Pilot. The show revolves around Alice De Raey, a young criminal lawyer thrown into a justice system bursting at the seams. She encounters an endless procession of characters-ranging from the truly desperate to the wonderfully bizarre. Alice, with a good-natured openness that cloaks a tenacious, committed spirit, finds herself on a journey that constantly tests her patience and compassion.
Alice tries to convince the Crown to have compassion for a former drug addict.
Alice defends a bipolar woman, a man caught in a battle between feuding lovers, an illiterate man, and a Jamaican man with one leg.
A judge tries to save a mentally challenged man who has been charged with assault; Alice defends a man charged with sexual assault; Elliot is infatuated by a court interpreter.
Alice tries to convince a couple that one of them must go to prison so that the other can stay home and raise their children.
Elliot hires a private investigator to help with his case; Alice juggles two clients, one charged with assault and the other suspiciously eager to go to prison.
A diagnosed schizophrenic women is charged with abducting a baby.
A man is charged with assaulting the fathers of boys who bullied his daughter; a homeless intellectual defends himself.
Alice's client is charged with abusing and neglecting his father, who has Alzheimer's disease; Elliot defends a high-profile artist.
James helps a drug dealer prove he has been framed; Alice defends a street kid charged with aggressive panhandling.
A woman is accused of stalking her ex-boyfriend and his girlfriend; an 18-year-old is pressured to cover for a drug dealer.
Alice defends a man on trial for assaulting his son and an Eastern European immigrant who is being tormented by former acquaintances.
Alice defends a man in for an altercation with the superintendent of his rooming house.
Alice gets in the middle of two disputing neighbors; Elliot and James represent a man who stole a woman's purse in a desperate attempt to meet her; Nancy represents a woman who assaulted her future father-in-law.
Alice defends a housekeeper who is working illegally and a man charged with harassing a girl who does not know that he exists.
Alice represents a PhD student suffering from a psychotic episode and a guard charged with using excessive force; James defends a mother charged with attacking her daughter's boyfriend.
Alice represents a crack addict and her sister; James defends a man who gave his younger brother heroin.
Elliot defends an exotic dancer charged with soliciting sex; Alice represents a woman accused of trying to push a passerby onto the subway tracks.
Alice defends a woman who stole money from her employer; Elliot tries helping a man who suffers from schizo-affective disorder.
Elliot defends a woman charged with forcing her ex-girlfriend to work as a prostitute; Alice represents a man charged with assaulting his wife's husband.
James represents a doctor; Alice defends a man charged with assaulting his girlfriend; Elliot represents an aspiring gangster rapper.
Alice defends a teacher charged with assaulting one of her students; Elliot represents a single mom charged with defrauding the welfare system; Mr. Jackson is charged with mischief.
Elliot needs a favor from Rosemary to successfully defend a client; Alice defends a schizophrenic woman accused of pushing a passerby on the subway.
Alice represents a woman charged with assaulting her grandmother; Elliot defends a woman who lifts men for the purpose of gauging their reaction to strong females; James acts for a client accused of trying to rob a homeless man.
James represents a man who is feuding with his garbage men; Elliot is pulled into Gordon and Gloria Willis' quest to reclaim their son; Alice tries to help a dangerous, unstable drug addict.
Elliot loses his composure; Alice gets in the middle of a dispute between family members about their divergent approaches to parenting; Mr. Jackson throws himself on the mercy of Judge Malone.
A couple abduct their child from foster care; man assaults an usher at a basketball game; woman has a psychotic episode.
A woman phones a bomb threat into Union Station; two men play the race card against each other; a man hates his daughter for being gay.
A man assaults shoppers; a stripper tries to frame another stripper; a mother encourages her sons to become thieves.
Brothers confess to the same crime; woman steals a baby she thought was her own; a bad job reference leads to a violent assault.
Businessmen are caught in an all night massage parlour; drug dealers turn themselves in; a man threatens to go postal in bail court.
A woman escapes from custody to see the sunset; a woman is charged with dreaming about killing her boss; man is saved from a life of garbage eating.
Dog walkers lose their tempers; a career criminal is fed up with the level of care in nursing homes; a man's wife won't let him eat what he wants; parent assaults a vice-principal; an alcoholic father wants to see his baby.
A psychic wreaks havoc in the courthouse; a woman assaults a man.
A woman over medicates her husband; man is addicted to lottery tickets; a lawyer helps a homeless man find housing.
Jack makes a deal with a drug dealer; a criminal threatens to kill an eyewitness.