Springfield zaostává za městečkem Shelbyville. A Marge to tak nechce nechat - osloví významného architekta, aby postavil novou springfieldskou koncertní síň. Ovšem návštěvnost prudce klesá - koncertní síň je na prodej. Koupí ji Montgomery Burns a změní ji na věznici. Téměř všichni muži ze Springfieldu jsou zaměstnáni jako bachaři, pouze Homer se stane práskačem...
Um Springfield mehr Bildung zu verschaffen, engagiert sich Marge für die Errichtung eines Kulturzentrums. Doch kaum ist das kostspielige Gebäude eröffnet, muss es schon wieder schließen - zu gering ist das Interesse der Bürger von Springfield an Kultur. Mr. Burns übernimmt das Pleiteprojekt und wandelt es in ein Gefängnis um. Es dauert nicht lange, bis auch Homer dort einsitzt. Als Mr. Burns' Spitzel führt er ein lockeres Leben - bis seine Mithäftlinge dahinter kommen...
The family visits Shelbyville and are appalled at the perception those citizens have of the inhabitants of Springfield. Back in town, Marge brings it to the attention of the Springfield Cultural Advisory Board and then asks architect Frank Gehry to design and build a new Springfield cultural center. He sees inspiration in her request and submits a design that is approved by the town. $30 million dollars later, the project is built and it opens and closes quickly as nobody in town really cares for classical music. Mr. Burns agree to take over the space, with his plan to turn it into a state prison. Homer applies for a job as a guard, but fails the drug test after Otto switches their samples. Meanwhile, Bart and Lisa follow Snowball II, when they believe the reason she is so fat is that she is getting food from elsewhere; after following her they discover she has another family. Burns needs convicts for his prison and Chief Wiggum blows the dust of some old forgotten laws. Homer is arrested for illegally transporting litter (kicking a can 5 times in a row). In prison Homer inadvertently squeals on Snake's escape attempt and is drafted to becoming a snitch and he begins enjoy the perks that go along with it. Snowball II ("Smoky") enjoys life with her new family and Bart gets into the home to find out; there is plenty of good eating to be found there. Fat Tony and his boys try to find out who the snitch is. They feed Homer information regarding a breakout. While all the guards are outside waiting for the breakout, the prisoners are taking care of their snitch and a riot ensues. The riot is stopped and Homer snitches on the conditions of the prison.
Frank Gehry suunnittelee Springfieldille uuden kulttuurikeskuksen, joka muutetaan kuitenkin vähäisen kävijämäärän takia vankilaksi. Homer yrittää saada työpaikan vanginvartijana, mutta joutuukin itse telkien taakse.
Les Simpson se rendent à Shelbyville pour y faire des achats et visiter un peu la ville. Ils en profitent pour assister à une comédie musicale. Manque de chance, le spectacle s'en prend au manque de culture des habitants de Springfield. Cette réaction fait vivement réagir Marge et propose de créer une salle de concert à Springfield. Elle demande alors à Frank Gehry de créer le bâtiment. Lors de la première, le concert de musique classique qui est donné connaît un échec retentissant. A peine inaugurée, la salle de concert est désertée et fini par être fermée. Montgomery Burns en profite pour la racheter afin de la transformer en prison. Homer, qui voulait absolument se faire embaucher comme gardien va rapidement se retrouver de l'autre côté des barreaux...
Homer finisce nel nuovo carcere del signor Burns, che lo usa come spia per scoprire i segreti degli altri detenuti.
Springfield tem um novo centro cultural que custou 30 milhões de dólares, mas ninguém parece estar muito interessado no centro. Mr. Burns oferece-se para gerir o centro com a condição de o transformar numa prisão estadual. Homer candidata-se a guarda prisional mas não passa no teste de drogas uma vez que Otto trocou as amostras. Entretanto, Lisa e Bart seguem o gato da família para descobrirem a razão do seu excesso de peso e ficam a saber que Snowball II tem outra família. Burns precisa de presos para a sua cadeia e alguns processos antigos são reabertos. Homer é preso e acaba por se ver envolvido numa tentativa de fuga.
Когда Симпсоны посещают мюзикл в Шелбивилле, Мардж предлагает построить концертный зал в Спрингфилде. Но выясняется, что никто в городе не любит классическую музыку. Здание продают Мистеру Бернсу, который превращает его в тюрьму. Первым заключенным становится Гомер за "злоупотребление мусором", когда пять раз пинал пивную банку. Тем временем, Барт и Лиза выясняют почему Снежок II настолько жирен, оказывается их кот ведет двойную жизнь.
Para evitar que la nueva cárcel de Burns siga perdiendo dinero, la policía comienza a detener gente por los motivos más irrisorios. Homero acaba metido en la cárcel y, a petición de Burns, se convierte en el soplón de la cárcel sin pensar en las consecuencias que eso podría acarrear.
Mientras, Lisa y Bart intentan descubrir por qué su gata Bola de Nieve II ha engordado tanto.
Homer se torna um delator na cadeia após ser preso por quebrar uma antiga lei. Lisa e Bart descobrem que Snowball II tem uma vida secreta.
Egy Frank Gehry-ihletésű koncertterem népszerűtlennek bizonyul, amikor Springfield lakói ráébrednek, hogy utálják a klasszikus zenét. Mr. Burns megvásárolja az épületet, és börtönként hasznosítja újra. Lisa pedig eközben felfedezi, hogy a macskája kettős életet él.
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