man who has tricked the banks, traumatised his victims and stolen tens of thousands of pounds in a single day.

  • S18E22 Food Fraud: How Safe Are We?

    • June 23, 2016
    • ITV1

    Food fraud hit the headlines three years ago when horse meat was found in some products. Aasmah Mir investigates to find out just how safe our food is now.

  • S18E23 Brexit: What Does It Mean For You?

    • July 4, 2016
    • ITV1

    ITV's consumer affairs editor Chris Choi examines how the vote to leave the EU will affect people's everyday lives, looking at its impact on money, property prices, holidays and bills. Chris also talks to families and businesses around the country about their futures and financial expert Martin Lewis gives tips for life beyond Brexit.

  • S18E24 Brexit: What's Your House Worth?

    • July 28, 2016
    • ITV1

    The EU referendum campaign brought extravagant claims on how Brexit might impact the housing market - but what's the reality?

  • S18E25 Summer Diets - Fact or Fiction?

    • August 4, 2016
    • ITV1

    Coronation Street actress Cath Tyldesley investigates the diet industry - are quick-fix diets a sensible solution for long-term health?

  • S18E26 Secrets of Your Car Insurance

    • September 1, 2016
    • ITV1

    Car insurance costs and premiums are on the rise again for many, despite competition and price comparison sites. Aasmah Mir investigates some of the factors driving such increases, including dodgy claims and compensation culture.

  • S18E27 Saving Britain's Savers

    • September 8, 2016
    • ITV1

    As interest rates drop to record lows and many bank accounts offer little in the way of returns, are savers now facing a crisis? Adam Shaw explores the impact of the rate cuts, and finds out what other options might be available for people trying to be smart with their money.

  • S18E28 Careless Killings?

    • September 15, 2016
    • ITV1

    Murders, serious crimes and incidents involving people with mental illness seem to hit the headlines with frightening regularity. Aasmah Mir investigates whether they are being let down by a system that is not coping or caring for them properly.

  • S18E29 Suspended: Britain's Pay Scandal?

    • September 22, 2016
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland and the Tonight team investigate why hundreds of employees of public bodies every year are suspended on full pay at huge cost to the tax payer, using Freedom of Information legislation to unveil the scale of the problem.

  • S18E30 Fraud: Elderly and at Risk

    • September 29, 2016
    • ITV1

    Tonight investigates the increasingly sophisticated methods criminals are using to target the elderly and defraud them of their savings.

  • S18E31 Trump's America - Will it Happen?

    • October 6, 2016
    • ITV1

    Robert Moore explores why many Americans feel so angry ahead of one of the most bitterly-fought and divisive presidential campaigns in history. Voters in Ohio hold the election in the balance and tensions are running high. Trump and Clinton supporters both share their fears for the future if the other side triumphs.

  • S18E32 A&E in Meltdown?

    • October 13, 2016
    • ITV1

    The Tonight programme reports concerns that patient safety is being put at risk by overcrowding in our A&E departments.

  • S18E33 The Truth About Term Time Holidays

    • October 20, 2016
    • ITV1

    Ranvir Singh investigates holidays taken during term time.

  • S18E34 Can Your Diet Defeat Diabetes?

    • October 27, 2016
    • ITV1

    Could changes to diet could prevent or even reverse diabetes and help the NHS cut some of the £10 billion annual spend on treatment?

  • S18E35 Funerals: A Costly Undertaking?

    • November 3, 2016
    • ITV1

    The Tonight programme investigates rising funeral costs - and discovers how ill-prepared many of us are for the event.

  • S18E36 High-Speed Rail: Is It Worth It?

    • November 10, 2016
    • ITV1

    With the government set to give the go-ahead to the biggest infrastructure scheme in a generation, who will benefit from a rail project that may cost more than 56 billion pounds?

  • S18E37 Why Can't Britain Sleep?

    • November 17, 2016
    • ITV1

    As a new health study claims that the British are the worst sleepers in the world, Fiona Foster investigates the consequences of sleep deprivation - and finds out what can be done to ensure a good night's rest.

  • S18E38 The Truth About the Menopause

    • November 24, 2016
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham speaks to women going through 'the change', their partners and families to break the silence around the menopause. With millions of women in work during their menopausal years, are workplaces doing enough to support women as they work through what can be devastating symptoms, and can new UK guidelines aimed at empowering bosses to support women going through them really help?

  • S18E39 Christmas Buyers Beware

    • December 1, 2016
    • ITV1

    The Christmas countdown has begun with millions of us starting our search for those special gifts. However there are an increasing number of consumer dangers out there - from online fraud to hazardous toys. Adam Shaw reports on how people can keep their money and families safe when shopping during the festive season.

  • S18E40 The Great British Pub Revolution?

    • December 8, 2016
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland discovers why the local pub could be making a comeback. Pubs contribute billions to the economy every year - yet it is estimated each week around 20 of them shut their doors forever. But with many communities now rallying to save their much-loved local, and the craft beer industry flourishing, is the pub industry having a renaissance?

  • S18E41 The Secrets of Your Christmas Dinner

    • December 15, 2016
    • ITV1

    Every year millions of people sit down to Christmas dinner on 25 December. It may be the event that the nation loves, but what is the true cost of bringing the family together around the table? Fiona Foster reports on what impact the big day has on our health, wealth and well-being.

  • S18E42 2016 - The Year That Changed the World

    • December 22, 2016
    • ITV1

    It has been dubbed the year of rebellion - a year when everything that was assumed to be the political and social norm was turned upside down. After Brexit and the shockwaves following the American election, it would be no exaggeration to describe 2016 as the year that changed the world. In this special programme, Tom Bradby explores the Brexit vote in Britain and how it revealed a deeply divided nation, uncertain of how best to proceed under the highly pressured umbrella of the European Union. In America, the election of Donald Trump signalled a rejection of the elite and for many the start of a 'golden new age' for the US. Tonight takes a look at what has happened over the last 12 months and whether the rebellions that occurred will set the tone for years to come in other countries across the globe.

Season 19

  • S19E01 Your Pound: What's It Worth?

    • January 12, 2017
    • ITV1

    2016 saw the pound fall to record lows, with experts now predicting many of our household costs and bills will be hit by rising prices. Adam Shaw investigates what the new financial climate means for consumers - and what we might have to pay more for.

  • S19E02 President Trump America's Greatest Gamble?

    • January 19, 2017
    • ITV1

    On Friday, Donald J Trump - a celebrity businessman with no political experience who defied all expectations in order to be elected - will officially assume the office of the President of the United States of America, becoming arguably the most powerful man in the world. ITV News Washington correspondent Robert Moore speaks to Americans thrilled at the prospect of a truth-speaking outsider at the helm, and others who are deeply fearful about what a divisive and inexperienced president Trump may turn out to be.

  • S19E03 Keep, Chuck or Clean?

    • January 26, 2017
    • ITV1

    With Britain's households containing over 30 billion pounds worth of unused clothing and many homes now full of new goods after Christmas, Fiona Foster investigates if many of us are hoarding things we do not need and reveals how simple changes can cut the clutter, keep us healthy and save some cash as well.

  • S19E04 Energy Bills: Can We Be Smarter?

    • February 2, 2017
    • ITV1

    As cold weather drives energy bills ever higher, Tonight investigates smart meters, the 11-billion-pound scheme that is supposed to save people money. But with millions of them currently being installed in homes across the country, consumer editor Chris Choi reveals problems that could see costs for bill-payers rising further, and speaks to customers who are feeling frustrated, angry and confused.

  • S19E05 The Truth About Exercise

    • February 9, 2017
    • ITV1

    Tonight investigates the truth about exercise. The fitness industry is worth billions but does hitting the gym really make a difference - and can workouts on the NHS help turn around unhealthy lifestyles and potentially save lives?

  • S19E06 Bank of Mum & Dad

    • February 16, 2017
    • ITV1

    Adam Shaw investigates why millennials are experiencing money troubles and their parents are having to pick up the tab - how much is it costing the Bank of Mum and Dad?

  • S19E07 Harassment Uncovered

    • February 23, 2017
    • ITV1

    Amid reports that sexual harassment of women on the streets and in nightclubs is getting worse, Tonight goes undercover to see if some men really are still behaving badly. Presented by Julie Etchingham.

  • S19E08 NHS: Medical Blunders Revealed

    • March 2, 2017
    • ITV1

    Britain's health service is regarded as one of the best in the world, but what happens when the medics get it wrong? From serious misdiagnoses to surgical instruments left in bodies after operations, Jonathan Maitland investigates how mistakes can sometimes end up costing lives - and the NHS billions.

  • S19E09 Buy Today, Pay Tomorrow?

    • March 9, 2017
    • ITV1

    With households currently borrowing more than a billion pounds a month, Adam Shaw investigates whether Britain is heading for a new credit crunch.

  • S19E10 Famine - Millions On The Brink

    • March 16, 2017
    • ITV1

    Tonight reports on a growing humanitarian crisis as millions in South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and Yemen teeter on the brink of starvation.

  • S19E11 Terror in London - A Tonight Special

    • March 23, 2017
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham presents a live programme on yesterday's terror attack in Westminster. Eyewitnesses, politicians and security experts contribute as this story continues to unfold.

  • S19E12 NHS: Crisis on the Frontline?

    • March 30, 2017
    • ITV1

    This winter has seen many of our hospitals pushed to the brink. Fiona Foster investigates what some are calling a crisis in frontline services, and reveals what other areas of the NHS could be at risk.

  • S19E13 Deal or No Deal? Brexit Britain

    • April 6, 2017
    • ITV1

    As Britain gets ready for Brexit, businesses up and down the land have some big questions. Who the UK trades will define whether the biggest political decision in a generation is a success or not. It could herald a new age of prosperity in a globalised economy, but failure would mean the entire nation could end up poorer. Julie Etchingham explores the opportunities and obstacles for Britain as it prepares to leave a trading block which it has been part of for nearly 50 years.

  • S19E14 Help Stop Me Ageing!

    • April 13, 2017
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland investigates the latest groundbreaking science, looking at ways people might be able to look younger and live longer while remaining healthy, and asks if it is really possible to reverse the ageing process.

  • S19E15 Trump: The First 100 Days

    • April 20, 2017
    • ITV1

    As US President Donald Trump marks his 100th day as commander-in-chief, ITV News Washington correspondent Robert Moore asks whether the US is more divided than ever and if the new administration has really made a profound difference to the country. The programme speaks to Americans fearful of the direction in which their nation is heading, and those who believe Trump is restoring their country to a bold new era of greatness.

  • S19E16 Brits Abroad: Is the Dream Over?

    • April 27, 2017
    • ITV1

    Over a million Britons live and work in the EU, and many of them are becoming increasingly fearful of what Brexit might mean for them. Since the referendum vote, they have seen pensions paid in sterling drop in value and they are worried about affordable healthcare. So is the sunshine turning sour for the Brexpat Brits?

  • S19E17 How Safe is Your Pension?

    • May 4, 2017
    • ITV1

    Adam Shaw looks at the fraudulent scammers targeting around 11 million people every year in a bid to get hold of their pensions, as the programme goes undercover to expose some of those trying to target the public's retirement funds.

  • S19E18 The Leader Interviews: Tim Farron

    • May 8, 2017
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham sits down with the leaders of the UK's political parties ahead of the general election. Tonight, she talks to Tim Farron of the Liberal Democrats about his passions, his policies and his vision for Britain.

  • S19E19 The Leader Interviews: Paul Nuttall

    • May 11, 2017
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham sits down with the leaders of the UK's political parties ahead of the general election. Tonight, she talks to Paul Nuttall of UKIP about his life, his interests and his vision for Britain.

  • S19E20 The Leader Interviews: Jeremy Corbyn

    • May 15, 2017
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham talks to Jeremy Corbyn of the Labour Party about his policies, his passions and his vision for Britain ahead of the general election.

  • S19E21 A Tonight Special - The Manchester Attack

    • May 25, 2017
    • ITV1

    Three days ago, a suicide bomber launched an attack in the heart of Manchester - the target, a pop concert with thousands of teenage fans. 22 people died and scores were injured. But who was the bomber who deliberately targeted children - and how is the city responding?

  • S19E22 The Leader Interviews: Nicola Sturgeon, Leanne Wood & Caroline Lucas

    • June 5, 2017
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham talks to the SNP's Nicola Sturgeon, Jonathan Hill interviews Plaid Cymru's Leanne Wood and Libby Wiener talks to co-leader of the Green Party, Caroline Lucas.

  • S19E23 The Leader Interviews: Theresa May

    • June 6, 2017
    • ITV1

    A series of revealing interviews with the leaders of Great Britain's largest political parties ahead of the general election. Tonight, Julie Etchingham talks to prime minister and Conservative leader Theresa May about her life, her interests and her vision for Britain.

  • S19E24 New Build Nightmares?

    • June 8, 2017
    • ITV1

    For many people, buying a brand new home is the realisation of a long-held dream, but complaints about poorly-built houses and controversial leasehold contracts are on the rise. Jonathan Maitland investigates why some dream homes are turning out to be anything but.

  • S19E25 The Tower Block Disaster

    • June 15, 2017
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham examines yesterday's tragic tower block fire in West London. She talks to fire, construction and planning experts about the fire that quickly engulfed the 24-storey block and claimed numerous lives, and asks politicians and experts how this could have happened, and how it can be prevented from happening again.

  • S19E26 Sun, Sea and Scams

    • June 22, 2017
    • ITV1

    ITV consumer editor Chris Choi investigates some of the very latest scams that criminals and con artists are already using to target British tourists, as millions prepare to head abroad for their summer holidays this year. From online booking fraud to street crime, Chris exposes tricks of the trade to watch out for.

  • S19E27 Fire - How Safe are Our High-Rises?

    • July 6, 2017
    • ITV1

    Cladding from scores of high-rise flats across the UK have failed fire safety tests ordered after the Grenfell Tower tragedy. But many other buildings - including hotels and student accommodation - have also been caught up in a crisis that could cost billions. Adam Shaw investigates.

  • S19E28 The True Cost of Parking

    • August 10, 2017
    • ITV1

    With private parking tickets now being issued every seven seconds, Fiona Foster investigates the industry now making millions by ticketing hapless motorists - with help from the DVLA.

  • S19E29 How Safe is a Sun Tan?

    • August 17, 2017
    • ITV1

    Reporter Kylie Pentelow looks at the latest advice for skincare in the sun. For years the public has been told to stay out of the hot summer sun, but how much sun exposure is too much? Kylie finds out which is best - sun or shade.

  • S19E30 Can Crooks Hack Your Home?

    • August 24, 2017
    • ITV1

    The average modern UK home contains a dizzying array of smart devices, with TVs, baby monitors, fridges and smoke alarms just a few of the many items hooked up to home networks or plugged straight into the internet. But could connected technology now be providing an open invitation to cyber crooks to steal vital information from people without the need to physically enter properties? Georgie Barrat investigates just how easy it could be for criminals to hack our homes.

  • S19E31 Fight or Flight? The Drunken Truth

    • August 31, 2017
    • ITV1

    Hundreds of people have been arrested for drunkenness, violence and sexual assaults at British airports and on board aircraft over the past year. But what is to blame - a booze culture or businesses making millions selling alcohol? And what is being done to combat the problem and keep passengers safe? Aasmah Mir investigates.

  • S19E32 Undercover: Breaking into Britain

    • September 7, 2017
    • ITV1

    This edition goes undercover to investigate the booming business of fake passports and the state of Britain's border security, as Jonathan Maitland visits Greece to expose the secret trade in dodgy documents where a fake passport can be bought for just 500 pounds, before speaking to Home Office whistleblowers who reveal their concerns about the way Britain's borders are policed. With the Brexit vote pushing control of UK borders to the forefront of the political landscape, this programme asks if such control has already been lost - and whether things are going to get worse rather than better.

  • S19E33 Fat: The Healthy Option?

    • September 14, 2017
    • ITV1

    Catherine Tyldesley investigates the truth about fats, hoping to dispel some myths about which are the healthiest when it comes to food. As well as highlighting the dangers lurking in many take-aways and convenience foods, the programme also looks at the types and amounts of fat people should be eating every day, and advises what foods to avoid.

  • S19E34 A Tonight Special - Jewel Raiders - Caught on Camera

    • September 21, 2017
    • ITV1

    After spending years training in a secret crime academy, a gang of Romanian criminals arrived in Britain in 2015. In less than a year, they raided 11 jewellery stores, getting away with luxury watches and diamond rings worth more than three million pounds. With exclusive access to the police investigation and CCTV footage, Tonight reveals how the gang was eventually tracked down and caught.

  • S19E35 Trump vs North Korea - Could War Happen?

    • September 28, 2017
    • ITV1

    Tonight, Adam Shaw investigates the current, dangerous tension between The United States and North Korea.

  • S19E36 Britain's Claim Culture - Revealed

    • October 12, 2017
    • ITV1

    Hayley Hassall investigates Britain's obsession with personal injury claims, and the huge industry specialising in them - whether it be for holiday sickness or whiplash. It is pushing up premiums and the cost of holidays, but the insurers and tour operators who pay out are fighting back, with fake claimants being prosecuted, named and shamed.

  • S19E37 Work Till You Drop?

    • October 19, 2017
    • ITV1

    With a record number of pensioners still working, Tonight explores what they are up to, why they are doing it and what it means for the UK. Noreena Hertz meets people working through their 60s and beyond, as well as those struggling to a find a job at an older age. The economic impact of an ageing workforce is revealed and the programme looks at how businesses are adapting to cope with a country working for longer.

  • S19E38 Car Crime: Are you a Target?

    • October 26, 2017
    • ITV1

    Car crime is rocketing, with vehicles stolen to order for parts, to be used in crime or sold abroad. Jonathan Maitland reports on the crime epidemic that is sweeping the country.

  • S19E39 Fast Food: The Big Fat Truth

    • November 2, 2017
    • ITV1

    It is estimated there are more than 57,000 takeaways in the UK, with that figure expected to grow by nearly 30 per cent over the next ten years. Local authorities say they are trying to control their spread - amid claims that fast food outlets are fuelling obesity and poor health in some of our deprived communities? Ranvir Singh investigates.

  • S19E40 Harassment: Uncovering the Truth?

    • November 9, 2017
    • ITV1

    In a new Tonight poll, 1 in 4 women believed they might lose their job if they complained about sexual harassment. Julie Etchingham reports.

  • S19E41 Acid Attacks: How Scared Should We Be?

    • November 16, 2017
    • ITV1

    With acid attacks doubling over the past five years and becoming the weapon of choice for some criminals that leave their victims with life-changing injuries, the government has proposed to tighten controls over such materials and impose tougher sentences on those committing such acts - but will they be enough to solve the problem? Fiona Foster investigates.

  • S19E42 Harry & Meghan - A Royal Revolution?

    • November 23, 2017
    • ITV1

    She is a popular American actor and a divorcee. He is a combat veteran and one of Britain's favourite royals. The relationship between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may seem like a storybook romance, but what does it say about the modern monarchy, and what does the establishment really think about any prospect of their engagement? Fiona Foster investigates.

  • S19E43 Elderly Theft: Robbing the Relatives

    • November 30, 2017
    • ITV1

    More elderly people than ever before are falling foul of financial abuse, with the criminals often closer to home than we would like to think. Could laws designed to protect the most vulnerable actually be leading to a rise in theft within families? Fiona Foster investigates.

  • S19E44 Christmas Cons Revealed

    • December 7, 2017
    • ITV1

    Last Christmas, British consumers were cheated out of 10 million pounds by paying for items online that were either fake or non-existent. Dan Clark-Neal investigates how thieves are defrauding the public, and finds out what can be done to spend safely online.

  • S19E45 A Tonight Special - The Butcher Surgeon - A Scandal Uncovered

    • December 14, 2017
    • ITV1

    Tonight investigates one of the worst scandals in medical history, detailing how a rogue surgeon performed botched or unnecessary operations on more than 1,000 women for nearly two decades before being brought to justice. The programme also hears from whistleblowers who say they tried to expose him - but were ignored.

  • S19E46 Hungry, Homeless and on Benefits

    • December 21, 2017
    • ITV1

    It may be the season of good cheer, but for many this Christmas, it will be anything but cheery. Homelessness is rising and, with more people now said to be living in poverty, Tonight investigates why this festive season is going to be so hard for some families.

Season 20

  • S20E01 Overweight Brits - Part 1

    • January 3, 2018
    • ITV1

    Helen Skelton presents the first of a two-part Tonight special, looking at how much lack of exercise is costing the NHS due to ill health and some of the quick fixes overweight Brits are forking out for. But are they worth the cash being spent on them?

  • S20E02 Overweight Brits - Part 2

    • January 4, 2018
    • ITV1

    Helen Skelton presents the second of a two-part Tonight special, looking at the various products overweight Brits are forking out for in a bid to lose weight quickly after the festive season. But are they worth the money being spent on them?

  • S20E03 Divorce Wars

    • January 11, 2018
    • ITV1

    Check in to the Divorce Hotel as a married couple, and check-out to a new single life in just one weekend. What might sound like wishful thinking to some, in Britain's peak month for relationship breakdowns, is in fact part of a growing trend around the world. But can it work here in the UK? Julie Etchingham asks why many in the legal profession now believe our divorce laws are in need of urgent reform to get rid of outdated notions of blame.

  • S20E04 Dr Google - Do DIY Diagnoses Work?

    • January 18, 2018
    • ITV1

    With winter continuing to bite, it's not a great time to be hit by illness, particularly with A&E departments being busy or if you have difficulties getting an appointment with your GP. More and more people are turning to DIY diagnoses online, but could that be doing us more harm than good? Dr Oscar Duke investigates.

  • S20E05 Bargain Holidays: What's the Truth?

    • January 25, 2018
    • ITV1

    Can you get a summer holiday on the cheap? Reporter Adam Shaw investigates the potential perils and pitfalls of buying your summer holiday in the sun and looks for some of the best deals on the market at the moment.

  • S20E06 NHS Winter Crisis: What's the Truth?

    • February 1, 2018
    • ITV1

    Cancelled operations, flu epidemics, A&Es in chaos; those are the headlines, but what's the truth behind the NHS winter crisis? Fiona Foster talks to staff, experts and patients about what's happening in the health service, the solutions being found, and what we all need to do to relieve the pressure on the NHS.

  • S20E07 Travel Chaos: The True Cost

    • February 8, 2018
    • ITV1

    Traffic on our roads is on the rise and the number of people using our packed railways is set to double in the next 25 years. The Government say they are investing in the transport infrastructure, but with no end in sight for millions facing miserable commutes, what's the true cost for us all? Jonathan Maitland investigates.

  • S20E08 Plastic: Can You Live Without it?

    • February 15, 2018
    • ITV1

    Plastic waste is polluting the oceans, and there are concerns that it has now reached our food chain. The UK government has announced a plan to crack down on it and improve the environment, but this will take 25 years. Could and should something be done much quicker, and what can we all do to rethink our reliance on plastic? Helen Skelton investigates.

  • S20E09 Trans Kids: The Right Response?

    • February 22, 2018
    • ITV1

    'Tonight' investigates the growing debate about transgender people - particularly among the young - and the pace of change around gender diversity in Britain. Dubbed the 'transgender revolution' by some, vulnerable young people can get help and support as never before, but others have expressed concern about the rapid increase in childhood referrals to gender identity clinics and about how schools and other bodies are responding to the issue. Julie Etchingham reports on a much-discussed subject.

  • S20E10 Snowstorm: Britain's Big Chill

    • March 1, 2018
    • ITV1

    The predicted blast of Siberian weather has gripped Britain, and forecasters say we’re potentially facing the lowest temperatures for 25 years. Freezing temperatures and heavy snow have been taking their toll, with chaos on the roads, thousands of school closures, disrupted trains and flights, and even troops called out to help. In Snowstorm: Britain's Big Chill on ITV at 7.30pm, Helen Skelton investigates how the ‘Beast from the East’ is affecting Britain, and why the weather is still catching us out.

  • S20E11 Britain's Pothole Crisis

    • March 8, 2018
    • ITV1

    The number of potholes is feared to be at record levels across the country, putting lives at risk on the roads and hitting motorists in the pocket. With more vehicles on our highways - and more councils saying that they haven't the cash to repair them - many roads seem to buckling under the strain. Adam Shaw investigates the truth behind Britain's pothole crisis.

  • S20E12 Undercover: Rough Sleeper

    • March 15, 2018
    • ITV1

    In a special edition of 'Tonight', Adam Holloway goes undercover to investigate the rise of street homelessness in Britain, which is now in its seventh consecutive year of increase. Nearly 30 years after he filmed life with rough sleepers for a groundbreaking ITV documentary, Adam, who is now an MP, returns to where the problem is still most acute - on the streets and in the homeless shelters of the capital - and sets out to discover why rough sleeping persists three decades on.

  • S20E13 Britain vs Russia: A New Cold War?

    • March 22, 2018
    • ITV1

    Relations with Russia are at their worst for decades after the Putin regime was blamed for a chemical attack in Salisbury that poisoned a former Russian double agent, his daughter, and a policeman who tried to help them. It was a shocking event that has led to tit for tat diplomatic expulsions and threats of further action, but how bad could things get, and what can Britain really do? Adam Shaw investigates.

  • S20E14 Can Brexit Fix Britain?

    • March 29, 2018
    • ITV1

    With one year to go until Britain exits the EU, Tonight asks the North East of England if Brexit will deliver the dreams of those who voted to leave.

  • S20E15 Pets - The True Cost

    • April 5, 2018
    • ITV1

    There are more than 16 million dogs and cats in the UK; they're our most popular pets, but they come at an eye-watering cost. It's estimated that owners will spend up to £33,000 on a dog during its life and around £24,000 on a cat, but what happens if they get sick and - like millions of us - you don't have pet insurance? Jonathan Maitland investigates what price we're willing to pay for our love affair with pets.

  • S20E16 OAP Bootcamp

    • April 12, 2018
    • ITV1

    Two fifths of the NHS budget is spent on the over 65s, with loneliness, lack of exercise, and bad diet being the big causes of poor health in pensioners. Could changing all that make a difference? Tonight is about to find out: welcome to the OAP Bootcamp.

  • S20E17 Processed Food: What Are We Eating?

    • April 19, 2018
    • ITV1

    We rely heavily on processed food as a nation - from breakfast to dinner, it is available to us 24/7. How much do we really know about what we are eating? Fiona Foster investigates.

  • S20E18 Secrets of Your Online Shop

    • April 26, 2018
    • ITV1

    Online shopping is a multi-billion pound business in the UK, but who is to blame and what are your rights when your goods disappear or turn up badly damaged? With exclusive footage filmed inside a major delivery depot, Tonight reveals the extent to which parcels can be mishandled and badly treated.

  • S20E19 Google, Facebook & You: What They Know

    • May 3, 2018
    • ITV1

    They are some of the richest companies in the world, but have they made their billions from the information that we give away on our smartphones and laptops, sometimes without us knowing? Adam Shaw investigates the personal information which has been gathered, held, and sometimes shared by some of the most popular apps we use.

  • S20E20 Russia's World Cup Gangs

    • May 10, 2018
    • ITV1

    With the World Cup on the horizon, Jonathan Maitland goes inside the world of Russian football to see what might face fans travelling there this summer.

  • S20E21 The Tower: A Year On

    • May 17, 2018
    • ITV1

    With a month to go until the anniversary of the Grenfell fire tragedy, Tonight looks back at a night that devastated a community and shocked a nation. Hearing from the survivors, the bereaved and eye-witnesses - including some who have never spoken before - this special edition of Tonight talks us through what happened in June 2017 and how this community is fighting for a legacy that ensures it never happens again.

  • S20E22 NHS saved my Life

    • May 24, 2018
    • ITV1

    As the NHS turns 70, Tonight celebrates some of its 'miracles' through the eyes of patients who owe their lives to our national health service.

  • S20E23 Eat Yourself Healthy?

    • June 14, 2018
    • ITV1

    Tens of thousands of British children are now said to be overweight - with some 11-year-olds classified as seriously obese. As the government prepares to launch a new anti-obesity strategy, Tonight investigates what we could all be doing to beat the battle of the bulge.

  • S20E24 Violent Britain: Drugs, Knives and Gangs

    • July 5, 2018
    • ITV1

    As the rate of stabbings and shootings across the country surges, Tonight explores a key driver behind the rise in knife and gun crime - the criminal networks supplying drugs, often involving young and vulnerable children. Allegra Stratton investigates the phenomenon known as 'county lines' where children as young as 10 are sent to rural areas and small towns to sell Class A drugs and talks to the frontline police working to break up gangs and disrupt supply lines.

  • S20E25 Trump and Britain: Love or Loathing?

    • July 12, 2018
    • ITV1

    On the eve of Donald's Trump's first official visit to the UK as President, Tonight asks how the US leader will be received and explores the state of our so-called 'Special Relationship' with Washington. Hearing from figures as varied as Lord Sugar, Nigel Farage, Germaine Greer and Alex Salmond, Martin Geissler also investigates what the future holds for our dealings with this most controversial of Presidents.

  • S20E26 Heatwaves and Hailstones: Wild Weather UK

    • August 1, 2018
    • ITV1

    Record temperatures, torrential rain and hailstorms in Britain; forest fires in the Arctic circle; devastation and death in Greece, Japan and North America. The weather across summer 2018 appears to be breaking records for all the wrong reasons. But could this be the new normal for us Brits - and the shape of things to come? Becky Mantin investigates.

  • S20E27 Shopping: End of the High Street?

    • August 23, 2018
    • ITV1

    The High Street is in trouble. In the last 10 years, nearly 220,000 jobs have been lost as 85,000 shops closed their doors for good. So is bricks and mortar retail in terminal decline? Are the tech giants of online retail to blame? And what's the likely impact on us, the shoppers? Retail expert Kate Hardcastle investigates.

  • S20E28 Our Debt: The True Cost

    • August 30, 2018
    • ITV1

    An estimated eight million of us are struggling with debt problems. It can cause a whole range of issues from financial to mental health. Tonight investigates the mounting debt crisis - and how some people are fighting their way out of trouble.

  • S20E29 What Car Should I Buy?

    • September 6, 2018
    • ITV1

    It's the second biggest purchase many of us will make after a house. But with the car market now spanning electric, hybrids and traditional fuel - plus the trouble over diesel, it's harder than ever to know what vehicle to buy next. Reporter Ginny Buckley investigates.

  • S20E30 Fighting Fat: Back to Basics

    • September 13, 2018
    • ITV1

    One in four Britons are now classified as obese. From kids to pensioners, the nation's waistlines continue to expand. But why? In our attempts to lose weight, have the messages on healthy living been over complicated? Tonight investigates the simple steps we can take to fight fat.

  • S20E31 Britain on Painkillers: The Silent Epidemic

    • September 20, 2018
    • ITV1

    Are we hooked on opioids? Millions in Britain are taking powerful prescription painkillers that many experts argue are ineffective when it comes to reducing long-term chronic pain. Tonight explores the scale of this silent epidemic in Britain, the comparisons being made with the crisis in America and the experiences of people in Britain who are struggling with addiction and dependency.

  • S20E32 Britain's Property Crisis

    • September 27, 2018
    • ITV1

    With one in five households now renting and home ownership becoming just a dream for many, Jonathan Maitland investigates Britain's housing crisis. From Peterborough, where over 70 residents were made homeless to make room for other homeless people, to Manchester, where 15,000 new homes are being built without a single one being affordable, and Cornwall, where a family has spent 10 years waiting for a council property while their four children are forced to share a room.

  • S20E33 Wild Weather UK: Winners and Losers

    • October 4, 2018
    • ITV1

  • S20E34 Pay Now, Die Later: Funerals Uncovered

    • October 11, 2018
    • ITV1

  • S20E35 Driving: The True Cost?

    • October 18, 2018
    • ITV1

  • S20E36 What's In Our Meat?

    • October 25, 2018
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland finds out how food standards have changed since the horsemeat scandal five years ago, looking at tests carried out in abattoirs and by local authorities.

  • S20E37 Frontline Care: Saving the NHS?

    • November 1, 2018
    • ITV1

    The work of a pioneering GP service tackling problems including mental health, homelessness and alcoholism within their community. Tonight's cameras follows these specialist doctors and nurses to ask whether such a focused method of care could help save the NHS.

  • S20E38 Car Crime: How Safe Are You?

    • November 8, 2018
    • ITV1

  • S20E39 Immigration: Who Do We Let In?

    • November 15, 2018
    • ITV1

  • S20E40 Trump and the Truth: America's Conspiracy Wars

    • November 22, 2018
    • ITV1

    In the US, it is estimated that half of the population believe at least one conspiracy theory. This number includes the president, who has weaponized conspiracy theories to great political effect, while his critics argue his perpetuation of myths is fuelling fear among the population. Robert Moore examines the role played by conspiracy theories in shaping the US's political future and asks who will win in America's battle for the truth.

  • S20E41 Food Allergies: What's Really in Your Food?

    • November 29, 2018
    • ITV1

  • S20E42 Christmas Buyers Beware

    • December 13, 2018
    • ITV1

    Last year, the UK spent almost 80 billion pounds on Christmas gifts - but not everyone got the bargain they were hoping for. And as families prepare for the festive season once again, criminals are also getting ready with a whole range of cons and scams. Tonight investigates how to keep your cash safe this Christmas.

  • S20E43 Meghan: The Story So Far

    • December 13, 2018
    • ITV1

    It's been six months since Hollywood actor Meghan Markle took on her most ambitious role yet. From that day in May when she joined the House of Windsor, through to her first overseas tour, we follow the Duchess of Sussex's first steps into Royal life. As the humanitarian and 'proud' feminist finds herself in a new world of protocol and etiquette, Julie Etchingham asks whether Meghan is changing the Royal Family, or are they changing her?

Season 21

Season 22

  • S22E01 Cash Free Britain?

    • January 2, 2020
    • ITV1

    It's estimated that three quarters of the things we buy in this country are now paid for by card. Adnan Sarwar asks if the UK is on its way to becoming a cashless society.

  • S22E02 Tech Abuse: Stopping The Stalkers

    • January 9, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E03 High Streets: End of the Road?

    • January 16, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E04 Holidays: Bagging a Bargain Break

    • January 23, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E05 Deadly Virus: Is Britain Prepared?

    • January 30, 2020
    • ITV1

    Health experts from around the globe are concerned about the coronavirus, which has originated in China and could destroy many lives. But will it take hold in the UK? Ranvir Singh investigates.

  • S22E06 How Safe Is Your Vape?

    • February 6, 2020
    • ITV1

    With more than 3.6 million people now vaping in the UK, reporter Jonathan Maitland explores the boom in the industry, while undercover reporters find out what is in the liquid people are smoking. Industry bosses claim vaping is a safer, cleaner, healthier alternative to smoking. But are there any health risks?

  • S22E07 Coronavirus: What Next for Britain?

    • February 13, 2020
    • ITV1

    With confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Britain on the rise and the UK Government labelling it a "serious and imminent threat" to public health, Fiona Foster investigates if the authorities here are equipped to deal with the challenge.

  • S22E08 Airbnb: The True Cost?

    • February 20, 2020
    • ITV1

    In 10 years Airbnb has grown into a multimillion-dollar global entity - and revolutionised the way people travel. But there are claims that short-term lets not only threaten the future of traditional hotels, but could be contributing to housing shortages - as well as driving up the cost of properties. Jonathan Maitland investigates.

  • S22E09 Inside MI5: Keeping the UK Safe

    • February 27, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E10 Coronavirus - What You Need to Know

    • March 5, 2020
    • ITV1

    The Government has announced their coronavirus battle plan warning that a fifth of the workforce could be off sick. Jonathan Maitland investigates how to keep ourselves safe. Originally Aired: 05th March 2020

  • S22E11 Diet: Trust Your Gut?

    • March 12, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E12 Coronavirus: Protecting The Elderly

    • March 19, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E13 Coronavirus: Britain in Lockdown

    • March 26, 2020
    • ITV1

    Series 22 - Episode 13 - As we get used to life in 'lock down', doctors in our beloved NHS find themselves desperately combating the Coronavirus. We hear from those on the frontline.

  • S22E14 Trump and the Virus: America in Crisis

    • April 2, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E15 Lockdown: How Long Can it Last?

    • April 9, 2020
    • ITV1

    Just a couple of months ago the economy was riding high with employment at record levels. But that was before the coronavirus epidemic tightened its grip on Britain, ripping up the way of life. In the past 14 days half a million people have signed on for Universal Credit. With the Government projected to spend many tens of billions in a bid to keep the economy, and jobs, afloat, Sonali Shah investigates how long the lockdown can last.

  • S22E16 Coronavirus: The Survivors' Stories

    • April 16, 2020
    • ITV1

    In these unprecedented times, we hear the remarkable stories of survival: coronavirus patients brought back from the brink.

  • S22E17 Supermarkets and Supply Chains: Keeping Britain Fed

    • April 23, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E18 Fly Tipping: Britain's Lockdown Problem?

    • April 30, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E19 Policing Britain: Cops In Lockdown

    • May 7, 2020
    • ITV1

    As lockdown conditions continue to take their toll on the country, what has life been like for Britain's frontline police officers, tasked with keeping us safe?

  • S22E20 Saving Money: Tips For Lockdown

    • May 14, 2020
    • ITV1

    With pay cuts, job losses and businesses shut down for weeks, the financial impact of coronavirus is hitting people hard. Helen Skelton investigates the best ways for people to tighten their belts and try to save money.

  • S22E21 The Race for a Cure: Making Britain Safe

    • May 21, 2020
    • ITV1

    Ranj Singh looks at the urgent race to find drugs to successfully treat Covid-19. With hopes of defeating the deadly virus lying with the world's scientists - including those working in Britain - Dr Singh gains first-hand access to laboratories and drug trials across the country. He reports on the unprecedented scientific efforts going into developing drugs to treat those in hospital with the virus, as well as the search for a vaccine to inoculate everyone. With the success of these trials determining how soon people can resume normal life and get the economy running as before, the stakes could not be higher.

  • S22E22 Scammers: Hunting the Lockdown Criminals

    • May 28, 2020
    • ITV1

    Series 22 - Episode 22 - There has been a spike in internet fraud - from fake goods and services, to cons impersonating the authorities. Paul Connolly investigates the latest lockdown scams.

  • S22E23 Car Crime - Is My Car Safe?

    • June 4, 2020
    • ITV1

    Government figures reveal car crime has risen for the past six years. It has even continued in lockdown in some areas. As more motorists are targeted by organised gangs, Alex Beresford investigates what people can do to steer clear of vehicle crime.

  • S22E24 Holidays: Where Should We Go?

    • July 9, 2020
    • ITV1

    The travel industry is in dire straits, with the coronavirus crisis leaving summer holiday plans in disarray for many people. But with the prospect of travel beginning to open up, should holiday-makers be trying to grab a break abroad, or is this the year of the Great British staycation? Helen Skelton investigates.

  • S22E25 Generation Covid: Our Children in Crisis?

    • July 16, 2020
    • ITV1

    Children seem largely unaffected by physical aspects of the coronavirus. But as the lockdown eases, concerns are growing about young people's mental health as a result of the crisis. Julie Etchingham asks what life has been like for the younger generation, and as the costs are counted - with thousands of teaching hours lost, exams missed and the country entering the worst recession on record - will it have any negative impact on their ambitions and prospects?

  • S22E26 Back in Business: The Road to Recovery?

    • August 20, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E27 Can Robots Save The NHS?

    • August 27, 2020
    • ITV1

    With the coronavirus pandemic still gripping the world, the NHS is facing its biggest crisis in a generation with issues over treatment, funding and care. New technology is one of the tools being used to fight the virus - and many other illnesses - with the use of artificial intelligence on the rise across the health sector. Dr Oscar Duke investigates.

  • S22E28 Electric Cars: Are We Ready?

    • September 3, 2020
    • ITV1

    The Government has promised to ban the sale of all new diesel, petrol and hybrid cars in the UK by 2035. But will people - and the necessary technology - be ready for the electric revolution? Motoring journalist Ginny Buckley investigates.

  • S22E29 Weight Loss: The War on Fat?

    • September 10, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E30 Scams: Ripping Off the Elderly?

    • September 17, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E31 Can We Save Our Jobs?

    • September 24, 2020
    • ITV1

    In the aftermath of the lockdown, millions of people face joblessness, redundancy or uncertainty about their future on a scale unseen since the early 1980s. Robert Peston investigates the impact on the economy, with industries shutting down overnight, millions unable to work, and many more working from home for the foreseeable future. He also asks what can be done to avoid the mistakes of past recessions and assesses whether the Government is on the right track to avoid mass unemployment.

  • S22E32 Funerals: The True Cost

    • October 1, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E33 Britain's Lockdowns: What's Next?

    • October 15, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E34 Can Trump Win?

    • October 22, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E35 Black and British

    • October 29, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E36 House Prices: Is the Boom Real?

    • November 5, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E37 House of Horrors

    • November 19, 2020
    • ITV1

    Millions of pounds a year are spent by households on building work. But are builders subject to too few meaningful checks and balances? And who pays the bill when things go wrong

  • S22E38 Secrets of Your Online Christmas

    • November 26, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E39 Buyers Beware: Shopping Cons Revealed

    • December 3, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E40 Secrets of Your Christmas Dinner

    • December 10, 2020
    • ITV1

  • S22E41 2020: The Year That Changed Britain

    • December 17, 2020
    • ITV1

    More than 50,000 Britons killed by Covid-19. A country in lockdown while also heading out of Europe. Freedoms that people took for granted now being controlled by the Government. Julie Etchingham looks back at the past 12 months - a year that changed Britain.

Season 23

  • S23E01 Has Cash Been Cancelled?

    • January 7, 2021
    • ITV1

    A year ago Tonight reported on how quickly Britain might be heading towards a cash-free society. Twelve months on and the world of money has changed dramatically with lockdowns and the pandemic accelerating the shift away from coins and notes. Some are now warning that the entire cash system, costing £5billion a year to run, could be under threat. Adnan Sarwar investigates.

  • S23E02 Vaccine: When Will I Get It?

    • January 14, 2021
    • ITV1

    Most people would agree that the Covid-19 vaccines are the key to getting life back to normal. But when will everyone get them - and will everybody take them? With lives and livelihoods on the line, Dr Oscar Duke investigates the importance of the mass roll-out.

  • S23E03 Care Homes: The Long Year Alone

    • January 21, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E04 Going Green: Save Money?

    • January 28, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E05 Covid Testing: What's the Truth?

    • February 4, 2021
    • ITV1

    Is the Government's plan to instantly mass test for Covid-19 proving more trouble than it is worth? Major questions are being asked about the accuracy of the instant tests, which are costing hundreds of millions, but whose use is now being curtailed in places like schools and some care homes. Adam Shaw asks whether lives could be at risk and whether rapid mass testing could end up being money down the drain.

  • S23E06 On the Breadline: Foodbank Britain?

    • February 11, 2021
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham investigates the dramatic rise in food banks in Britain, asking why one of the richest countries in the world is experiencing food poverty on such a worrying level.

  • S23E07 Cars - The End of Petrol and Diesel?

    • February 18, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E08 Antisocial Britain: Trouble on the Streets?

    • February 25, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E09 UK: The End of the Union?

    • March 4, 2021
    • ITV1

    Julie Etchingham asks whether the United Kingdom is on the brink of a break-up. Using polls of English, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish voters, the programme discovers how people feel about the union. Julia examines they way Scots are being driven toward independence, and why continuing issues around Brexit are making people in Northern Ireland question their role in the UK.

  • S23E10 How to Age Well?

    • March 11, 2021
    • ITV1

    Many of us are living longer, but not always in the best of health. The Government wants to change that, and by 2035 they're hoping we can all get an extra five fitter years of life. But what should we be doing to take care of ourselves as we get older? Actor and musician Martin Kemp investigates.

  • S23E11 Spend or Save - Making Your Money Work?

    • March 18, 2021
    • ITV1

    As we emerge from the grip of lockdown, should we be saving more of our cash? And if so, how? Helen Skelton reports.

  • S23E12 Women: How Safe Are We?

    • April 8, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E13 Summer Holidays: What's The Truth?

    • April 15, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E14 Can Your Town Centre Survive?

    • April 22, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E15 Giving Up Sugar: For Good? Part 1

    • April 29, 2021
    • ITV1

    Former MP Tom Watson investigates how much damage refined sugar is doing to the nation's health, and asks what impact eating less sugar would have on the NHS.

  • S23E16 Giving Up Sugar: For Good? Part 2

    • April 30, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E17 Cheats, Fiddles and Scams: Protecting Your Family

    • May 6, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E18 Cheats, Fiddles and Scams: Protecting Your Money? Pt.2

    • May 7, 2021
    • ITV1

    In the second part of a two-part programme we look closer to home, and we focus on the criminals, some of whom have even targeted friends and family members.

  • S23E19 Britain's Filthy Streets

    • May 13, 2021
    • ITV1

    Fiona Foster speaks to the councils battling to keep the streets clean, the communities taking action, and the innovators tackling littering in new ways.

  • S23E20 E-Scooters: Britain's New Road Rage?

    • May 20, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E21 Keep, Chuck or Clean? - The Big Clearout

    • May 27, 2021
    • ITV1

    For many of us, months of lockdown has meant taking a long hard look at our surroundings and tackling the clutter in our homes. But what do we do with all of our unwanted stuff? Reporter Angellica Bell investigates.

  • S23E22 Britain After Brexit - Winners & Losers?

    • June 10, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E23 Home Makeovers: The True Cost?

    • July 22, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E24 Are You Drinking Too Much?

    • July 29, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E25 Hidden Disabilities: What's the Truth?

    • August 5, 2021
    • ITV1

    About one in five of us has a disability. Some with hidden disabilities battle even to be believed. Saima Mohsin goes on a very personal journey.

  • S23E26 Staycations: The Tru Cost?

    • August 12, 2021
    • ITV1

    Is Britain already fully booked? And do we have to accept we're going to need to blow the budget for a British break this year? Sonali Shah investigates.

  • S23E27 The Return of the Taliban

    • August 19, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E28 NHS: The Longest Wait?

    • August 26, 2021
    • ITV1

    As a new SOS is sounded over the longest waiting lists since records began, Romilly Weeks meets doctors, patients and families and asks what can be done to clear the backlog?

  • S23E29 What's Really in Our Food?

    • September 23, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E30 Energy Bills: Counting the Cost?

    • September 30, 2021
    • ITV1

    Jonathan Maitland investigates the energy saving tips we can all use to keep costs down this winter as the UK's wholesale energy markets reach record highs.

  • S23E31 How Green Is Your Supermarket?

    • October 7, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E32 Repair or Replace? Britain in a Fix

    • October 14, 2021
    • ITV1

    Chris Choi meets the repairers who want to give our electronic waste a second lease of life and asks whether existing laws giving us the right to repair go far enough.

  • S23E33 Britain's Hidden Killer

    • October 15, 2021
    • ITV1

    Paul Kennedy passed away from pancreatic cancer just three months after he was diagnosed. Treated during the pandemic, Paul allowed his son Daniel to film brief precious moments on his final journey. Daniel shines a spotlight on the deadliest common cancer, and investigates whether enough is being done to get patients diagnosed early.

  • S23E34 Air Pollution: What You Need to Know

    • October 21, 2021
    • ITV1

    Since 2010 we have failed to meet national legal limits of air pollution in the UK. Joe Crowley investigates what is being done to tackle the problem and assesses the health implications it may have for us all.

  • S23E35 Shortage UK: Is Britain Working?

    • October 22, 2021
    • ITV1

    As Britain faces shortages of fuel and food, is there a supply chain crisis brewing? Or does consumer panic buying create the crisis? Julie Etchingham investigates.

  • S23E36 What's In Our Water?

    • October 28, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E37 Saving The Planet: Saving Money?

    • November 2, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E38 Searching For Patient Zero: Britain's AIDS Tragedy

    • November 11, 2021
    • ITV1

    Paul Brand traces the first case of AIDS - along with others who lived, loved and lost to a disease that, worldwide, has now claimed 36 million lives.

  • S23E39 Social Care: The True Cost?

    • November 18, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E40 How To Complain and Win!

    • December 2, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E41 Saving Money At Christmas: The Big Squeeze?

    • December 9, 2021
    • ITV1

  • S23E42 A Merrier Christmas?

    • December 23, 2021
    • ITV1

    This time last year much of Britain was in lockdown - many families were forced apart and Christmas celebrations put on hold as the nation continued to fight the Covid epidemic. But even with new restrictions to counter the omicron variant, can it be a different story this year? Fiona Foster reports on the people providing hope for others this festive season.

Season 24

  • S24E01 How Much Is Your Car Worth?

    • January 6, 2022

  • S24E02 When Can I See My GP?

    • January 13, 2022

  • S24E03 Boris Johnson: Is the Party Over?

    • January 20, 2022

    With revelations raining down on the government over parties reportedly held during lockdowns, Romilly Weeks asks whether Boris Johnson can survive as Prime Minister.

  • S24E04 Smart Motorways: Hitting the Brakes?

    • January 27, 2022

  • S24E05 Buy Now, Pay Later

    • February 3, 2022

  • S24E06 Dying with Dignity

    • February 10, 2022

  • S24E07 The True Cost of Train Travel?

    • February 17, 2022

    With passenger numbers at historical low levels and big rail fares due next month, is the industry heading for a new crisis? Adam Shaw investigates.

  • S24E08 War in Europe

    • February 24, 2022

  • S24E09 Louise Minchin: The Truth About Stalking

    • March 10, 2022

    TV presenter Louise Minchin was subjected to a campaign of threats and harassment online. She asks if enough is being done to tackle the crime.

  • S24E10 Losing Your Home: The True Cost

    • March 17, 2022

  • S24E11 Cost of Living: What You Need To Know

    • March 24, 2022

  • S24E12 Crime Squad: Hunting the Burglars

    • March 31, 2022

  • S24E13 House Prices: How High Will They Go?

    • April 7, 2022

    Despite the recent economic shocks, house prices across the UK have continued to rise. Jonathan Maitland investigates why that's happening.

  • S24E14 Fighting Fat: A Cure for Obesity?

    • April 14, 2022

  • S24E15 Back Pain: Britain's Hidden Crisis?

    • April 21, 2022

  • S24E16 Homes for Ukraine: Welcome to Britain?

    • April 28, 2022

    More than 10 million people are thought to have fled their homes in Ukraine because of the Russian invasion, with more than four million seeking refuge in other countries. In the UK, hundreds of thousands of people have offered up spare rooms or properties for refugees. But with lengthy waits for official checks and documents, the UK government has been accused of not helping fast enough. Paul Brand investigates.

  • S24E17 Controlled By My Partner? The Hidden Abuse - Tonight

    • May 5, 2022

    Ruth Dodsworth explores the crime of coercive control and what needs to be done to stop this insidious domestic abuse.

  • S24E18 Holidays: Bagging a Bargain Break?

    • May 12, 2022

    It's been a while, but pandemic restrictions have eased and Brits are once again planning holidays abroad. So what does the savvy traveller need to look out for?

  • S24E19 Scams: Fighting The Fraudsters

    • May 19, 2022

  • S24E20 Who Rules Britain's Roads?

    • June 9, 2022

  • S24E21 Price Rises: The Secrets of Your Shopping Bill

    • June 16, 2022

    Reporter Kate Quilton finds out what we can do to beat the price hikes and save money on our shopping bills as the cost of living crisis worsens.

  • S24E22 Car Crime: How Safe Is Your Car?

    • June 23, 2022

    Rav Wilding investigates with the police and manufacturers are doing enough to stay one step ahead of car thieves or not.

  • S24E23 Side Hustles: How to Earn More Money? Tonight

    • June 30, 2022
    • ITV1

    The cost of living crisis is drastically impacting households around the country with more than a million Brits already taking on an extra job or 'side hustle' to make more money. Reporter Adam Shaw explores what it's really like to have more than one job.

  • S24E24 Pensions: How to Save More? Tonight

    • July 7, 2022
    • ITV1

    As the cost of living crisis bites, paying into a pension might slip down the priority list. But experts warn that skipping contributions now could mean missing out on thousands in pension pots. So how do people save more? Reporter Michelle Ackerley has advice for boosting retirement funds - and uncovers how scammers could be targeting people's hard-earned savings.

  • S24E25 Boris Johnson: The Rise and Fall

    • July 14, 2022
    • ITV1

    A look at the rise of Boris Johnson, from winning a spectacular majority in 2019, to a series of scandals and errors that have ultimately led to his downfall.

  • S24E26 Heatwave Britain: How Hot Will It Get?

    • July 21, 2022
    • ITV1

    With the Met Office issuing its first ever red warning for extreme heat for parts of the country. Laura Tobin finds out if these hot spells are here to stay.

  • S24E27 999: A National Emergency?

    • July 28, 2022
    • ITV1

  • S24E28 'Hidden' Disabilities: The True Cost?

    • August 4, 2022
    • ITV1

    An estimated 12 million people in the UK are living with what's described as a 'hidden' disability. Reporter Saima Moshin looks at the true cost.

  • S24E29 Shops and Robbers: High Street Wars?

    • August 11, 2022
    • ITV1

    Shoplifting has plagued retailers for decades, with violence and aggression towards staff now reaching record numbers. Is enough being done to tackle this age-old problem?

  • S24E30 Who's Polluting Our Water?

    • August 18, 2022
    • ITV1

    With only 14 per cent of rivers in England in good ecological health, Joe Crowley looks at the state of the nation's waterways and asks what's being done to tackle pollution.

  • S24E31 Stop and Search: Policing The Streets?

    • August 25, 2022
    • ITV1

    Is there a way for law enforcers to bridge an ever-widening gap with the young people they police? Alex Beresford reports.

  • S24E32 Priced Out: The Truth About Holiday Homes?

    • September 1, 2022
    • ITV1

    Nearly half a million properties in the UK are thought to be second homes, used mainly as holiday rental properties. Amid the escalating housing crisis, is now the time to limit second holiday home purchases? Reporter Helen Skelton investigates.

  • S24E33 Pulling Teeth: The End of NHS Dentistry?

    • September 29, 2022
    • ITV1

    Daniel Hewitt investigates the crisis in the dental service, including the extreme lengths people are going to in order to end their tooth-related suffering, from overdosing on painkillers to put a stop to the chronic pain to reaching for the toolbox to extract infected teeth by their own hands. Daniel also meets the dentists who want to treat patients but say that it's the system that's failing them.

  • S24E34 Cost of Living: The Help You Need?

    • October 6, 2022
    • ITV1

    Despite intervention from the Government, the UK remains on the precipice of a major cost of living crisis as a summer of anxiety gives way to a winter of desperation. Paul Brand investigates what can be done to help British households survive.

  • S24E35 Looking After the Grandkids: The True Cost?

    • October 20, 2022
    • ITV1

    It's been estimated that grandparents in the UK save working parents more than seven billion pounds in childcare costs every year. But when things get tough in families, it seems the law may not be on their side. So should they be given more rights? Jennie Bond reports.

  • S24E36 Mortgage Crisis: What Does It Mean For You?

    • November 3, 2022
    • ITV1

    Across the UK, families are feeling the pinch as mortgage costs skyrocket ahead of a looming interest rate rise from the bank of England. But is there more to this money crisis, and what can people do to keep on top of their finances? Adam Shaw investigates.

  • S24E37 Building Nightmares: The True Cost?

    • November 10, 2022
    • ITV1

    Billions of pounds a year are spent on home improvements, but the number of complaints about rogue traders rose by more than a quarter last year, with thousands of homeowners being left in financial ruin. Could more be done to stop cowboy builders? Michelle Ackerley has been finding out.

  • S24E38 Pets: The Cost of Loving

    • November 17, 2022
    • ITV1

  • S24E39 Christmas Saves & Scams?

    • December 15, 2022
    • ITV1

    With inflation at a 40-year high, can you cut costs without curtailing Christmas? Reporter Sonali Shah shares 12 tips for saving money and staying safe from scams this festive season.

Season 25

  • S25E01 Fly Tipping: Dirty Britain?

    • January 5, 2023
    • ITV1

    With fly-tipping in the UK reported to be at its highest level for a decade, and enforcement failing to keep pace, Michelle Ackerley looks at why so much rubbish is being dumped. She also examines the high-tech solutions that are being used to try to turn the tide.

  • S25E02 When Can I See My GP?

    • January 12, 2023
    • ITV1

    Forty two per cent of GPs plan to leave the profession in the next five years. The lack of doctors, face-to-face appointments, continuity of care and resources are all putting patient safety at risk, and leaving family doctors and local surgeries on the brink. Twelve months on from his last film, Dr Amir Khan investigates how to fix primary care.

  • S25E03 Your Car: Time to Switch?

    • January 19, 2023
    • ITV1

    After strong demand for used cars in 2022 and ahead of the 2030 ban on new petrol and diesel vehicles, motoring journalist Ginny Buckley looks at the affordability and reliability of electric cars. Is now the right time to trade in for an electric vehicle?

  • S25E04 Botched? Inside the Beauty Business

    • January 26, 2023
    • ITV1

  • S25E05 Britain's Parking Nightmare

    • February 2, 2023
    • ITV1

  • S25E06 Can You Boost Your Immune System?

    • February 9, 2023
    • ITV1

    Britain has been in the grip of its worst flu season for almost a decade, and catching a cold or flu can have a huge impact on our health, the economy and the NHS. So what can we do to protect ourselves? Is it possible to boost your immune system? Reporter Kylie Pentelow finds out.

  • S25E07 Immigration: Where Are We Now?

    • February 16, 2023
    • ITV1

    As the government vows to "stop the small boats", Adil Ray explores the UK's asylum crisis and attitudes towards migrants of all kinds, as well as addressing Britain's problem with immigration.

  • S25E08 Rent Rises: The True Cost?

    • February 23, 2023
    • ITV1

    The number of households renting in Britain has doubled in the last two decades. With demand outstripping supply, prospective tenants are battling with record high prices and a fiercely competitive market, leaving many unable to find a place to live. Datshiane Navanayagam looks at the reality facing Britain's renters.

  • S25E09 High Stakes? Britain's Betting Boom

    • March 9, 2023
    • ITV1

  • S25E10 Customers: Are We Being Served?

    • March 23, 2023
    • ITV1

    Customer complaints are said to have risen to their highest levels for more than 10 years, with poor customer service estimated to cost UK businesses billions of pounds each month. So what happens when you take on the big companies? Adam Shaw has been finding out how to complain and win

  • S25E11 Buy Back Your Health? NHS vs Private

    • March 30, 2023
    • ITV1

  • S25E12 Food Prices: How High Will They Go?

    • May 11, 2023
    • ITV1

    As food prices rise at the highest rate since 1978, Kate Quilton investigates why they're rocketing, who is being impacted, and what we can all do to save on our shopping bills.

  • S25E13 All-Inclusive Holidays: Unpacked

    • May 18, 2023
    • ITV1

    Summer 2023 is being hailed as the first fully open holiday season since the start of the pandemic, but with industry experts reporting a sharp rise in the cost of holidays, could all-inclusive be the way to go? Ginny Buckley reports.

  • S25E14 A.I.: What You Need to Know

    • May 25, 2023
    • ITV1

    Artificial intelligence is here and is reshaping our world, but how far can we trust and control it? Rachel Younger explores the promise and perils of this technology.

  • S25E15 Lindsey and Rob: Living with Mnd

    • June 8, 2023
    • ITV1

    This programme explores Motor Neurone Disease and follows rugby league legend Rob Burrow and his wife Lindsey as they train for the first-ever Leeds Marathon.

  • S25E16 Access Denied? Britain's Mobility Problem

    • June 15, 2023
    • ITV1

    Wheelchair user Claire Lomas meets those with varying disabilities and mobility issues to understand what holds them back from going on holiday freely.

  • S25E17 Elderly and Evicted: Our Care Home Crisis

    • June 22, 2023
    • ITV1

    Paul Brand investigates why 6,000 people have been given "notices to quit" by care homes across England, and why so many people are being kicked out of them.

  • S25E18 Scam Britain: How To Stay Safe

    • June 29, 2023
    • ITV1

    Scams have become an everyday part of life in Britain today, but how do you spot one, and what's being done to beat the fraudsters cashing in? Ranvir Singh reports.

  • S25E19 Energy Bills: Can Green Be Cheaper?

    • July 6, 2023
    • ITV1

    We need a green revolution in how we heat and power our homes to reach the UK's current net zero target, but does it cost too much to do so? Joe Crowley reports.

  • S25E20 How to Age Well: Your Lifestyle

    • July 13, 2023
    • ITV1

    First of two programmes looking at healthy ageing. Journalist Lara Lewington explores the lifestyle changes that might help us all live better for longer.

  • S25E21 How to Age Well: Your Food

    • July 20, 2023
    • ITV1

  • S25E22 Direct Action - Should It Be Stopped?

    • July 27, 2023
    • ITV1

    As the law closes in on protestors who engage in direct action, Anushka Asthana asks if we can expect such methods to become an ever-present part of daily life.

  • S25E23 Britain's Dirty Water: What Went Wrong?

    • August 3, 2023
    • ITV1

    Joe Crowley investigates the current state of British beaches and how much bills may need to rise in order to upgrade sewage infrastructure.

  • S25E24 Dangerous Dogs: What's the Truth?

    • August 10, 2023
    • ITV1

    The UK is a nation of pet lovers with around 13 million canines now estimated to live in UK homes, often as treasured members of the family. But dog attacks are on the rise, and last year saw a record 10 fatalities from dog-related injuries in England and Wales. Charlotte Hawkins reports on what is being done to tackle the problem

  • S25E25 Miscarriage: Our Hidden Loss

    • August 17, 2023
    • ITV1

  • S25E26 Sleep Well, Live Better: Britain's Sleep Problem

    • August 24, 2023
    • ITV1

    Sleep deprivation is affecting work productivity and is said to be costing the country billions, with one in three reportedly suffering from insomnia, and sleep apnoea now affecting one-and-a-half million people. Rachel Townsend examines why so many people have trouble sleeping, and talks to experts and campaigners urging the government to act

  • S25E27 E-Bikes and Scooters: Trouble on the Road?

    • August 31, 2023
    • ITV1

    Britain's most popular current affairs programme delivers compelling stories that get to the heart of what matters most to its viewers.

  • S25E28 Ultra Processed Food: What Are We Eating?

    • October 5, 2023
    • ITV1

    It's been linked by some to cancer, obesity, dementia and early mortality, so what's the truth about ultra processed food and how much damage it's doing to our health? Kate Quilton reports.

  • S25E29 Susanna Reid: Can Britain Get Talking?

    • October 10, 2023
    • ITV1

    With a reported 40% decline in schoolchildren's mental health in England, Susanna Reid investigates a health system struggling to cope and asks: what can be done to help our kids?

  • S25E30 Shoplifting: The Battle on the High Street?

    • October 19, 2023
    • ITV1

    Paul Brand reports on a rise in shoplifting, which has more than doubled in just three years and cost retailers just short of one billion pounds a year. Aside from the financial impact, retailers are also reporting that thieves are becoming more brazen and their methods more aggressive, so why is it happening, and what is being done to stop it?

  • S25E31 Young Carers: A Hidden Crisis

    • October 26, 2023
    • ITV1

    Across the UK and behind closed doors, thousands of children are providing care for loved ones who simply couldn't cope without their support. Ronke Phillips investigates the true scale of the issue and asks whether young carers are getting the support they need.

  • S25E32 Scam Britain: What You Need to Know

    • November 2, 2023
    • ITV1

    Last year in the UK, over £1.2billion was stolen by criminals through fraud - the equivalent of over £2,300 every minute. As scams become more sophisticated, how can we avoid becoming victims, and keep our cash safe? Alex Beresford reports.

  • S25E33 After Lucy Letby: Silence on the Wards?

    • November 9, 2023
    • ITV1

    Dr Ravi Jayaram helped expose serial killer nurse, Lucy Letby. It was months before his fears were finally investigated by police. He joins Paul Brand to investigate the estimated 11,000 avoidable deaths a year due to patient safety failings in the NHS.

  • S25E34 Britain: On the Sick?

    • November 16, 2023
    • ITV1

    The number of people not working because of long-term health problems has risen sharply and is now at the highest level since records began. But the government says they are determined to get Britain working in a bid to boost the economy. Adam Shaw finds out what's behind the UK's sick note epidemic.

  • S25E35 Elderly Drivers: Putting the Brakes On?

    • November 23, 2023
    • ITV1

    There are almost six million drivers aged over 70 in Britain, and with an ageing population this number is set to rise. Should the current licensing system be changed, and what can be done to make the roads safer for everyone? Reporter Ginny Buckley investigates.

  • S25E36 New Knees and Hips: Britain's Biggest Queue

    • November 30, 2023
    • ITV1

    More than one in 10 people in the UK are thought to have arthritis in the knee or hip joints, and it's a growing problem. But with over one million people estimated to be on the NHS orthopaedics waiting list - many of them for joint replacement operations - some could wait years for treatment. So is surgery the only option for those in pain? Dr Zoe Williams investigates

  • S25E37 Cutting the Cost of Christmas

    • December 7, 2023
    • ITV1

    After a year of rising food prices, soaring mortgages and high fuel costs, as a nation we're expected to have around £3billion less to spend this Christmas. Angellica Bell discovers the ways consumers can keep costs down and still have fun this Christmas.

  • S25E38 Post & Parcels: Getting Christmas Delivered?

    • December 14, 2023
    • ITV1

    In the UK, customers spent an estimated £20billion on Christmas gifts last year, and around a third of shopping was done online. As the postal system faces another demanding festive season, cameras go behind the scenes to meet the people who are delivering Christmas.

  • S25E39 Homeless Families: Our Christmas Crisis

    • December 21, 2023
    • ITV1

    Across Britain there are families in their thousands, who through no fault of their own have been forced into temporary accommodation - from bedsits and hotel rooms, to shared units and even in some cases caravans - in fact at least 130,000 children will go to bed tonight in temporary accommodation. Daniel Hewitt meets families whose lives have been thrust into chaos by no-fault evictions, inadequate housing and a system on its knees.

Season 26

  • S26E01 Can Your Diet Defeat Ageing?

    • January 4, 2024
    • ITV1

    As a population we're living longer than ever before, but the years we're adding to our lives aren't necessarily the healthiest. So, if you are what you eat, then what should we be consuming to age well and head into our later years looking and feeling as good as possible? Hayley Hassall reports.

  • S26E02 Pharmacies: The New NHS Frontline?

    • January 11, 2024
    • ITV1

    Pharmacies see around 1.6 million people a day, but it is estimated that an average of eight are closing a week and they are at their lowest number since 2015. Meanwhile, demand is rising and they are being asked to do more by the Government to take pressure off a stretched NHS. So is the pharmacy sector in crisis, and what does the future hold for these cornerstones of the community? Paul Brand reports.

  • S26E03 Keir Starmer: Up Close

    • January 18, 2024
    • ITV1

    In the first of two programmes about the leaders of the UK's two largest political parties - the men most likely to be Prime Minister after a probable election later this year, Anushka Asthana follows Labour's Keir Starmer. Asthana finds out what drives him, what his vision for Britain is and what keeps him awake at night.

  • S26E04 Mr Bates vs the Post Office: The Drama That Shocked Britain

    • January 25, 2024
    • ITV1

    Paul Brand reports on the impact of the ITV drama Mr Bates vs the Post Office and asks why justice for postal workers affected has taken so long.

  • S26E05 Lindsey Burrow: Who Cares for Our Carers?

    • February 1, 2024
    • ITV1

    With unpaid carers in England and Wales are providing care worth an estimated 162 billion pounds a year - the equivalent of a second NHS - Lindsey Burrow, who is an unpaid carer, finds out what the cost is to those who take on the responsibility.

  • S26E06 Rishi Sunak: Up Close

    • February 8, 2024
    • ITV1

    ITV's Deputy Political Editor Anushka Asthana follows Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister and leader of the Conservative Party. Tonight's cameras are given exclusive behind-the-scenes access inside Downing Street capturing him at work and at home.

  • S26E07 Help! We Need a Builder: Britain's Skills Shortage

    • February 15, 2024
    • ITV1

    It's estimated the UK needs nearly a million new recruits in trades and construction over the next decade. At the same time demand is soaring, creating a perfect storm which threatens homeowners, businesses and the national economy. So why are we in this situation and what can be done about it? Reporter Michelle Ackerley has been finding out.

  • S26E08 Murdered at Home

    • February 22, 2024
    • ITV1

    Between two and three women are murdered by a partner or ex-partner every week, while nearly one and a half million women are victims of domestic abuse each year. The government says it is working tirelessly to tackle violence against women, but campaigners say sentences are too lenient for men who murder women at home. With a public consultation on domestic homicide sentencing due to end on the March 4, Julie Etchingham asks whose side is the law on?

  • S26E09 Online Britain: Who's Getting Left Behind?

    • March 7, 2024
    • ITV1

    Apps and smartphones are increasingly becoming an essential part of everyday life. Yet it's estimated that more than 10 million adults in the UK lack the basic skills to access the internet, and around 40 per cent of over 75s don't use it at all. In a world that's becoming digital, what happens to the millions left behind? Datshiane Navanayagam reports.

  • S26E10 Holidays: Get Away for Less

    • March 14, 2024
    • ITV1

    With our budgets being stretched more than ever, making sure you're getting value for money when it comes to going on holiday has never been more important. Experts share their top tips to help you bag a bargain break, while also making sure you don't fall victim to a holiday

  • S26E11 Fraud: Ripping Off the Elderly

    • March 21, 2024
    • ITV1

    More than £500million pounds was stolen from people aged over 65 in England and Wales last year - but how much of this was as a result of fraud by someone known to the victim? Tonight examines financial abuse of older people by their own family, friends and those in positions of trust. What can be done to protect people, their money and their property?

  • S26E12 Home Invasion: Britain's Pest Problem

    • March 28, 2024
    • ITV1

    Geraint Vincent meets those affected by a rise in vermin infestations in the UK and asks if Britain's pest problem is at risk of spiralling out of control.

  • S26E13 Priced Out? The Rising Costs of Your Car

    • April 4, 2024
    • ITV1

    With insurance premiums hitting record highs and repair costs going up by a third - plus rising tax and fuel costs - car ownership is becoming an unaffordable luxury for many. Motoring journalist Ginny Buckley investigates what is behind these unprecedented price hikes, and what the average motorist can do about them.

  • S26E14 Fly Tipping: Britain's Rubbish Nightmare

    • April 11, 2024
    • ITV1

    Local authorities in England deal with over a million fly tipping incidents each year, and across the UK more than two million pieces of litter are dropped every day. Why is so much rubbish being dumped across Britain, and what can be done about it? Lucy Verasamy has been finding out.

  • S26E15 Claim Your Cash? Britain's Hidden Fortune

    • April 18, 2024
    • ITV1

    As millions struggle with mounting costs, billions of pounds are going unclaimed in lost or dormant personal accounts. Chris Choi follows fortune-hunters as they search for lost pots, and speaks with experts to discover how viewers can track down missing cash.

  • S26E16 Food Costs: Can You Spend Less?

    • April 25, 2024
    • ITV1

    Food inflation was at 19 per cent in 2023 - the highest rate for 45 years. Though it's now come down, it doesn't mean reduced prices. So why is this happening and what can we all do to spend less at the supermarket tills? Kate Quilton reports.

  • S26E17 Funeral Costs: The Price of Dying

    • May 2, 2024
    • ITV1

    Adam Shaw examines the rising costs of funerals, and finds out how viewers can plan for the funeral that they want for themselves or for loved ones, while keeping an eye on how much they spend.

  • S26E18 Work Where You Want? Britain's Digital Nomads

    • May 9, 2024
    • ITV1

    Chloe Keedy challenges the digital nomad lifestyle and explores what the UK workplace looks like in the midst of an ever - changing employment landscape.

  • S26E19 Kids in Poverty: Britain's Shame

    • May 16, 2024
    • ITV1

    More than four million children are now living in poverty in Britain, the highest number for 20 years. Paul Brand speaks to families struggling and the schools stepping in to support them, and asks what is being done to tackle the issue. Plus, Strictly judge Shirley Ballas talks about her own experience of growing up with severe financial problems.

  • S26E20 How Broke Is Your Council?

    • May 23, 2024
    • ITV1

    Paul Brand investigates the town hall crisis, with bigger council tax bills for fewer services. With several authorities going bust, he finds out how deep the cuts go as he meets those facing the closure of their care homes, the disabled people losing their transport, and the kids forced to take their chances on the streets as youth projects are axed.

  • S26E21 The Leader Interviews: Ed Davey

    • June 6, 2024
    • ITV1

    Ahead of the General Election, Rachel Younger talks to Ed Davey of the Liberal Democrats about his policies and ideas for the country.

  • S26E22 The Leadership Interviews: Rishi Sunak

    • June 13, 2024
    • ITV1

    Paul Brand interviews Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and investigates whether he has the plan and personality to win, or is he leading the Tories to their worst defeat in decades? As Sunak takes his case to the voters, Tonight explores his life, politics and policies, speaking to those who know him best, those who witnessed his rapid rise to power, and those who could be with him at the heart of government if he extends the Conservatives' 14-year reign.

  • S26E23 The Leader Interviews England

    • June 24, 2024
    • ITV1

    With 10 days to go until the General Election, the programme continues its profiles of leaders of Great Britain's largest political parties. This edition hears from Reform UK's Nigel Farage, Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer, Scotland's First Minister and leader of the SNP John Swinney and Rhun ap Iorwerth from Plaid Cymru. What do these party leaders stand for and what are their key policies?

  • S26E24 The Leader Interviews Sir Keir Starmer

    • June 27, 2024
    • ITV1

    Paul Brand sits down with leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer to probe their policies and to try to find out more about this Prime Minister candidate.

  • S26E25 The Summer Riots: Burning Britain

    • September 12, 2024
    • ITV1

    Paul Brand looks at the breakdown in law and order on our streets in the summer of 2024 and the consequences of the worst far-right violence in recent memory.

  • S26E26 Trump v Harris: The Battle for America

    • September 19, 2024
    • ITV1

    America will soon head to the polls in the most eventful and fiercely contested presidential election in modern history. After a disastrous debate performance took her predecessor Joe Biden out of the running, Vice President Kamala Harris's last-minute candidacy has reignited Democratic hopes of retaining the White House. Can she muster the broad support needed to beat Donald Trump? With the outcome hingeing on a handful of swing states, Robert Moore travels to the crucial battlegrounds of Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia to hear from the voters who hold the nation's future in their hands.

  • S26E27 The Skinny Jab: Who's Getting It?

    • September 26, 2024
    • ITV1

    Ranvir Singh reports on who is eligible for 'skinny jabs' on the NHS, how much we know about them, and if they can really help beat Britain's obesity crisis.

  • S26E28 Stress: Can You Beat It?

    • October 3, 2024
    • ITV1

    Gordon Smart reports on why many adults in the UK are facing a stress epidemic and finds out what we can all do to manage our stress levels and look after our health.

  • S26E29 Smartphones: Time To Live Without Them?

    • October 17, 2024
    • ITV1

    Faye Barker investigates what can be done to tackle the potential damage arising from the increasing integration of smartphones into our everyday lives.

  • S26E30 Spiking: How safe is your night out?

    • November 7, 2024
    • ITV1

    Spiking can and increasingly does happen to anyone - with new and exclusive data, Sangita Lal reveals the true scale of the problem and meets some of its victims.

  • S26E31 Energy Bills Can You Spend Less?

    • November 21, 2024
    • ITV1

    Datshiane Navanayagam finds out what we can all do to cut the cost of energy bills this coming winter after the energy price cap rose again in October 2024.

  • S26E32 Keeping Care Alive: Hospices in Crisis?

    • November 28, 2024
    • ITV1

    Hospices in Britain help hundreds of thousands of people through some of the hardest times - however, many hospices are facing a financial crisis. ITV's Daniel Hewitt asks what is key to preserving dignity in end-of-life care.

  • S26E33 Unwrapped: Christmas Costs and Cons

    • December 5, 2024
    • ITV1

    Adam Shaw explores the risks to consumers this Christmas that include scams, counterfeit goods, inflated prices and the dangers of getting into debt.

Season 27

  • S27E01 Keep, Chuck or Cash In? The Big Clear-Out

    • January 9, 2025

    Professional organiser Dilly Carter finds out what the best way to tackle our clutter is and how we can make cash from unwanted items that are lying around.

  • S27E02 Going Sober: Can We Ditch the Booze?

    • January 16, 2025
    • ITV1

    Journalist and recovering alcoholic Toby Winson investigates why a growing number of people are giving up alcohol and how to change our relationship with it.

  • S27E03 Older Drivers: Danger at the Wheel?

    • January 23, 2025
    • ITV1

    Ginny Buckley finds out if the UK's current licence renewal requirements for drivers over 70 are enough to stop those who should no longer be behind the wheel.

  • S27E04 Prisons: On the Brink?

    • January 30, 2025
    • ITV1

    Jacob Dunne - an advocate of restorative justice and a former prisoner - investigates what can be done about the UK's high imprisonment rates and increasingly dilapidated prisons.

  • S27E05 Supermarkets: How to Save on Your Shop

    • February 4, 2025
    • ITV1

    Kate Quilton reports on how supermarkets dominate the groceries market and tempt the consumer to spend with their deals, loyalty schemes and offers. She investigates different ways to get the best deals at the checkout.

  • S27E06 Forced Adoption: Britain's Silent Scandal

    • February 20, 2025
    • ITV1

    Sarah Corker investigates the generational trauma caused by forced adoption practices run by church and state in the four decades after World War II.

  • S27E07 War: Would Britain Be Ready?

    • February 27, 2025
    • ITV1

    Former British soldier Adnan Sarwar reports on an assessment of the UK's defence strategy and if the right level of funding is in place to meet any future challenges.

  • S27E08 My Life. My Choice?

    • March 6, 2025
    • ITV1

    As British lawmakers consider making assisted dying legal in England and Wales, the debate over how the law might - or might not - work is becoming more heated.

Additional Specials

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Living with Michael Jackson

    • February 3, 2003
    • ITV1

    Martin Bashir conducts a rare interview with Michael Jackson and is given unprecedented access to the reclusive performer's private life.

  • SPECIAL 0x7 The Manchester Attack – A Tonight Special

    • May 25, 2017
    • ITV1

    Three days ago a suicide bomber launched an attack in the heart of Manchester - the target, a pop concert with thousands of teenage fans. 22 people died, scores were injured. But who was the bomber who deliberately targeted children - and how is the city responding? Presented by Julia Etchingham.