Kotetsu wird zu Unrecht eines Verbrechens beschuldigt und von den anderen Helden gejagt. Als er in eine Ecke gedrängt wird, taucht plötzlich eine vertraute Person auf.
Kotetsu tries to understand what is going on whilst evading the heroes, while Yuri becomes suspicious when he finds that there are no files on Kotetsu and that all data about Wild Tiger has been blocked. Meanwhile, Kaede is told the truth about Kotetsu being Wild Tiger and decides to head towards Stern Bild. Kotetsu is cornered by Karina and he tries to prove his identity by telling her things only the two of them would know, but he is attacked by a new 'Wild Tiger'. Yuri, believing in Kotetsu's innocence, appears as Lunatic and helps him escape. Kotetsu figures out that Maverick framed him and reunites with Ben, who gives him his old Wild Tiger suit. As Kaede reaches Stern Bild, she has a brief run-in with Maverick, unwittingly copying his power in the process. Donning his suit, Kotetsu decides to call out the other heroes.
Kotetsu est contraint de fuir et de se cacher. Tous les autres héros sont à ses trousses et le croient coupable du meurtre de Samantha. Kotetsu comprend rapidement que tous ses amis l'ont oublié. Il se tourne alors vers Ben, le seul qui se souvient encore de lui. Chez sa grand-mère, Kaede refuse de croire à la culpabilité de son père et décide de se rendre en ville pour demander de l'aide à Barnaby. Acculé, Kotetsu échafaude un plan et sort de la clandestinité pour affronter ses anciens collègues...
サマンサ殺しの疑いを掛けられた虎徹。マーベリックによって記憶を改竄されてしまったアニエスや他のヒーロー達。彼らに無実を訴えるものの、信じてもらえず、HERO TVに容疑者として扱われ、ヒーロー達に追われる事に。追い詰められ、窮地に陥ってしまった虎徹の前に現れたのは・・・。
매버릭의 함정에 빠져 살인 용의자가 되어버린 코테츠. 자신이 와일드 타이거라고 주장해 보지만, 그의 정체를 알고 있는 히어로들과 회사 관계자들은 매버릭에 의해 기억이 조작 당해 그를 체포하려고 할 뿐이다. 결국 도망치다가 붙잡힌 코테츠 앞에, 자신의 타이거 슈트를 입은 의문의 인물이 등장하는데...
Incastrato per un crimine che non ha commesso e inseguito dagli altri eroi, Kotetsu è messo alle strette, ma appare un volto familiare.
Al ser acusado de un crimen que no cometió y perseguido por los otros héroes, Kotetsu está entre la espada y la pared. Sin embargo, una cara familiar aparece.
Acusado de um crime que não cometeu e perseguido por outros heróis, Kotetsu é encurralado por uma pessoa conhecida.