When an earthquake releases two prehistoric Pterodactyls, one attacks an American pilot while the other heads to the city of San Francisco. Superman rescues the pilot by using a lasso to capture the Pterodactyl that was attacking him. Superman, then, heads to San Francisco and uses a net to capture the other one before it can do any more harm. Unwilling to hurt the dinosaurs, Superman heads to another world to set them free.
Aliens arrive from the planet Damoss. They are planning to invade and want to test out one of their new weapons that employs magnetism. They unleash their weapon which begins destroying metal objects like airplanes and bridges. Superman stops the weapon and unleashes it on the aliens in order to destroy their space ship.
The Toyman captures Lois and Jimmy and unleashes a wave of dangerous toys in Metropolis. Superman deafeats the toys and heads to the Toyman's hideout. There he is met by a Toy Army. Superman destroys the Toy Army and rescues Lois and Jimmy. The Toyman tries to make an escape but he is captured by the police.
A scientist is using a sonic machine to control apes in the Amazon. He wants to build an army. When Lois and Clark crash their plane in the Amazon, Clark changes into Superman and rescues Lois from the ape army. Eventually, he is also able to put an end to the scientists work by capturing him while he is attempting to rob a temple.
When Clark and Jimmy are on a camping trip, the Fire Phantom emergers from a deep mine shaft and begins to set fire to the forest. Jimmy goes for a walk and finds himself surrounded by a forest fire. Fortunately, Clark wakes up when he smells the fire and changes into Superman. He rescues Jimmy from the flames and stops the Fire Phantom.
Lex Luthor builds a Kryptonite ray machine and plots to destroy Superman with it. He hypnotizes Lois, Jimmy, and Perry so that they get into danger within the range of his machine. When Superman comes to rescue them, he bring a lead shield. Safe from the Kryptonite rays, Superman destorys the machine and captures Lex Luthor.
The Warlock tries to get back at Superman by attacking his friends at the Daily Planet. He revives the skeleton of a dinosaur and has it attack Jimmy. He then seizes control of Lois's car and sends her driving up a building. Knowing that Perry is next, Superman lays a trap for the Warlock. When the Warlock comes for Perry, Superman takes the jewel out of his wand and sends the Warlock back to prison.
In Hawaii, an ice-man uses a freezing machine in order to create another ice age. The iceman, however, runs into trouble from the navy. Just as he is about to be attacked, Superman saves him. He takes the iceman and his freezing machine out of harm's way to a asteroid.
Wanting to destroy Superman, Lex Luthor gathers the Warlock, the Toyman, and the Prankster and forms the Allied Perpetrators of Evil. Luthor invents a kryptonite ray that will allow the Prankster and the Toyman to eliminate Superman. The criminals lure Superman into a trap, but luckily Superman finds a lead pipe that shields him from the kryptonite radiation.
A scientist examines a meteor crater and discovers an unusual tree growing nearby. The tree is really an alien and when it begins drinking all the water it can find Superman must apprehend him. Superman captures the Tree Man and helps him to return home to his planet of Arbora.
Professor Nula disguises himself as Professor Luna in order to get revenge on Lois Lane. Nula as Luna asks her to write an article on his new 4-Dimensional movie technology. Lois comes over and is soon kidnapped by Nula's pet Yeti. Nula encloses Lois in a bubble and plans to rocket the bubble into space. Fortunately, Superman arrives in time to save Lois and capture Professor Nula.
An underwater earthquake frees an enormous lobster and a giant alligator is released from a volcano. When the two monsters arrive on land, they threaten large-scale destruction. Superman arrives in time to stop the animals a return them from where they came.
A magician makes a clay Superman voodoo doll and uses it to preoccupy Superman while his gang commits crimes. Superman successfully fights off the magic and captures the gang and the magician.
When Superman tries to save a Mexican town from a volcano, he disrupts the lava flow and discovers that the lava can transform into a dangerous Lava Man. When he tries to destroy the Lava Man, multiple lava men rise up out of the broken pieces. Superman, however, manages to stop the lava men by cooling them off with water.
Lex Luthor kidnaps Jimmy Olsen in a plot to destroy Superman. When Superman comes to the rescue, Lex and his henchmen attack him with Kryptonite ray guns. Fortunately, Superman falls into a vat of lead-based paint. Protected from the Kryptonite rays, Superman saves Jimmy and captures Lex Luthor.
Aliens come to Earth and begin stealing coal. When Superman arrives to stop them, the aliens tell him that they were forced to steal the coal in order to protect hostages that have been kidnapped and threatened by their planet's dictator. Superman escorts the aliens back to their planet and defeats the evil dictator.
When a petty thief is exposed to radioactive chemicals, he becomes the Parasite and is able to drain the energy of anything he touches. When Superman tries to stop the Parasite, the Parasite grabs him and steals his power. Superman is helpless, but outsmarts the Parasite by grabbing onto him and letting him take all of his power. The Parasite explodes because a normal human being cannot handle all over Superman's power.
When a number of people see Superman committing a number of crimes, they wonder whether Superman has gone bad. When Jimmy tells Superman what has been going on, Superman takes him off and they discovers that the Toyman is trying to discredit Superman. The Toyman has built a Superman robot and has been using it to commit crimes. With Jimmy's help, Superman destroys the Superman robot and captures the Toyman.
Mr. Mxyzptlk arrives on Earth from the fifth dimension and uses his magic to create chaos at an amusement park. Superman rescues the people in danger and meets Mr. Mxyzptlk who tells him that the only way to get rid of him is to make him say his name backwards. Since Mr. Mxyzptlk doesn't want to leave, Superman has to trick him. Eventually he succeeds and the troublesome imp is sent back to his home dimension.
Brainiac is a robot that has been stealing animals from a circus to re-populate a dying world. When he meets Lois and Superman, he takes them along as human specimens. Superman, however, escapes and manages to stop Brainiac.
Seeds arrive on earth from space and begin growing into enormous dangerous planets. Superman tries to destroy the plants but discovers that the seeds are landing too quickly for him to stop them one at a time. Superman takes an enormous lens into space and uses sunlight and his heat vision to destroy the all space seeds before the can land on Earth.
When Lois and Clark head to Egypt with an archeologist, Lois accidently awakens an ancient mummy from its tomb. The Mummy threatens Lois and Clark changes into Superman to protect her. Superman rescues Lois and stops the mummy before it can do any more damage.
When flying in the Daily Planet's news helicopter, Jimmy Olsen sees a flock of birdmen stealing food from a local farm. When Superman hears word of the birdmen he heads off to stop them, but discovers that the birdmen are peaceful. They were stealing from the farm because they are being blackmailed by a man who discovered their secret nesting place. He is forcing them to mine for gold without food. Superman decides to help the birdmen and captures the evil blackmailer.
Lex Luthor, the Warlock, and Brainiac reunite as the Allied Perpetrators of Evil in order to destroy the Trouble Televisor which is a machine that can signal Superman whenever a crime is being committed. Superman must stop the villians before they can get to the machine.
When lightning strikes a swamp, a monsterous lightning bug is created that threatens to ruin a nearby space launch. Superman goes to investigate the bug and discovers that it re-energizes itself by going back to the swamp. Superman uses this knowledge to stop the bug before it interferes with the space launch.
The Prankster annoys Superman when a paper safe drops harmlessly on Clark Kent. Superman wants to send him to jail, but is unable to since he cannot prove that the Prankster is behind any of the pranks . Superman decides to get back at the Prankster by playing pranks on him. The Prankster becomes so annoyed that he confesses to his crimes. Superman gets the confession on tape and the Prankster is taken away.
A group of saboteurs plan to dump atomic waste into Metropolis harbor. When the city is evacuated, they plan to rob the city blind. Superman learns of the plan when Lois and Clark are kidnapped aboard a ship carrying atomic waste. Superman foils the plan and brings the saboteurs to justice.
When an evil alien is turned into a mist by an experiment, the mist arrives on Earth and settles into the hat of a Metropolis motorist. The hat influences the driver into trying to drive his car into a children's playground. Superman stops the car and grabs the motorist. When the hat blows away, the motorist cannot recall why he tried to drive through the playground. Superman lets him go, but when the hat finds another owner the same inexplicable crime almost happens again. Eventually Superman figures out that the hat is behind the problem. He notices the alien mist and freezes it. He then sends it into space where it can do no more harm.
A Kryptonite meteor falls to Earth and weakens Superman as its falls into the ocean. When the meteor hits the bottom of the ocean it breaks in two and releases a green creature that has the same powers as Superman. Superman cannot defeat the creature but manages to knock it out. He takes the unconscious creature into space and sends it far away from Earth.
An octopod machine comes out of a flying saucer and threatens a rocket base near Niagara Falls. Superman dumps the octopod into the water and destroys the space ship that brought it to Earth. Unfortunate, an electric eel re-activates the Octopod and it emerges from the water and attacks a nearby power station. Superman comes to the rescue again and dispatches the Octopod once and for all.
When a UFO comes to Metropolis, it releases a bubble which captures Lois Lane. Superman comes to the rescue, but he too is caught in a bubble. The bubbles are the work of Brainiac. He has been sent to Earth to capture Lois and take her to a planet. Superman, however, puts a stop to the plan. He escapes from the bubble and rescues Lois.
A growth ray is used on a swarm of bees and the bees grow to enormous size. They are sent to attack Metropolis and Superman must find some way to stop them.
The Toyman constructs an enormous remote control robot insect. He test flies it over a zoo and scares the animals. When Superman arrives to stop the insect, the Toyman purposely destroys it. He constructs another and gives it the capacity to produce Kryptonite rays out of its eyes. He sends the robot after Superman, but Superman successfully destroys it by using lead to shield himself from the Kryptonite radiation.
Braniac shrinks the city of Metropolis to the size of an ant colony using a shrinking ray. He places a sheild around it that Superman cannot break through. Fortunately, Superman escapes through a ventilation tube. He defeats Braniac and returns Metropolis back to its normal size.
Superman drinks an explosive and discovers that it causes him to breathe fire. Superman heads to the planet Mercury where he begins to live with other fire breathing creatures. Eventually the explosive wears off and Superman returns home.
Lex Luthor develops a matter transfer machine that looks like a mirror. He sends it to the Daily Planet where Jimmy Olsen accidently falls into it. Jimmy is transported to an abandoned amusement park where he is soon surrounded by Lex Luthor's sharks. He alerts Superman using his signal watch. Superman arrives, rescues Jimmy, and captures Lex Luthor.
The Warlock gets out of prison when his sister uses a magic ruby on a broom. The Warlock takes the Ruby and decides to get revenge on Superman. He attacks Lois Lane and conjures a magic creature to defeat Superman. Superman, however, gets the best of the creature and captures the Warlock.
In Himalaya Mountains, a plane crash awakens a creature called the Halyah that has been asleep for a hundred years. The creature attacks a number of people before it is stopped by Superman.
Lex Luthor kidnaps Jimmy Olsen and puts him in a hot-air balloon. Luthor shoots fireworks at the balloon in an attempt to alert Superman. When Superman arrives, Lex Luthor shoots at him with fireworks laced with Kryptonite. Superman, however, out thinks Luthor and captures him in the end.
Lois and Jimmy are trapped in a rocket by Lex Luthor. They are sent to the moon where Lex Luthor has constructed a secret base. Lex aims an enormous laser at Earth and threatens the leaders of the world. He tells them that if he is not given control of the world, he will melt the ice caps and flood the world's coasts.
Superman heads to the moon to stop Luthor's plan to take over the world. He rescues Lois and Jimmy, but Luthor reveals that he is working with Brainiac. The two supervillians try to destroy Superman by shrinking him and exposing him to kryptonite gas. Fortunately, Superman escapes their trap and stops the villians.
When Lex Luthor turns up at the Daily Planet, he claims to be reformed. He is made science editor by Perry White. Jimmy sneaks into Luthor's laboratory in the Daily Planet and discovers a lightning machine. Luthor claims he built it as a security system for the building. Jimmy, however, continues to distrust Luthor. He becomes even more convinced when he sees Luthor robbing a bank vault and endangering Perry White.
As Luthor appears to be robbing the bank vault, Superman arrives to stop him. He rescues Perry White, but leaves when Luthor claims he was only involved as part of a demonstration. Jimmy still is not convinced of Luthor's good intentions. He follows Luthor and discovers his real scheme. Luthor wants to launch the Daily Planet building into outer space. Unfortunately, Luthor captures Jimmy and ties him up. Superman must figure out a way of rescuing Jimmy and stopping Lex Luthor before he can launch the building.
An evil alien named Satana arrives on Earth from the planet Quanta. She attempts to steal energy from a nuclear power planet in order to use it to attack her home planet. Superman manages to stop her. Later Satana meets with the Warlock and the two decide to work together. She uses a substance called plasto to make his wand's magic ruby radiate kryptonite rays. The two villians decide to use the wand to destroy Superman.
The Warlock and Satana decide to trap Superman by capturing Lois and Jimmy. When Superman arrives to rescue them, the Warlock attacks Superman with Kryptonite rays. Superman, however, manages to stop the Warlock. He, then, turns his attention to Satana. Satana creates an army of monsters to attack him. Superman makes short work of the monsters and captures the evil Satana.
Lois meets a man named Vamore who is known to be a friend of the escaped criminal Professor Dujy. As Lois follows Vamore to a remote island, Superman must protect Metropolis from a wave of dangerous iron spheres that threaten to destroy the city.
Superman tracks the iron spheres to their source. They come from space, but are being bounced off an asteroid from a remote island in the Pacific. Professor Dujy and Vamore live on the island. When Superman comes to stop them, they try to take Lois hostage. Superman rescues Lois and sends Professor Dujy and Vamore to prison.
Clark Kent and Lois Lane head to Perry White's farm for a picnic. Unfortunately, a strange mist follows them to the farm. The mist is capable of transforming itself into a person when it inhabits clothing. It reveals that it is dangerous when it attacks Lois.
Superman saves Lois from the mysterious must. Unfortunately, it follows Lois back to Metropolis and tries to kidnap her. It wants Lois to be the queen of an underground kingdom. Eventually, the mist gets into the Superman museum and pretends to be Superboy. Superman captures the mist and seals it in the bottom of a very deep well.
Lex Luthor transports to Earth two aliens that are made of pure light. They are called Luminians and have the capacity to destroy anything they touch. Luthor wants them to destroy Superman but is disappointed to discover that they cannot effect the Man of Steel.
When the Luminians discover that they cannot injure Superman, they decide to turn against Lex Luthor. Superman saves Luthor and the two work together in trying to send the Luminians back to their home world.
Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen are in Scotland. As Clark heads off to sleep at a local inn, Lois and Jimmy head to the mysterious Kilbane Castle. There two twins try to scare the reporters off the property. The twins don't want them to discover that their clan stole the castle from another clan. Unfortunately, their scare tactics manage to awaken a ghost from the other clan.
The ghost of Kilbane Castle awakens and soon terrorizes Lois and Jimmy. The ghost is upset that another clan has taken over his castle. Superman arrives and rescues Lois and Jimmy. He arrests the twins that awakened the ghost and assures the ghost that the castle will soon be returned to its rightful owner.
Clark and Jimmy are in Japan covering a story about how a powerful industrialist is the victim of sabotage. The saboteur calls forth a mysterious Japanese Sandman that has the power of blowing sand that can cause magical sleep. The saboteur wants the Sandman to help him against the industrialist.
Superman must stop the Sandman and deal with a saboteur before they can cause any more damage. When they finally meet, Superman fights off the Sandman's powerful sleeping sand and rescues Jimmy from a trap set by the saboteur. In the end, Superman captures the saboteur and defeats the Sandman.