The New Adventures of Superman was an animated series that premiered on September 10, 1966. The series was produced by Filmation Associates and ran for three seasons. It was based on the popular Superman comics created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. The series focuses on the adventures of Superman an incredibly powerful superhero from the planet Krypton who defends Earth from all sorts of dangers. Superman's secret identity is Clark Kent a mild-mannered reporter for the newspaper "The Daily Planet". There Superman worked under newspaper editor Perry White with fellow reporter Louis Lane and photographer Jimmy Olsen. The first season of the series ran from 1966 to 1967 under the title The New Adventures of Superman and featured two six minute Superman cartoons with one six minute Superboy cartoon played between them. Thirty-six Superman shorts and eighteen Superboy shorts were produced for the series. This guide features only the Superman cartoons featured in the series. For a complete listing of the Superboy cartoon featured in the series, see The Adventures of Superboy (1966). In the 1967-1968 season sixteen new episodes of The New Adventures of Superman ran as part of The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure. This hour long animated show featured episodes from a number of other cartoon series. In addition new Superman episodes, the show also featured eight new episode of The Adventures of Superboy (1966), thirty-six episodes of Aquaman, three episodes of The Green Lantern, three episodes of Hawkman, three episodes of The Justice League of America, three episodes of The Atom, three episodes of The Flash, and three episodes of The Teen Titans. In the 1968-1969 season was the third and final season of new episodes of The New Adventures of Superman. The artwork of the series changed to imitate that of Superman comic book artist Curt Swan. It also featured longer two-part episodes. The final sequence of sixteen shorts ran as part of The Batman/Superman Hour. This show
Мультсериал повествует о новых похождениях Супермена, в ходе которых ему противостояли как земные, так и инопланетные враги.
Superman protege Metropolis y el mundo de miles de amenazas mientras trabaja diariamente en el Daily Planet como el inocente Clark Kent.
Produzida pela Filmation Associates para a rede americana CBS, a série animada do herói, agora intitulada As Novas Aventuras do Super-Homem, estreou no dia 10 de setembro de 1966. No primeiro ano, o desenho teve 36 episódios produzidos. Eram exibidos dois desenhos de seis minutos com o Super-Homem intercalados com uma aventura do Superboy.
No desenho os personagens mais conhecidos dos quadrinhos estão todos presentes. Clark é o repórter atrapalhado, apaixonado por Lois Lane e tendo que tirar a mocinha e seu fotografo Jimmy Olsen das enrascadas em que se metem, quase sempre por causa das matérias que pretendem fazer.
- As Novas Aventuras do Super-Homem
Weitere Abenteuer mit Superman.
- Superman: Ein Job für Superman
Se cachant derrière l'identité secrète d'un journaliste, Clark Kent, se trouve le super héros Superman dont l'invincibilité ne peut être mise en déroute que face à une roche de sa planète détruite, Krypton.