Lillibit is playing with her friends, well at least trying to. Snuffly the flying squirrle wants to be a part of the fun too so he just keeps getting in Lillibit's way and Lillibit gets mad at him for it. Later on when Lillibit can't find Snuffly she and Willibit ask her uncle Dr. Snoozabit to help them. After being told what happened Snoozabit tells Lillibit that she needs to apologize to Snuffly and respect his as well as all the animals' of the forest feelings.
אחרי שמונגה נעלם, הילדים יוצאים לחפשו ביער הולדתו. לאחר מסע חיפושים ממושך ומסוכן הם מוצאים אותו. מונגה מאושר לפגוש את טיפטיפ ושאר חבריו, וביחד הם חוזרים לכפר הקטקטים.
I tentativi di giocare con la sua amata Belfy si rivelano inutili, così Mongar, lo scoiattolo volante, decide di andarsene nei luoghi dove anni prima era stato trovato dal dottor Doklin. Proprio lì Belfy, pentita per il trattamento riservatogli, lo ritrova.